Monday, October 7, 2013

The Tanaka Memorial

In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

Setting the record straight in the word of propaganda is a shadowy sphere of liars.  There was a document produced which ended up in America called the Tanaka Memorial.  This document was the briefing of the Japanese prime minister to Emperor Hirohito. 

In it the memorial stated basically that the divine son of Japan in order to rule the world rightfully had to first in order to conquer Europe and Asia, required the conquering of China, and to conquer China the Japanese needed to conquer Manchuria. 
In the 1950's NBC television produced their Victory at Sea documentary series which mentioned the Tanaka Memorial, but with no mention of conquering the Americas.  The reality is the Japanese had their own manifest destiny in colonialism, and a right to it as much as the Europeans did.  It can be distasteful but the British ruling India, the French in Indochina, and the Dutch in the East Indies are all colonialism for strategic exploitation.  One can debate issues but the Japanese had as much right to carve up peoples as the Europeans did not have the right. 

The Tanaka Memorial is a sound doctrine as it was based upon iron and blood.  The conquering of peoples through military force and the killing of them to subjection is what empire is.  What follows in Lame Cherry exclusive is the reality of where this document came from.  It appeared in Chinese text because a communist Japanese mole leaked the document to the communist Chinese, whereby it was translated into Chinese.  The Soviets have been blamed for the forgery as the Japanese apologists claim it was not the Japanese intention of being the brutes they are.  The reality is the Soviets never produced any forgery worth believing or seducing even an unintelligent mind.  What the Japanese made in these talking points are the reality of the Japanese Nissan master race, equal to what the Ashkenaz produced for the national socialists of Germany under Hitler. 

If the reality is that the Japanese who were trading partners with America and emulated Americans were not interested in the subjugation of Americans, then the Franklin Roosevelt quagmire of trade wars in sanctions were uncalled for.  All they did was cause Pearl Harbor which is a known fact that was instigated by Franklin Roosevelt to get America involved in the global war where his interests sought to produce a socialized world ruled by the few to the many.
Japan as a nation had every right to defend itself and produce its own manifest destiny as all nations have whether one agrees or not.  Japan though had every right to attack America when she herself was being strangled by oil sanctions set up by Franklin Roosevelt.  The document of Tanaka is from a sun god era and what is the difference between the Obamafest destiny of Birther Obama invading lands and setting up his own empire to benefit Berlin interests.  There is none as one is as heinous as the other.

In reality, the Pacific Rim would do well in the Chinese incurment upon the world to have Japanese leadership to once again implement the Tanaka Memorial.  What could be better than a nuclear armed Japan heading a confederacy of nations in the East Asia in Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, the Republic of China, and Korea?  This would be a manifest destiny worth having.  The Indian is incapable of dealing with China anymore than the Indonesian.  The only proven warlike and entrepreneurial peoples are the above mentioned.  In their guise China would be checkmated to consume itself to oblivion as much as India and Indonesia.  Three billion non productive nations would then be meant to serve the Japanese confederacy instead of the financiers of Europe and New York.  This may sound harsh to the ignorant and sound akin to the Nazi solution in Europe, but what is coming in turn will be billions dead in a Eurasian war.  It is far better to manage death in a semblance of life in the Japanese mandate than in the cartel's protocols.

America could lead still in the Pacific Rim with Australia.  There is no need to make adversaries of the Japanese or any other risen powers like Kim Jong Un when trading partners would benefit all on a green commerce that is not ruining the world in Chinese slave labor but one manifesting in the reality of Japanese production utilizing modern methods.  This being conducted in a civilized manner and not the Japanese slave labor would benefit the two worlds of one in the Atlantic and the other in the Pacific. 

This blog advocates as it always has in Japan being the door to Asia.  England should be the door to Europe.  There should be no reason that two buffer states should emerge in Russia and America in Republican forms of government to oversee this necessary means of the destiny of the world. 

While not Biblical, it is the only alternative to what is coming.  To martial people proven in the British and Japanese who can produce and hold territory is of benefit to the entire world, it would produce a reality of siphoning the crude oil of the Middle East and Asia to necessary production and not producing a 200 million man army invading the Middle East because oil fields have been nuclear polluted. 

This is a time of things running out.  The Japanese should have always been the partners of America as much as the British.  The simple reason is it is easier to bribe a Japanese to treat Asians morally than to produce a war machine destroying both America and Japan. 
