Monday, October 22, 2012

God like all of Us

There is a book my Mom was reading called Heaven is for Real as witnessed by a Colton Burpo, who had a real death experience after a burst appendix killed him.

He was shown pictures of Jesus and the only one he said was Jesus was by a child prodigy artist named Akiane Kramarik, whose mother is an atheist.

People like Katie Couric can do afternoon programming with other near death people and they call can say they were not religious or other such things and were in heaven, to send the message that it is all a does not matter here on this footstool, but that is not the case as there is only One Way, One Truth and One Life, and this the Creative Thought of the God the Father Who made all, including us, so He is the only Person in the Family of God Who has the key to making up for each person's rebellion to God.

I have never seen Jesus. I place the Kramarik painting above though as a warning that to those who have been denying Jesus exists or putting Him into some lesser role, this is the God Who you will face in Judgment. He is the One you have been running from and when the last day comes, the running and denying will be done. There will be no excuses and no clever lawyer beating Christ's Court.

Jesus is God like one of us. He went through all the things each of us did and more, and He did it without failing. That is why He can atone for each person's sins if they confess and repent. Each person here is to grow into a Spiritual being from a human physical creation. It is a miracle in God desiring a family and those who grow to that Spirit become One with Him in the Father, the Lord Christ and the Holy Ghost.

You will notice that Jesus is quite American, English, French, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Canadian, Belgium and Australasian in appearance, because those Israelite tribes are His kindred as much as the bloodline Judahites. It was why the people could tell Galileans, because the people had a different look than the exiles who returned from Babylon and were the population of Jerusalem.

I did find something interesting in this portrait though in the earnestness, the love, the hurt in Christ's eyes, if one turns this picture upside down, it becomes sinister and wolfish. Fitting that an anti version of Christ would be something opposite of Christ.

One used to see a great deal of early Americans like George Armstrong Custer, Wild Bill Hickok and Buffalo Bill Cody having this Christ like aquiline facial features.

This Christ though for the Faithful is the One you will be running to as you have moved toward Him all of the lives He has invested in you here.

For the rest who are running away, there is no reason to run and vote for messiahs on earth. This Jesus understands what a failure you are, and it is quite fine. He just desires to assist you. Does not matter the horrid person you are, as long as you stop being that horrid person in getting up daily trying to not be the person you were before.

You are going to have to face Him, It would be a better choice to do it now while there is still time.

If you runners, care to, you can pray this prayer if you mean it.

Lord Jesus, Son of God, I do not know You, but I want to. I run from You because of the guilt I have hidden in me in all I know I have done in failing. I ask for Your forgiveness and helping me to change to be the person the Father has destined me to be in being set apart and being right with You. I ask You to come into my heart in washing me and creating a new heart in me and a right spirit inside of me.
I do not know what to do, but I believe You do and I ask You to do what needs to be done for me, in Your Name, Lord Jesus I pray, Amen and Amen

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