Thursday, October 4, 2012

Nutting Obama

My children, you are witnessing the Hillary Clinton 2016 kick off in this First Debate Night castration of Barack Hussein Obama by white liberals.

I actually know of the creating of nutted males and have been a part of it hundreds of times in steers, gelds, barrows etc.... and I know what it looks like when that knife slices the scrotum, that male humps up catching it's breath, and the cold hand starts pulling them  testicles out and the cords pull back to the spine making them wince.
As my Mom said, "It looked like Mitt Romney had his hands around Obama's balls last night"......problem is, it was Bill Clinton with HIllary having the knife and Chris Matthews doing the cord yank from New York NBC.

I will bet that Jesse Jackson felt that nutting in even Obama's 13% blackness snapped that cord with an electric shock.

This is finally the Clinton coup which I spoke of was worked out with Romney. Funny part about this, this was not George H. W. Bush in a U2 spy plane flying to  Paris for hostages held by Muslim communists in Iran, but was Mitt Romney gathering in the markers he was promised in Obama would be cut off at the knees.
Well above the knees and Matthews brought the rope for the electronic lynching.

Just to show you the Cassius nature of this, just look at this DNC ad.

First Debate Ad is out: 'Mitt Romney: What a Guy' - Democratic ...
46 posts - 35 authors - 8 hours ago
I also want one with RobMe's admission of shipping jobs overseas in a Presidential debate (the fool thought it was funny! As funny as a 10 ...

What the hell is this? Yes they have this pedals as "Romney lied" which is bogus and done so that no one cares, but the reality is the DNC ad actually says that Mitt Romney kicked Obama's ass to the ceiling, and it ends with Romney saying he will have the last word.

This is coming from inside the DNC and these liberals can bitch at Romney all they want, but the fact is, this is their own people who staged this.

What the world saw in B. Hussein is the Barry Chin, this blog has been warning of all along, in Obama is good at programming, but if does not have millions holding up his ass, he can not find it.

The Obama liberals have followed is not Obama, but the cast of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Muslim money, the entire genius of the Charlie Rose puppy press and Tavistock. What the world saw is what Obama is without all that support thinking for him and running cover.

This is not over for the Romneycrats in Obama has his ledger of October Surprises and the press which is saying Romney is King Mormon can just as easily Hillary Clinton smash him back down tomorrow.
Remember what they did to Sarah Palin in the autumn of 2008 after praising her.

Obama gears one Mormon in a Joker's Wilding at beloved leader, and Obama changes the entire game in being scuffed up and sets Romney on his racist heals with Chris Matthews suddenly back to his old diatribes.

This is not Mitt Romney. Romney blew a half dozen major debate points as he soft sold to the whiners. It had nothing to do with Romney being allergic nor Romney being that good.......IT HAD WITH OBAMA HAS ALWAYS BEEN THAT BAD and the Clinton's just happened to expose him and the media cleverly went after Obama in complaining about his "horrid" performance and pacifying the liberal mob with Romney "lied".

First Debate Night is what Romney was promised and is why he has been standing around looking like he had this handed to him, just as this blog predicted a deal had been worked out with the treacherous Clintons and the Obama bundlers promised Romney this win.

The liberal mob does not want to face this is their Obama and that this nuttery  came from inside their own ranks so Hillary could run in 2016. Poor Jebby Bush just got a lesson in the Clintons have a little bit more puffy lips power than Karl Rove making a strawman of Romney.

Honestly, this is now interesting, as I love Mexican standoffs. You have Romney pointing guns, Obama pointing guns, Jeb Bush pointing guns, liberals pointing guns, the GOP pointing guns, the media pointing guns, and it is all one bloody arena of bullets flying around to see who can hit who.

The reality is Mitt Romney showed up to get the win which the Clintons and their press gave him. For the Obama voters, this is what your Obama has had done for him for his entire career and you smugly were laughing about it.
How does it feel trolls to have dull Romney suddenly look like Reagan by stage effects from Tavistock, and your Obama exposed as the nutless wonder as he has testicle noodles for his oriental chop stick.

I like this living in the wire with live fire. It is quite stimulating in mortars and bullets going off. I was born in the brier patch and I love the thrill of being a sapper in the wire with something actually going on.

So you Romneycrats, you thank Hillary Clinton and big boy Bill for the mop up of the Obama detesticalization.

Uh as exclusive beyond the exclusive.........

Romney's performance was almost like Jim Lehrer's staff and someone close to Obama has prepared him.

Those real insiders........

We are poor little lambs
Who have lost our way
Baa baa baa

agtG 280Y

From the TL

  • I noticed in  updates that apparently there was a Rule 9 in the Romneycrat national convention that stated if for some reason Mittens should drop out, does not automatically go to Ryan... which means it could go to Jeb.
  • I noticed on Drudge too in "lowering expectations" as if his people were wanting him to get beat up.

Very clever in the "sizing up" in who really is going to get to rape the American Virgin for the next 4 years.