Monday, August 6, 2012

Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root:

Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

My compliments, Mr. Root for the Drudge breakthrough and appreciation for writing the article.

Would it not be a credible thing to project your position out though to the reality that Mr. Romney does not desire the information public, you have noted, for the express reason that once this was public, Mr. Obama's entire occupation would be exposed, meaning the past 4 years were an illegal criminal attack by Mr. Obama as a foreign agent, with foreign Marxist and terrorist support, enabled knowingly by Congress and the Judiciary.

The outcome would be the arrest, trials and executions by numbers of US government officials, along with Mr. Obama AKA Barry Chin.

This would include elements of the Bush family who deliberately did not enforce the law providing Mr. Obama his super majority in Congress in the Al Franken election theft.

The point in this being, that Mr. Romney was the father of many Obama policies and Mr's Bush were the fathers of most of Mr. Obama's foreign policies. This group of patricians wanted these socialist policies for economic and global order reasons.

All of this is akin to the reason for Bush43 never bringing up Saddam Hussein's WMD as they were French nuclear, German biological and Russian chemical, all of which was paid for by Bill Clinton's oil for food, which kept Mr. Hussein in power. It would have crumbled the western world governmental structure for these crimes.

Thank you for your time in reading this, and your advocacy for America.

God bless you.



Sod Off

I just can not help loving that old sod Elton John as first he was blaspheming against Jesus, which got him the gig to sing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding as good catholic boy Sean Hannity gushed on the radio that, "It was Elton John!!!!!!", and then Elton used that money to buy a little white boy to fondle with his sodden wife, and now of course Elton has gone nuts after he died........

Yes Sir Elton died, you know in his last hospital visit or something he was nattering on about he should have died, which really was a reality in he should have, but this gave Sir Elton one more chance at nuttery in attacking Madonna as a Fairground Stripper.

Granted Madonna, I think Elton got this confused with the Virgin Mary, as he always comes up with some kind rants about Christian things, cascaded into some reality in saying how washed up Madonna is.

You know Madonna has no talent really. She just copped a feel off of Cher, who looked around and saw that Elvis resurrected his career, so after Sonny Bono was adulterated on, in creating this no talent Turk, Cher Bono turned into an open liberal whore with as much as Al Capone's brain on syphillis and the rest is Hollywood history in the resale of old lust turning back time.

Madonna did nothing original. She just whored Cher's spotlight before Cher's career went tits up and she had to go around attacking old GOP guys for attention.

I bet none of you can name 5 Madonna "hits" as they were all like Conway Twitty in his career, allot of pointless glam picks with a no talent industry. That in effect is what Madonna did. She was 1980's one hit wonders, riding that horrid Michael Jackson synthesized tunes, and the result was she f*cked her way to that lunatic Sean Penn, before becoming hosebag for Cher's crowd.

Why on earth any male or female would want to be in bed with an old baby stretched hosebag that has suctioned and stitched together with all the real women out there, is beyond me. Even that Ashton Crutcher or whatever that mama's boy' name is wised up and dumped his childhood jack off fantasy in Demi Moore. The reality is these air brushed chics and males are not exactly what they are in People and Playboy. They are really satan awful in reality in being quite scarey, yet having some necromaniacal attraction to this is what this group of perverts all gets horny over.

So Sir Elton, the sodomite going to hell, weighed in that Madonna is a Fairground Stripper. Must be some English thing, as no strippers are allowed at American fairs, which are about farmers bringing crops into the market to be judged.
Sir John must have mixed up his night in Bangkok with the circus freak show and that time honored peep show......all in some kind of hateful Chrisitan vogue...........apparently gay sex makes you mentally unstable, as Barack Obama is a shining example.

That though is not the point in this, in it is no wonder that Jesus has not unleashed the fire and brimstone on Rush Limbaugh's favorite entertainer, because it is hard to aim lightning bolts or brimstone when one is laughing so hard.
Elton is like Truman Capote in being such a fictionous fixture that one just is more amused at the idiocy coming out of his mouth in awaiting to see who this fag will insult next as it more entertaining than the music. There is just something amusing about fags fighting about each other.

Madonna's career was over when she gave the kiss of death to Britney Spears. Who would have known that Janet Jackson's tit revealing would do the same death to that shaved head kid who resorted to commercials selling soda wasn't it, before that no talent Beiber kid was whoring around.

There just is no talent any more and that is why Elton John is news. I would repeat that, but it is the reality as there was a time in America when no one gave a damn what some Byrds, Beatles, Eagles or Turtles were doing a decade ago, because there actually was music being produced which was across the board.

Granted Sir Elton never was a rocker. He had Crocoile Rock, rode Kiki Dee in a song about Don't Go Breaking My Heart pretending he wasn't a fag and then when that doped out bunch was in mourning over dead Di, he rode her corpse to the next venue as Rush Limbaugh entertainer.

Elton had Daniel and Rocket Man, both ballads, and the rest is not remembering like him. Not much of a career but then when there is nothing about to compete with, all one has is the stage act.

Sorry state of things in the west when Elton John was a prophet in the lyrics......he like Sulu and Shatner should have been laid to rest while they still had careers and were not the gomorrah gang just being fag fools to be made sport of.......Benny Hill at least included the girls.

 But the years went by and the rock just died
Suzie went and left me for some foreign guy
Long nights crying by the record machine
Dreaming of my Chevy and my old blue jeans
But they'll never kill the thrills we've got
Burning up to the Crocodile Rock
Learning fast as the weeks went past
We really thought the Crocodile Rock would last

Yupper Elton the prophet, too bad the El part of his name was not about the real God.

Elton you really need to repent as you have to face all this fag stuff and it would best to stop it now, and not be Judged and Condemned on it after the books are sealed.


PS: It is amazing that in doing a clever way of posting in alerting the world that my ISP connection and blog posting was being illegally terrorized this morning, that the little cowards once exposed all ran for the wall street bunkers after 36 hours of criminal attacks on this publication.
It really would be so much easier to shut me up if they bribed me.

Just a note

Just a note to make a note of the coincidence in after starting the
exposure of the Shalom Insider on the Ulsterman interviews, that
suddenly the blog is freezing up on the blogspot site in nothing is
being allowed to load as the live feed is freezing.

Amazingly in a screen grab I captured there is back channel "porn" being
loaded to freeze things up for visitors to the main site.

This of course has to be all coincidence, just like my posts are
reverting to DRAFTS after being posted so they do not publish and the
Sikh exclusive I'm working on refuses to post on today's blog.

nuff said


Sikh and ye shall find


Another Lame Cherry Exclusive, under duress.

Page joined the military in Milwaukee in 1992 and was a repairman for the Hawk missile system before switching jobs to become one of the Army's psychological operations specialists, according to the defense official.

So-called "Psy-Ops" specialists are responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect; they research and analyze methods of influencing foreign populations. Fort Bragg, N.C., was among the bases where Page served.

*****I'm warning you children that this traces back to the same BATF and Intelligence asset Leon Panetta, in the same way Hutatree and Oklahoma City traced back to Clinton and Obama.

I have just had it with victims and the blame on some Joker shooter who is the product of the American culture being raped and under attack.

Gee what do you get when you blame white males for every goddamned thing from women being whiners to afroids being black, but groups of angry white men who get tired of suffering wife beater syndrome and start reacting violently against unarmed groups.


They all know this on the left in what they are up to, as that is why one hears the "angry white male" mantra of the Presidential campaigns of a few years ago. The cartel creates this scenario knowing certain whites will act out in feeling persecuted and the next thing we know is we are looking for.................well that Joker was a Tea Party manifestation by Brian Ross of ABC and that Wisconsin bandit was a white supremecist...........

Ah before you miss the point, the white supremecists are affiliated with the Hitler tribe in which Hitler was an Ashkenaz Rothschild, and Hitler was a Nazi. A Nazi is not right wing but a national socialist.........ah Obama and his NeoProgs are National Socialist quasi Marxists, so whatever this "white supremecist" turns out to be, he is a product of the Obama education and rape America claque.

Furthermore, these stories about the Sikh's being mistaken for Muslims. Hey maybe if Sikh's did not want to be mistaken for Muslims, maybe while in America, they should stop dressing up in those damned turbins, shawls and looking like they are bin Laden followers.

Do you think a little melting pot might be in order, sort of like German do not run around in fricking short pants, like Scots do not wear kilts, like...........say even Orthodox Jews look more like Amish Americans than, some Hitler youth brown shirts goosestepping around?

I have in my community a Chinese gal, who had a business which went tits up. She is a rather poured into her clothes person in blue jeans and t shirts. She always is clean and looks like she is a presence to be dealt with. Meaning she LOOKS AMERICAN.
There is no damned goofy Oprah African robes on her. There is no Holland wooden shoes. There is no stupid Mexican ponchos.

Do you get the point that the Mexican border busters look more American than the stupid damned American imports now being poured in by Obama meant to wipe out American culture which the cartel must break to overthrow America?

So too bad in the reality if people can not face it, in Batfag fans got shot, because they should have been home at midnight from a hard days work drifting off in prayers, instead of being in a theater which worships violence.
The Sikh's should have been American in worshipping Jesus, the God of America and dressing up in Church clothes instead of Indian frontier cloths.

If you do not want to get shot, then do not make yourself a target and do not condone NeoProg raping of the American culture for this multi cultural fray which is destroying America.

You really think this shooter in Wisconsin just happened? Do not remember Obama's war there now do you? How about all the violence unleashed by unions and the Obama sorts in trying to overthrow elections? Do not  recall the black wilding one year ago unleashed on Wisconsin state fair goers now do you?

You don't think do you like Hutatree that there is not some BATF paid mole stoking up the whites in that Wisconsin gun owning community and that this white supremecist never was influenced  by this do you?
You forgot how in 2009 in the Hutatree set up, that the federal police BRAGGED THEY HAD HUNDREDS of these Hutatree groups?

What do you think, they just disappeared and Obama just told the BATF to go home not keeping their created groups of nuts under surveillance?

You think about all of this in how a Congressional investigation should be launched in this, just to see what BATF was doing in Wisconsin. How about in the massive computer surveillance in America of phones, computers, BATF gun  registration, tracking of all explosive materials purchased, just how was it the Colorado Joker "slipped" through that dragnet, unless there were orders to allow such events to initiate just like Trayvon Martin was part of Obama's black wilding of America in tapping into "black rage".

Obama has been stoking this racism through BATF since 2008 in the sham arrests before the election. It was all designed to get liberal whites to feel guilty for Obama and suppress all Obama resistance. It is why Obama deployed hundreds of stooges to crash websites to drown out pro John McCain posts with pro Obama posts.

This is all organized and it is past time that this predatory Obama regime with federal police come under federal investigation by Congress. Fast and Furious was  government sponsored as was Hutatree.
Eric Holder knew Faisal Shahzad the New York bomber was armed with an assault weapon, and he had the federal police tracking him for day as he drove around, and then allowed him to enter an airport. It is beyond obvious that Eric Holder, knowing that Shahzad was a stooge for the Pak Intel, was hoping Shahzad would shoot up that airport or they would have arrested him immediately.

So if you do not want to get murdered, start acting like that Chinese American gal in belonging in America and not belonging in the Hindu Kush. If you want to some damned Russian, go back to Russia and have Putin bash your brains in. If you want to be some Indian, go back to Asia and eat dirt under some other regimes rule. If you want to be African, go back to Africa and cover yourself with flies for your designer robes.

So you Sikh's when you come to America, like the rest of your ilk, leave your robes behind. My family on all sides swore allegiance to America and not their old kings. They changed religions. They learned to speak English and they became Americans, and some of their peoples were held down on streets making them kiss the ground during World Wars to swear allegiance to America.......and it never hurt the mouthy bastards one bit.

So get yourself a JC Penny suit. Get yourself some blue jeans and at least get a trim on your hairy parts so you don't look Rasputin or like a Philistine womans gorilla legs.

Not all of us can be Louis Farrakhan hiding behind security, but even Louis puts on a suit and looks normal most days too.

Just get the point America, this violence happens because YOU AS GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING IN TEACHING THIS 3rd WORLD TRASH TO SUBMIT TO AMERICA, while you allow the cartels to rape white American souls so they react in violence, so all of you  can stand around being blamed and add one more Rothschild link to your gulag chains.

I will not play this game anymore according to the satan rules of blame America.

You Sihks have a responsibilty to be Americans, in thought, word, deed and Jesus. You have a responsibilty to buy a big American gun for your idol religion, so when some Obama product shows up from the abyss and blows you to hell, that you shoot back and blow him to hell and not wait around for the police to bleed and die for your sins.

nuff said

 Page was a "frustrated neo-Nazi" who led a racist white supremacist band, the Southern Poverty Law Center said Monday.

How is it the SPLC happens to have surveillance files on this Page ready to dispense to AP?

How is it AP just happens to have a multi state staff writing on this story with all of this illegal surveillance of Americans by a non profit group.....and just happens to have that illegal leaks from the regime coming from the Pentagon?

Page joined the Army in 1992 and was discharged in 1998, according to a defense official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release information yet about the suspect

This was all a set up.

Post Script: This post was moved, moved to drafts when published, frozen and then it was censored of the Southern Poverty Law Center quotes, the AP quotes and the Pentagon illegal leaks quotes.

Just all coincidence.



Sikh temple shooter said to be white supremacist

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OAK CREEK, Wis. (AP) - The gunman who killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin before he was shot to death by police was identified Monday as a 40-year-old Army veteran and former leader of a white supremacist metal band.
First Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Haanstad in Milwaukee identified the shooter as Wade Michael Page. Page joined the Army in 1992 and was discharged in 1998, according to a defense official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release information yet about the suspect.
Officials and witnesses said the gunman walked into the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in suburban Milwaukee and opened fire as several dozen people prepared for Sunday services. When the shooting ended, seven people lay dead, including Page. Three others were critically wounded in what police called an act of domestic terrorism.
Page was a "frustrated neo-Nazi" who led a racist white supremacist band, the Southern Poverty Law Center said Monday. Page told a white supremacist website in an interview in 2010 that he had been part of the white-power music scene since 2000 when he left his native Colorado and started the band, End Apathy, in 2005, the nonprofit civil rights organization said.
He told the website his "inspiration was based on frustration that we have the potential to accomplish so much more as individuals and a society in whole," according to the SPLC. He did not mention violence in the website interview. End Apathy's biography on the band's MySpace page said it began in 2005 and was based in Nashville, N.C. It said their music "is a sad commentary on our sick society and the problems that prevent true progress."
Joseph Rackley of Nashville, N.C., told the AP on Monday that Page lived with his son for about six months last year in a house on Rackley's three acres of property. Wade was bald and had tattoos all over his arms, Rackley said, but he doesn't remember what they depicted. He said he wasn't aware of any ties Page may have had to white supremacists.
"I'm not a nosy kind of guy," Rackley said. "When he stayed with my son, I don't even know if Wade played music. But my son plays alternative music and periodically I'd have to call them because I could hear more than I wanted to hear."
Page joined the military in Milwaukee in 1992 and was a repairman for the Hawk missile system before switching jobs to become one of the Army's psychological operations specialists, according to the defense official.

So-called "Psy-Ops" specialists are responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect; they research and analyze methods of influencing foreign populations. Fort Bragg, N.C., was among the bases where Page served.
Police in the temple's hometown of Oak Creek, Wis., planned to release more information about their investigation Monday. Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards said the FBI was leading the investigation because the shootings are being treated as domestic terrorism, or an attack that originated inside the U.S.
Satpal Kaleka, wife of the temple's president, Satwant Singh Kaleka, was in the front room and saw the gunman enter the temple, according to Harpreet Singh, their nephew.
"He did not speak, he just began shooting," said Singh, relaying a description of the attack from Satpal Kaleka.

Kaleka said the 6-foot-tall bald white man - who worshippers said they had never before seen at the temple - seemed like he had a purpose and knew where he was going. "We never thought this could happen to our community," said Devendar Nagra, 48, of Mount Pleasant, whose sister escaped injury by hiding as the gunman fired in the temple's kitchen. "We never did anything wrong to anyone."
Late Sunday, the investigation moved beyond the temple as police, federal agents and the county sheriff's bomb squad swarmed a neighborhood in nearby Cudahy, evacuated several homes and searched a duplex. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent Tom Ahern said warrants were being served at the gunman's home. Residents were allowed to return to their homes Monday.
During a chaotic few hours after the first shots were fired around 10:30 a.m., police in tactical gear and carrying assault rifles surrounded the temple with armored vehicles and ambulances. Witnesses struggled with unrealized fears that several shooters were holding women and children hostage inside.
Edwards said the gunman "ambushed" one of the first officers to arrive at the temple as the officer, a 20-year veteran with tactical experience, tended to a victim outside. A second officer then exchanged gunfire with the suspect, who was fatally shot. Police had earlier said the officer who was shot killed the suspected shooter.

The wounded officer was in critical condition along with two other victims early Monday, authorities said. Tactical units went through the temple and found four people dead inside and two outside, in addition to the shooter.
Jatinder Mangat, 38, of Racine, a nephew of the temple's president, said when he learned that people had died, "it was like the heart just sat down."
Balginder Khattra of Oak Creek, said Monday that his 84-year-old father, Suveg Singh Khattra, was among the six people police said were killed. Khattra says his father didn't speak English but loved living in America.
Sikhism is a monotheistic faith founded more than 500 years ago in South Asia. It has roughly 27 million followers worldwide. Observant Sikhs do not cut their hair; male followers often cover their heads with turbans - which are considered sacred - and refrain from shaving their beards. There are roughly 500,000 Sikhs in the U.S., according to estimates. The majority worldwide live in India.
The Sikh Temple of Wisconsin started in 1997 with about 25 families who gathered in community halls in Milwaukee. Construction on the current temple in Oak Creek began in 2006, according to the temple's website.
Sikh rights groups have reported a rise in bias attacks since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The Washington-based Sikh Coalition has reported more than 700 incidents in the U.S. since 9/11, which advocates blame on anti-Islamic sentiment. Sikhs are not Muslims, but their long beards and turbans often cause them to be mistaken for Muslims, advocates say.
The shootings also came two weeks after a gunman killed 12 people at movie theater in Colorado.
Associated Press writers Gretchen Ehlke and Scott Bauer in Milwaukee; Patrick Condon in Minneapolis; Sophia Tareen and Michelle Janaye Nealy in Chicago; Larry Neumeister in New York; and Pauline Jelinek and Eileen Sullivan in Washington contributed to this report.