Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Some words are simply fun.  Such as the world einfacher which sounds completely filthy, but it is just German for "easy".

I could envision myself in English school and exclaiming "Ist einfacher!!!!", and of course being vaporized by teachers who had no humor nor Germanic skills as much as no sense of humor for bored little school children just looking to be creative.

It is easier to be stupid than smart. It is also easier to be dead than alive.

Lame Cherry

I honestly have concluded that I'm the only person in the modern era worth quoting as no one is Inspired any longer in being bestial in satanic nature. What a wonder it is to have an era when Bach was creating as his son masterpieces of music in that long ago era, like the era when Iceland was producing the only Nordic blonde women worth ever noticing.

I never have liked those Nordic type women from the peninsula as they just were........well more manly than feminine. Granted the brunettes were feminine in being rounded with lovely auburn shaded hair, but except for the moose and the moorhund, I really did not have a great deal of attraction for wearing sweaters in the summer. At least in Iceland one had magma flows one could be warmed as hunting fowl would be a pleasant experience as the lava glow at dark was a lovely sight in the crisp star sparkled skies.

Es ist einfacher, als inteligente dumm sein. Es ist auch einfacher, tot als lebendig werden.
I once had a venomous little Japper girl, called Ginsu, who haunted the Tea Party folks, and she kept trying to gnaw off man parts of important leaders as she tried to validate herself. Ginsu thought my use of rudimentary online translators in French, was somehow an Achilles heel, but it only exposed her inability to comprehend Inspiration.
Ginsu just needed a strong man to spank her, sex her and think for her, as she rubbed the feet of her lord and master, pouring him tea and waiting for him to give her use, like changing the television channel.

Il est plus facile d'être stupide qu'intelligent. Il est également plus facile d'être mort que vivant.
Joan of Arc never speaks in French to moi. Odd how in Heaven they all speak a language I understand in the voices unheard.

I like speaking French in a few words, as it is pretty. Norman though loses a great of deal of the Israelite Olde Anglo though in being to the point. Smart is Anglo while intelligent is Norman. Is sort of the poetry of the word like sex in sometimes it is better either way and when combined it is best.
Where was I?
I always liked Russian as it sounds backwards in a fun way to roll the tongue.
Это легче быть тупоумны чем интеллигентая(ый). Это также легче быть мертв, чем жив.
Baby never speaks in Queen's English, for that matter Germani Israelite either. They do enjoy in the Plasma and their founders to change my settings here to German. It seems powerful people invest a great deal of time to bat me about as their mouse or to impress me in how intelligent they are, when all seems such a waste as a mouse can not appreciate anything but a cat's claws and in death one has wasted a life trying to be intelligent.
That is the reality of Solomon, the royal fool of  Ecclesiastics which is the epitaph for the entire caste of the world intellectual.

I could never imagine Gothe, Newton or Franklin sitting about the chair submerged in intelligence when there were so many other wonders to behold. Is all like that computer voiced physcist who would be better off if no one knew what he was thinking, as it is all bosh to begin with.
His latest triumph was man will not survive unless it can escape earth.

Yeah God calls it Heaven and that idea is 6000 thousand years old. See what I mean in Stephen Hawking being of the not Inspired has nothing to do, and is all provided for, and the best he can come up with is some Star Trek episode knock off.

Star Trek uniforms for women were the best invention for a few moments, as it allowed smart children the cover to pretend they liked science when it was lust that drove their enterprise.

You know that chics who play Vulcans are inheritance more sexy than other aliens, because the Vulcan plays Asian and Asians are more enticing.

Er on ko blai ah. Er on ki tai saun.
Nuff said