Friday, September 27, 2013

In an Age of None

To the Mockingbirds of FOX who are moving to allow Obamacare to pass as "the Democrats will own it"......when it is about their Wall Street backers in feudalism owning Americans through this rationed death as Obamacare is about profits in not treating sick people who are already on government assistance.........

I believe it was Charles Krauthammer saying "When your opponent is committing suicide, you get out of the way".
That is easy for these millionaire shills to say, as they have the money to live on while people like myself who can not get government subsidies are the ones who will be completely destroyed over this "wait for results" push.

It is the same as Rush Limbaugh who was playing these clips in, saying, "Pay the fine". For a reality to the rich, you have to have MONEY to pay fines. Some people in America, numbering in the millions do not have the money to pay fines for Obamacare as the money they have worked for goes to paying heating bills, food and gas bills.
It costs me 26 dollars a month to have dial up internet as there is no other in Al Gore's high speed internet which did not reach all of America. That money is my luxury and I use it to work on this blog as  that is all I have time for. That is 312 dollars, I am taxed on in being POOR, as there is not a poverty level tax of not filing at 26,000 dollars, but if I earn 1500 dollars, I still have to pay income tax.
Odd how in my realsville, I get no welfare handouts as I do not qualify and in my poverty I still end up paying more in tax rates than millionaires do.

That is the problem with these rich Limbaugh FOX frauds who are all making money off of Obamacare. None of them comprehend what it is like to be without money as they all have piles of money they stole from me, as I get stuck with all those taxes they either are not paying or can afford.

LET IT COLLAPSE...........

Yeah and when it goes down it kills the millions of poor people in America.

I can not do this any more as the liars have all the money and the din of this bullshit can not be competed with.

 It is easy to be a hero in a heroic age. It is my burden to be a hero in an an age of none.

Lame Cherry

Oh wonder...I can join the NRA for 25 dollars a year to pay them to help Harry Reid steal my guns or I could buy a brick of 22 ammo for that money.......if I had the money and if I could get ammo.

Or.....I could be directly connected to phone Orin Hatch by the Tea Party over Obamacare.........the guy Mark Levin helped install while Levin kept Obama in power in not impeaching him over the Birther issue..........I don't even live in fucking Utah you Tea Brains.

They want Obamacare raped into the American womb so they will own the America bastard. That is what is behind the talking points on FOX from these frauds.

*Syrias's chemical weapons........some victory there Fang Jinn, as any lab can make new chems in hours, and nothing said about the biological weapons.
