For those who do not see photos like those porn things on the chive in little Pastor's daughters pissing on Jesus and her clergy father for keeping her chaste, so she can go psycho and dirty herself up as voting for Obama is over as he is perpetual now.
You just look at RESPONSIBILITY and then look at that blonde photo which at first glance you might think is hot, but just look at the manly nature of this blonde.......
Look at the MANCEPS on this pastorial chic!

Look at the MANASS on this chic with fat ass qualities!

Look at the MANHANDS on this hottie!

Look at the MANHOCKS on this beefer!!!!

Yeah now you tell me how hot and bothered the pervs were in a jacking off daze, but when you start taking these pictures apart, you get something only Obama or a dyke with no taste would get wood off of.
Makes most want to puke really. That was on Seinfeld long ago about the chic with man hands, and then that naked girlfriend who coughed and stuff, and you really do not want to see anyone naked and spewing up cooties.
Problem is this Pastor's daughter entered an arena where she expects jack offs alone, but then reality comes calling about her sin, and pointing things out that she looks better clothed as he being naked is just manly disgusting.
There is nothing lady like about this cow in morals or appearance. She looks like she has been honking down steroids in boy meat far too long.........yeah they put growth hormone in meat to make it grow faster and this chic got a big ass dose.
Now no one would know this if she remained clothed, except her poor husband on the wedding night, but alas she opened the box and out popped............yeah you got it sister,
Not so much fun being a porn whore now pissing on Christ is it blondes.
Nothing like being a guy and finding out you are jacking off to a guy and nothing like being a lesbian in finding out you are stroking to a guy.
Nothing like being a little whore for the net and getting a rude awakening that in model circles you will never measure up to what all the drunks and sex perverts slobber out in lust.
I have been thinking about doing this in taking these photos apart to just show from an agency eye how bad all these "hotties" really look and why no one ever comes knocking to sign them up. Thanks to someone pissing on Christ and her Pastor daddy, the opportunity presented itself.
Should have stayed in Church sister with your clothes on, as the world has a critical eye and God has a Judgmental record that don't wash off.