Monday, April 8, 2013

Ronald Reagan's Best Half

Lady Thatcher now resides among the histories.

Now the page may turn, now that the wings of the past have fluttered their last, in the surly bonds which hold this earth, hold no more the greatest in setting the world free.

Lady Thatcher has now joined the ranks of the ancients, Ronald Reagan and John Paul. Those who grasped responsible liberty for the world in one last gasp before the metallic claws of feudalism dug into the Obama world, to hold it as prey for the anti Christ beast aroused from it's smouldering pit.

The world they left free is now a gulag once more again, a satan's spell, cast upon a smouldering nuclear cauldron. It is fitting they have now all left for when Judgment comes, they will have joined the chorus of witnesses to accuse this feudal horde of all of their crimes before God.

May we see them again at Christ's Second Coming, arrayed once again new in bodies young and Spirits of that fiery mysts which moved the world in the workings of God through them.

Yes may they join Aruturus Rex, in that great Round Table, in the once and future King, arisen again, and let us then say, "Hic regit Domina cooperatoris quondam et futuris Primus minister et Minister Britonum."

Here rules Lady Thatcher, the once and future Prime Minister of the Britons.
