Monday, August 6, 2012

Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root:

Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

My compliments, Mr. Root for the Drudge breakthrough and appreciation for writing the article.

Would it not be a credible thing to project your position out though to the reality that Mr. Romney does not desire the information public, you have noted, for the express reason that once this was public, Mr. Obama's entire occupation would be exposed, meaning the past 4 years were an illegal criminal attack by Mr. Obama as a foreign agent, with foreign Marxist and terrorist support, enabled knowingly by Congress and the Judiciary.

The outcome would be the arrest, trials and executions by numbers of US government officials, along with Mr. Obama AKA Barry Chin.

This would include elements of the Bush family who deliberately did not enforce the law providing Mr. Obama his super majority in Congress in the Al Franken election theft.

The point in this being, that Mr. Romney was the father of many Obama policies and Mr's Bush were the fathers of most of Mr. Obama's foreign policies. This group of patricians wanted these socialist policies for economic and global order reasons.

All of this is akin to the reason for Bush43 never bringing up Saddam Hussein's WMD as they were French nuclear, German biological and Russian chemical, all of which was paid for by Bill Clinton's oil for food, which kept Mr. Hussein in power. It would have crumbled the western world governmental structure for these crimes.

Thank you for your time in reading this, and your advocacy for America.

God bless you.

