Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Media Whore

"Stop the presses! Santa has an extra special package for YOU!"

"Free publicity for the blog" excuses are always given by the always experts in order to justify the stealing that goes on in order to generate buzz for their otherwise humdrum radio shows.  Not everyone gets their funding from selling little Chinese girls to horny Chinamen as they are such a rare commodity in Japhethland nowadays. What good is the "free publicity" when it generates absolutely no income other than mockery and belittling by the talking dickheads that are living large on Mockingbird funds?

You think it does not go on, well it does.

"Jim Garrow : Anyone like to comment on the Lame Cherry posting about The Jinn of Obama? (a jinn is a demonic presence or person aka Genie). I would be interested in hearing what you have to say. I received a call 20 minutes ago from someone who believes that the satanic are influencing Obama, Biden and the Democratic leadership. As I hung up the phone an old friend asked if I had read the Lame Cherry article. I had not so I did. My hair was standing on end by the time that I finished it. Your comments are welcome."

So it is okay to read matter anti matter exclusives in "referencing the source" as everything on the Internet is free, right? Is bad enough taking pot shots from unInspired idiotic f*cktards that cannot find their ass with both hands as their heads are shoved too far up their rectums. Is hard walking out in Faith and being termed a madwoman with delusions of grandeur. Then jackasses that are obviously well entrenched in their PhD Nobel Peace prize nominations "humanitarian" financial base take from the things found here to save their own attempts at being a Lame Cherry as this is all such horror pictures shock value. Read the things about the jinn and skip over the parts that prick the conscience eh?

Piss poor, sir...and that is my "Final say".
