This blog calls upon Mr. Obama to not stop being yellow, but stop being a coward in hiding as a Designer Negro, pretending he is black when his genetics no matter from the fraud Obama fiction has him mostly White Arabic to his reality of being born from a Chinese anchor Mum impregnated by a peppered white dock worker as Obama Sr. was pumping dust, has him around 80% white in that reality too.
OBAMA SERMON: 'It drives me crazy when captains of religious right are always calling us back, for blacks to be in back of bus... MORE...
This is a most dangerous thing as Obama targets, expectant father to be, Kim Jong Un, Dynastic Leader of North Korea in another one of these Obama feudal wars. First Obama was blood feuding with Muslims. Then Obama was patting Queen Liz on the arse like a pet pussy. Now we have Obama trying to mix it up with a real man like Dynastic Un, because Un just does not care for fags like the Peking girls do and Putin does in waiting for Obama to be flexible.
Asian blood feuds are very dangerous, worse than Irish, American or Arab. This must be addressed as the little Indonesian social retardio Barry Soetoro, simply has been looking out over his plate of poi and beheld a real man like Kim Jong Un, who has an extremely Gangnum wife, while Obama is stuck with that Mrs. Ed man thing named Muchelle.
Obama sees in Dynastic Un, a real erection as Un has in the baby hopper a Kim IV and Obama had to get Afro Ribs to come in and deliver some special sauce to Muchelle for his two daughters who look like Scottie Pippen and Stevie Wonder.
Obama hiding as a street tough black is ridiculous as his trying to hide as Rosa Parks.
Say did you see that Rosa Parks stamp the Post Office has? Fricking hey what is that about in she was like 500 years old on the bus and that stamp is like some Diana Ross porn stamp, as Rosa on the stamp has this come on board as I will give you a ride.........
Obama knows nothing of this as a real Nigger like Jesse Jackson wants to castrate him as Obama if fag and someone like Rosa Parks would never get mounted by an Obama as she wants that white power penis instead like all black women desire.
That is what is reprehensible in this, in Obama is going ghetto and breaking Kim Jong Un's pecker missiles in trying to she he is gangsta, and then telling these black folks that he is one of them....and who do you think Kim is going to nuke, but big Obama voting cities filled with black folks.
Homey and ho, you got to get your shit together as Obama is jacking off on the cute Asian and then running home to you and on his tail are nuclear missiles.
Mr. Obama needs an intervention to deal with admitting he is Asian and not Afroid. He has no American black experience as you do not get it from Horn of Africa dock worker nailing a China whore at Lederer's Bar, while being raised in South Asia and Polynesia Hawaii.
Obama has told the Filipino President as was featured here, that the most important lines are Filipino American offspring. An off the walls statement until one knows Mr. Obama was speaking of his own Asian majority roots.
Mr Obama is not a black man, but is a yellow man. Mr. Obama is Barry Chin and not Barack Hussein Obama.II. All of this denial has Mr. Obama now wanting to supplant the sexiest, most powerful and most virile male in the orient in Kim Jong Un, the Dynastic Leader of North Korea. This is all dangerous and until the world faces Mr. Obama is Yellow and not Black. Just looking at him, with those Asian lips and Asian eyes and Asian yellow Chinaman skin......yes Mr. Obama is CANTONESE TRADER fresh of the Junk selling his wares outside Manilla and buying a Filipino wife and mixing in with some Japanese who liked to buy comfort women......yes that is the Obama heritage and he should be proud of it, instead of trying to hide in blackness.
I realize Mr. Obama is not smart enough to be an Asian. I realize that Mr. Obama is not good looking enough to be an Asian. I realize that Mr. Obama will never be Heinz Ward in such a splendid Afroid Asian, because Obama is a Chinoid or a Cantonoid, but all the same his slumming with the black folks and taking their heritage is unacceptable when he is hauling Kim's nuclear bombs back to the ghetto.
Welfare checks and sneakers will not survive atomic bombs.
For that reason, Mr. Obama must face is Yellowness in public. He must essentially referred to like Ivan the Terrible, but in his case he is not Alfred the Great, but just Obama the Yellow.
Granted some might double entrende call that cowardice, but Obama is a coward for hiding in a race he is only peppered with.
Look when you eat mashed potatoes, you don't say, "Oh I'm eating PEPPER POTATOES" just because a few black flecks are in them.
Look when you eat Sesame Chicken, you don't say, "Oh I'm eating PEPPER CHICKEN", just because a few bits of pepper are peppered in there.
No, you can not deny the potatoes or the sesame, you must not focus on the pepper, but on the reality that the whole is what gives the dish title and not some flakes of black.
Mr. Obama can not be a better black man by tearing down a better yellow man in Kim Jong Un. Mr. Obama must face the reality he conned blacks to steal the White House, mounted that she male Muchelle to appear black to get into the club and he can not become more black by getting into a nuclear war with Kim Jong Un, the superior Asian.
Not all can be Gangnam Style. Asian men like Psy are just cooler than blacks. Asian women have a superior taste and do not go home with blacks of inferior complexes. It all adds up to Obama trying to pass as a black man as he knows from being in Asia he could never measure up to their superior nature.
Of course it is Obama is just sloven naturally and uses that black stereotype to hide behind being what an Asian never would, but all the same Kim Jong Un is a real Gangnam Cowboy. He is the one going over maps to blow things up instead of looking for gays to blow him.
Yes that Kim Jong Un is a man who does it all in the sack in knocking up the communist Mrs. to firing his missiles off to the nether depths of the seas. Obama just .....well Obama just .......just pretends to be Martin King preaching on Easter about being black in a nether crowed of Afroids he plunges into every once in awhile to keep the illusion going.
I believe Mr. Obama's real quote was:
"I'm crazy when the leaders of the right call us black".
Yes Obama's sea of black folk Afroids are 60% plus white, just like Obama is 80% Asian.
It would be nice if Mr. Obama had actually ever been on the bus for blacks. It would be nice if Mr. Obama had ever been on the junk for Asians in freeing them from industrial slavery.

There is a Chinese actor, Korean artist and Japanese model in the above photo. All have yellow skin. What does that tell you about their all being Mongoloids?
Did you see Psy is selling Persian pistachios in America now on television commercials? Those Asians just turn peanuts into a fortune.......well Asians who embrace their skin at least as Obama needs help in all he does in white folks solving things in his Designer Negro persona.
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