Monday, July 22, 2013

Last of the Obamahicans

My children, those of you who are my children, as you know the voice of Our Master, the Lord Christ, so you have no fear of me as you are good children, I sit here amused in the forensic study of the non donations of the rich.

See while God works things out in Judgment, I can note all sorts of things about rats in the maze, because I find things of interest in the human condition of those who have money in large quantities.

I inform you of things such as traffic flow in I can insult people or take their Super Bowl wins away as in the whoever Randy Moss was playing on, and the pouters along with those who think exagerated pregnancy poses are wonderful, will disappear....but come the time that they need to know what is really going on in a major news story.......back they come.

Then I can tell them to get the hell off my site....and they will scurry away in not donating as they should, and just as soon as a news story is of note.....back they come.

The allure of what takes place here is just too tempting, because the outworlder media just does not fulfill them.

It is this donation thing now, in people just do not like it. They do not like being reminded how cheap they are and what thieves they are. It becomes worse in they can ignore it all, but then I start telling them that not only will God get them, but I am going to make certain in dogging them that God is going to wipe every mothers son and father's daughter of them from the face of the earth as that is Biblical.

What puzzles me is the wealthy like a Rush Limbaugh are all like the 4 year old you walk in on with their hand in the cookie jar, and they stand their pretending like they do not notice you, that they of course will not be noticed by you.
Think of the reality in the Bible states these rich people are about impossible in getting to Heaven. Alms the poor are their one thing that helps. Yet they keep stealing from me and when warned, they somehow convince themselves that retribution will not come as God apparently can not find them, as God is some human who does not know all.

I have note before the studies of Parker Dohzier which were fascinating in the animal people world as published in the Trapper when it was a magazine worth reading. There is a reality that if an animal will do something as a mink will pass under a road in a bridge, that most will, but a certain percentage will not for God's reason, so they will not be caught in a trap.

Logic and patterns dictate that when one has multi millionaire elite readers in a number of 100, that a percentage of them should donate, as in the mink in 97 will go under the bridge to be caught, but 3 will cross over the road. Meaning that 3 rich people should indeed least not in Dinesh D'Souza insultive amounts to George Obama, but in something that could make George have a life.
Yet that pattern has not taken place as it dictates.

People who are poor and those who should not donate, do so and I will mention that your thanks and kind words, even if they do not end up here, are read and I appreciate them. It also reveals a pattern in each of you good children that you are generous and you are caring people.

Now correlate this as both you and the rich are humans, supposedly. You being good children behave as God says not to save yourselves from curses, but because you are good. Rich people though in 100 percent lock step do not bravely stay, but flee in thinking they can out run a curse.

The contending factor in this is the Spirit of God in you and the soul of denial in a rich person.

I perceive in this study, it is like Sean Hannity who is rich....but gas prices or pizza prices go up, and he just pays them, but a person in America has to start cutting back. When one has money in quantities, one disregards natural forces and one starts believing they are immune from retribution, as the rich think they are closer to God and God loves them more than poor people.....after all, they have all of those nice things and people always smile at them.

I notice this with TL in I often have an agrarian look to hide behind. The affluent will either be judging TL or they will be ignoring me.
A fascinating thing took place in I was with TL's dad at a store and the shopping cart was by another vehicle and the people were loading it. I moved to take it away and apologized, but this couple who were affluent ignored me completely.
The interesting part is, this was a salt and pepper white male with a very large breasted hispanic female, who I deemed was perhaps second or third generation American.

Same store the next day, and TL and I were parking and TL noticed a man who was married to an Asian woman, was there, and I once again said something of an apology, and this person acknowledged as a normal human would.

TL in studies has noted that Asians and those with Asians have a tendency to be polite. Once again though this dovetails into patterns of outlook in rich people and  then the niche within rich people who are not the rule........but perhaps it is the rule even here, as there are no rich people married to Asians as they would in probability donate.....not that Michelle Malkin is doing anything but hording her cash, but that is a different principle again as Mockingbird is not going to appreciate their pay off money to Malkin assisting the work here in exposing all of this.

It is like today in George Zimmerman saved lives in Florida. Laura Ingraham never said a word about it, and what I heard of Mark Levin, he did not note that either. The perfect story of hero Zimmerman which would stop the murder plots against him, and the right was told not to save George Zimmerman or assist him.

Years ago I embarked upon an experiment to ascertain if their was a letter one could send out which would provide a definitive majority response from people. You would call this in real terms market appeal to get you to buy a product. In this case, I was the product.

It stunned me in my findings in people will respond most to "weakness" and they equate weakness with being nice or artistic things. I used to get thee most insane responses after speaking with people for sometime, when they finally figured out I was intelligent and could not be manipulated.
The moral was, people who responded were weak in looking for weaker people to exploit and those who were "established" did not have a need for others to adorn their nicknack board.

One person before I met TL fascinated me, because the woman was a cancer researcher who was working out certain marital things online. She was intelligent, but as in my studies she had presumed that her contacts online would fulfill what she was looking for in a superficial way. That is why many choose the internet as it keeps people at do not touch distances so no emotional bonds take place.
What this woman came up with me though was she found someone who actually saw things in what she expressed. That delighted her, but it started opening up emotional things and she lost control as she was enjoying contact far too much. In real  terms, it meant she had a core problem relationship with her husband she was thinking she could work out, but she came upon me, and my reality was placing everything she was designing in jeopardy.
She of course withdrew as her live experiment she had planned out was not taking the direction she intended.

I do hope I saved her from getting in too deep as others are quite adept as predators in sucking one in, especially those who think they are too bright to have that happen.

As I return this to the human condition, I come to a Solomon conclusion in the rich are only generous as it allows, meaning the rich are not going to allow a person in need to become independent as that would mean the rich would lose all position. It is the 1000 dollars of Dinesh D'Souza to George Obama.

It reminds me of "what price for a man's soul" in what would a rich person give for their own soul? It has been a reality the rich value people in numbers of ......a dinner at a restaurant in the price they will afford.

That fascinates me, and I apologize for the Spock verbiage, but it bothers me greatly when I see a five dollar donation as I know that money is akin to someone not well off to a Sean Hannity buying Mark Levin a 10,000 dollar exercise machine.
Even in that though, think of Sean Hannity in how rich he is, and yet for his rich friend, he places the value of Mark Levin's friendship in life at 10,000 dollars. Yes a great deal of money, but nothing to Hannity and yet it reveals more in no mention was ever made in Mark Levin valuing Sean Hannity at 10,000 dollars in anything.

See how this all reveals things in what seems like a large sum, all of a sudden starts looking cheap and in return how insultive it is in Levin not reciprocating in generosity to Hannity.

I utilize the Rush Limbaugh mongrel a great deal as he is "type" like Foster Freiss. Freiss will dump 1 million dollars on GOP whores he thinks he can buy for his liberal Aspen Institute, which ends up with doomed backing of strawmen like Mitt Romney.
Limbaugh likes to champion his donations to dead Marines and some disease he hawks for, but you have to know as I have told you that Limbaugh like his "businesses" are ONLY tax deductable money outlays. Meaning  that out of his millions he could be paying the IRS, Limbaugh is not paying that money so instead in some excise tax in things poor people need to survive, the poor are paying Limbaugh's way.

See Freiss only likes buying slaves of powerful people and Limbaugh only likes putting money where it provides show and tax deductions.
Look at his example in hiring Jesus basher, Elton John, the sodomite for 1 million dollars for his wedding. Poor people paid for that  who are Christian and Sean Hannity just gushed over it being Elton John. As I only noted here, there should be something Christian moral that would cause a human in this world to stutter step about this in thinking as Rush Limbaugh's Mom did in lecturing him about straving children in Africa, so not to waste food.
Limbaugh always bragged he trumped his Mom in lecturing back, "Is my eating this going to feed those Africans?"

It was not the point as the point Mom Limbaugh was making was NOT TO WASTE WHAT GOD GIVES YOU AS THERE ARE OTHERS ALWAYS IN NEED.

That is where all of this hits the fan, as in lock step the rich have not donated to this blog, and just like in the tax structure in America, they expect the poor to pay their way in tax deductions.

It does not make any difference if it is the fagsexuals in that Adelson group in only promoting their kind, as it is a pattern in which the rich will not break, not even in 3 percent to save their own lives. That is something illogical to me as by experience in being prudent I would not risk everything on a bank account when God is the One keeping the books.

I do realize Limbaugh is a paid entertainer, scripted by Mockingbird as much as Bill O'Reilly to Chris Matthews, and he of course would be in deep trouble if he ever tried to pay his bills here.....even if they will follow him into hell. There are those who are rich though and not completely under the perch of Mockingbird who still would not pony up to save themselves.

Perhaps it is the Tyre Syndrome in that island nation trusted in being untouchable for years, and had all sorts of commerce. They are the basis for the figurative revelations of satan in Ezekiel. When Alexander the Great appeared, he ordered their surrender.....they laughed at him, but started wondering what all that rubble was he was dumping into the sea, and if finally dawned on them they were doomed as Alexander was constructing a bridge to their doom.

I literally have gone into reckoning mode with the rich. They are cut off in the Name of the Lord and it does not make a difference where they hide, what they delude themselves into or how long it takes, as the Lord will visit their sins upon them. I know the choke point and it is the grave and after that the Judgment on them where no one will help. They are running and that is all they can do, while a little brier patch urchin chases off the most powerful of people.

Honestly what else do I have to do as I am poor and it is not like I am going to be distracted by a Foster Freiss pheasant hunt or get a nice text from I don't know who that they really are concerned......when someone like Laura Ingraham only keeps fag assistants around her, and her friends are either employees, those who are kept around so she can preen her accomplishments or other elitists.

See the rich assemble people for psychopathy to be walls to hide behind their is as this blog started in experiment and as the Holy Ghost once again provides the punchline in, the reason the rich do not donate is they are weak and do not want a superior Lame Cherry around they can not deal with.
It is much easier to live in fear of the one in the brier patch in hoping she never gets out, than to face the reality that God is already out and moving for a reckoning.

nuff said

agtG 222y