Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The anti Christ Progenitor

When the kingdoms of Israel and Judah reached their end times during antiquity, they were a people exactly as their American and western children are today.

They have appointed rulers from other sources. Their debt was massive. They thought they were powerful enough to thwart invasion and they thought that bribing other nations in alliances made them secure.

What the above is, is the exact policy of B. Hussein Obama. America under B. Hussein is more isolated, more weak, more depleted and more in jeopardy than any time in her history.

The reality is the Founders by God's Grace actually had Christian alliances with France, with other empires in Spain and Germany actually rooting for the American upstarts bloodying the British Empire. Today America has no alliances of worth as none of her allies are economic, security nor have enough population fodder to import nor use that population to consume the common enemy. America is nothing but weaker than she was just four years ago.

The world is a weakened place. In wars, it is the massed hordes against the civilized slovens. To destroy hordes it requires literal weapons of mass destruction of populations in quantity. Only at that point could a conventional war be waged once the playing field is leveled.

These Obama destabilizing wars, with propaganda of WMD's in Syria all to progress the Obama feudal world agenda, are working effectively in bleeding America of funds and warriors.
Is it not an amazing thing that "all these Bush wars" were having to be paid for, and in reality the Obama wars from Egypt, Libya, Syria and soon other regions, costing billions more in American debt are never spoken of, but Mr. Obama instead implements more defensive cuts.
It is not that Naval power is sitting duck obsolete and really worthless, so Obama cuts it, but it is the reality that Naval power is absolute in one needs ships to project American power......meaning a nation must have ships loaded with munitions as one can not  fly enough men and bullets into any theater to fight a war.

Richard Nixon effectively implemented what was called the China card, in pitting Russia against China and China against Russia. What Mr. Obama has is bribing both China and Russia in making them more strong and more allied for future attacks upon America.

Kim Jong Un to Ahmadinejad are a host of proxy warrior leaders that Obama has America engaged with, while the Peking and Moscow leaders are at leisure to plot next maneuvers.

What is required is simple, and that is a reality of the crimes of Barack Hussein Obama are in the way of the real needs for American survivability.
Oil is high because Mr. Obama wants it high to force people to buy his crony green products. In equality, the big oil tycoons have prices high making huge profits off of horrid tar sands oils. There is in this nothing taking place for the economic gain of America.
Inflation then spikes crude prices further in shipping and other piping measures, no matter the source, so the few are being rewarded while the majority are being robbed.

It is of no value in "what needs to be done" from retroactive taxes on world financeirs to recoup the treasure looted from America in the 500 trillion dollar range it is now being spoken of. Nothing is going to be done. All that will be done is more talking and more telling the robbed to wait for a new election.

The cartel is not spiking domestic terror events due to the reality they are extremely concerned that a few group Joker events would in fact enlist a national revolution of marching in the streets. If such a revolution was started, the military and state police would slaughter the masses as an example. It would be one of hot spot wars which would benefit the elite, but with every home GPS tracked now, Star Wars neutralization would be enlisted in people being easy baked in their own homes.

It is amazing to listen to the vomit being repuked by the media as none addresses the change which has taken place in stolen American elections and the reality that America is dead and her grave is being covered over daily to being forgotten.

Being an American is now a criminal act, and the state police are enforcing that act as is the US military by threat.

America is a dream which became a nightmare, and only when the spectre of her dies in the darkness, weaning the masses from their fantasy, will the remaining Americans be saved from the illusion and awaken to liberty.

Lame Cherry

Mark Levin should scream louder or get hisself a blondeberry daugther to fondle as he goes through the paces. There is not one of these Mockingbird elite on the right or left who does not know what has taken place and what continues to manifest, and yet they continue to spew out lies to keep the mob from revolting, to protect their own mansion wealth.

Real revolution comes only from passively caring for yourself and your families. The reality is one never hear about Russian or Chinese espionage as why should they spy  when their advocate is at 1600 Penn Avenue running the world terror groups of al Qaeda.

Does anyone but this blog ask after Obama's Muslim springs which were warned of here, in what will happen when al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood have diplomatic immunity to ship WMD's and have full access to all the university, hospital and nuclear facilities for chemical, biological and radioactive weapons?

Did it work when Brzezinski educated the radical Muslims? No it turned bin Laden as an engineer into a structural terrorist. Did it work in Brzezinski turning out militant Muslims for his Soviet war? No, it got America attacked on 9 11.
This same credo of Brzezinski in the Obama order now has Muslims being handed over nation backed technology and cover. It will end in a global war as is the intention.

There are no ways to fix the world when the elite are intent at breaking it at every turn for a feudal empire.

Lame Cherry

The false messiah of Barack Hussein Obama is the progenitor of the anti Christ. Everything that Christ overcame will be manifested in the coming last cycle. It will be war, famine, pestilence, disease, want, conflict, chaos, rape and murder.

Demon influence is at an orgy scale in this covenant of Obama election theft. It does not matter that Obama stole the election in being illegitimate, what matters is the masses condoned it by not speaking out, and this binds them to it, and the American nation to demonic possession.

You have witnessed this uneasy change this past 4 years, but will notice the glowing weird faces of those in power enticed by all of this license and now willing to invoke it on the unprotected.

We exist in a demonic world now, and the greater demons will be unleashed as the consumption curve draws power. The Creative energy which brought about the universe will become a counter energy in destruction to end this onslaught.

It is the Age of Obama in the grave of the abyss.

Utter ruin was the warning in 2009. It will only build as this is not utter ruin yet.

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