Friday, July 19, 2013

The Saltwater Frontier

If you missed it last week, an interesting event took place in Mark Levin dug out Victor Davis Hanson and Rush Limbaugh led in James O'Keefe.

People would judge Hanson as probably the last real Conservative breathing and O'Keefe as probably the best media guerilla on the right.....yet one never has a progression of these types anywhere on media in the right.

Connecting the dots, reveals a great deal on Mockingbird in the right has abandoned  Levin and Limbaugh, figureheads in this illusion of course. That must sink in, because both L and L constantly have to follow the script in no revolution, as that is their primary objective in what they are being hired for, to stop Americans from reacting to a revolution.
Get that point in Limbaugh has one primary directive handed to him for the millions he is paid to mind condition the masses, and that is to keep Americans from rising up in a revolt, thereby allowing the entire Leviathan the time to build the last phase of the gulag extermination system, which this blog has exclusively revealed.
To repeat, Ronald Reagan built Star Wars. George H. W. Bush built Skynet. George W. Bush made the police state legal, and under Birther Hussein and now Barry Jinn, the entire Leviathan is building the lethal sting in miniaturized drones to selectively hunt Americans in a "plague" on GPS location to murder them in a chemical weapon sting.

You can have all the firearms you want in your prison Amerika which you are jailed in. You can not get out without passport. You can not take your money out to flee. You try going across the Mexican, Canadian or Saltwater Frontier without being shot by the guards, you are paying for.

They have you, and Rush Limbaugh is a siren's song narcotic to keep all of you like all of the mic heads to placate you long enough, so once you realize there is a problem, you will be dead and dying.
The regime will have the mosquito fleet in place of millions of these deadly drones by 2017 to initiate this.

These BUGBOTS are metallic, with metal wings. The wings fold back, and they are being constructed currently and there are working prototypes which have been tested, in America and in the Muslim war theaters.
The power system is effective. The bugbots are lethal 100% in the weapon's platform is stable,  but the problem is in durability, due to wind problems smashing the bugbots in flight.

That is what the Mockingbird is designed on the right and the left to keep the revolt from taking place.

Like all numbers now published, the Limbaugh numbers do not match reality as no one is listening, in the current numbers are 150,000 daily with Levin's much worse. The FOX numbers are inflated to give the illusion that the "right" is winning in cable, when in reality FOX is as dismal as CNN and NBC.
It is all a Stanford and Tavistock to the American game playing mind to give this crumb to the right which is armed, to keep it waiting around for Levin's next book to fix all with great sacrifice as the final system is built as a Final Solution.

This cartel could liquidate populations as the means are there beyond WMD's. Star Wars as was addressed here was employed with angle charges to liquify the Twin Towers. What was accomplished there can be targeted on a city wide basis. Star Wars is capable as a platform to liquidate 12 city areas at once. Pattern is established as 7 by 7 mile zones, or 49 square miles in broad target in these "atom quakes". While the atoms are not quaking, but is a resonant friction akin to a microwave or radar wave which produces heat, and the effect is as an earthquake to liquify solids as concrete and to heat them as in metals.
The system will fire every minute up to 31 times, whereby it would be recharged and cooled. Over this it would meltdown.

Granted this exclusive in matter anti matter started on the Prophetic keyboard as an examination on the marching orders of the failing mic heads in bringing on right wingers as their bona fides, but as in all things has expanded to the bastardization of systems which were designed  to protect Americans, and is in the process of targeting the American citizen.
In case it was missed, Star Wars in this facet can fire in these twelve satellite platforms once per minute, over an impressive 49 square mile area. In theory this system would stop an ICBM attack in grid.

Enough of this as the millionaires and billionaires are donating not in the sums required for information such as this.

nuff said

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Rush appearing on ailing or ahlesing FOX......such a pity to have an audience larger of minders  than viewers.