Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Whore of Baptist

I was standing outside a Baptist church recently, the one Mother of TL attends, and TL called my attention to the patrons there calling attention to the "no curb" there on the sidewalk, as apparently this group of rich had donated a pile of cash for some playpen there and it was no what they had purchased on their way to Heaven and were upset.

This is a rich man's church in reality, as they have bands, big screen and a pile of preachers with two decks of comfy seats. They smile allot and appear friendly, but as TL was attempting to negotiate through the parking lot, the attendees leaving would not get the hell out of the way of cars in apparently thinking they were immune to traffic and they could pull out and drive in any way they must have been why the street was chained with monitors and traffic signs inside a parking lot as everyone there apparently was on a mission from the Mount.

There were 3 buses too, apparently commuter buses to haul collection plate donors to some far off parking lot.......20 minutes at that to a 10 minute walk. Apparently worship is taxing on the energies of the soul so I could suck diesel fumes as I waited.

As we waited, I did get to see the Whore of Baptist come walking by. That was quite an honor I suppose as this 20 something gal with her butched up spike head dude escort came walking by like the entire priviledged lot and I noticed she was dressed as Jezebel or perhaps it was more like a Gypsy whore.
TL informed me the place was cold, so these well to do types needed to put on layers of clothes.....I suppose like David Letterman that religion kept fresh and cold keeps the audience awake and not snoring.

The WOB, Whore of Baptist though, had on this long dress of grey like sweat pants stuff that left nothing to the imagination, as her butt cheeks giggled as she walked meant Jesus got the full monty or thong beaver that day as her ass was out of shape, probably in being rich she just starves herself to thinness and there is not much work out routine in looking like WOB.
Her layers were like laced stuff and other things, but it did not hide bra straps flying out all over. I regret now in not looking at the dude escort as he probably was swining his genitals free too and other things, but it was I was so stunned by this WOB that I could not believe anyone would dress like that before God.

I know this is about wanting to be looked at and not worshipping God. I know this is about rich people thinking you have to sex up themselves as it is a fashion show in who is remembered being at church. In knowing all of that, I also know that the clergy there are not about to tell women to stop dressing like whores, or the collection plates will be empty and the whores will probably go back to the Catholic church, as I got to view a Catholic one time with a black skirt in the wind cut up to beaver land, as it is important to be seen when the Priest is doing all the being heard stuff.

I remember as a child our Lutheran hell for fire Preacher giving some girls hell during Church. Hell I remember a mother who was a Vacation Bible School torturer giving a girl hell for wearing a busty top. Nuns used to beat the hell out of bad people who thought Church was something of a whore show, but now it is just a land of Pharisees.

That is not to say some perfectly good frumpers were there, but they were the minority, probably like the few are going to heaven.

I just do not see the point in a man taking a whore to church and not saying anything, unless of course he gets a woody over it in showing off the whore.

Church used to mean things in morality and good taste. I guess when you have money you can bring the brothel to church and buy a preacher who will bless it all as righteous.

nuff said
