Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Abolitionist

"The rewriting of history is accomplished by the idle rich who had the time to create fiction while others worked."

Lame Cherry

"I detest good deed doers, as at heart they are all troubled psychotics attempting to change the world, because they are too cowardly to change the real problem in the world, in their hidden selves."

Lame Cherry

In that we open the reality of the Abolitionist, the fabrication of the global rich who had time to be consumed by the enslavement of mankind in colored races, as they profited off of enslaving the white race.

For those who require such things, I will add some additional quotes from President Theodore Roosevelt in his astute assessment of the Abolitionists in America.

Let us open the reality of the Abolitionists with the following quotes from the President whose face in immortalized on Mount Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.

"Many of their leaders possessed no good qualities beyond their fearlessness and truth—qualities that were also possessed by the Southern fire-eaters. They belonged to that class of men that is always engaged in some agitation or other;"

Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 1496-1498).

Roosevelt would go on to state that President Lincoln in the Civil War had more problems with Abolitionists than with the southern sympathisers in the North called the Copperheads.

"Lincoln worked and suffered for the people, he had to dread the influence of the extreme Abolitionists only less than that of the Copperheads."

Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Location 1495 -1496).

Would it surprise you to know that these celebrated Abolitionists actually supported DISUNION or dismantling America? Yes the very thing which the Southerner is condemned for yet, is the policy which the Abolitionist was enjoined to.

Secession was a damning thing on the pyre of firing Old Dixie of her sins, but the Abolitionist history somehow suffers from amnesia when it comes to revealing what this group was entirely about.

Roosevelt adds a most interesting memoir of the leading Abolitionist in this:

"Wendell Phillips may be taken as a very good type of the whole. His services against slavery prior to the war should always be remembered with gratitude; but after the war, and until the day of his death, his position on almost every public question was either mischievous or ridiculous, and usually both."

Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 1498-1500).

Do you want to know what an Abolitionist is or what they became? They were the hippies, dopers and peaceniks of the 1960's hating America. They were the anti fur and anti gun American haters of the 1980's. They devolved to the sodomite lesbian gay transvestite ilk and were the hired Wall Street protestors for the Obama regime.

That is what these reprobates are in anarchists championed by feudal capitalist to cause upheaval in order to profit off these malcontents. As in all issues, the Abolitionist did more to harm slaves than to help them. If you can deal with reality, the Abolitionist is what caused the Civil War on the machinations in Congress of Massachusetts Congressman John Quincy Adams.
The Civil War was not caused by slaves or Southerners. It was caused by Abolitionists dictating mandates and electing Abraham Lincoln which caused the break. The Abolitionist was an Absolutist of the worst type of tyranny. It was the mob of the few causing the slaughter of the mob of the many in half a million America's best males slaughtered, with 10 American states literally raped to death on the sword penetration of war.

Yet the South is blamed, when it was this championed ilk of Abolitionists who are to blame. The Abolitionist is the reason Abraham Lincoln was murdered, as if this political movement had been handled as it should of among the people, instead of as a psychotic cause, there never would have been a war.

Was it coincidence that the Abolitionist "movement" just happened to appear at the same time that a slave revolt was stirred up in the most powerful slave state of Virginia? One has to ask who was behind coordinating these efforts and what was the real political agenda coming from Europe in trying to impress upon America a Civil War and debt to slave all Americans.

I desire you to further understand this in the political war which was taking place in America in it was dominated by the South in Congress, but the West was becoming the powerful block, which was at odds with the patricians of the New England states losing power.
Read this quote by Senator Thomas Hart Benton of President James Madison, a Democrat, as he reveals that this had been shifted from an East West contest which New England would  lose, to it now positioned as a North South contest.
What Madison is expressing is the reality, that with slavery as the issue, linked to nullifcation of the federal system of dictates from DC, that the South was about to become the permanent power in America being joined with her Western allies, which included those savages from Ohio west, as the New England peoples besmerched those Americans.

The danger is not to be concealed, that the sympathy arising from known causes, and the inculcated impression of a permanent incompatibility of interests between the South and the North may put it in the power of popular leaders, aspiring to the highest stations, to unite the South, on some critical occasion, in a course that will end by creating a new theatre of great, though inferior, interest.

Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 1524-1527).

This was a war being inflamed inside America by interests seeking to undo Southern power. They couched it in secession, but the reality is, if the South and West joined, they would have dictated terms to the federal in dominating them.

There was then embarked upon by these agents, the Abolitionists, a campaign to make DC slave free in petitions sent to Congress and then an immense mailing campaign of incindiary pamphlets was poured into the South from this group like a suicide bomb attack to inflame Southerners who were now directly under attack.

If you think any of this Occupy Wall Street or Muslim terrorism is new, it is all from the anarchist archives and America was set to Civil War in these same tactics in use today by the Obama regime.

At the end, the Southern legislatures put bounties on the heads of these Abolitionist terrorists, and the response of the North was fury over the South once again protecting itself from attack. Yet, do you want to know where the Abolitionists were facing the worst in beatings they received? It was from mobs of Northerners in the North who were not fooled by any of this and wanted no part of abolitionism.
Yes the North was more violently against abolition by action than the Southern States. More history which you are never informed of.

.......and as for the much maligned Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina who was for secession and the right of the South to decide upon the slave issue by the Constitution, his bill to thwart the Abolitionist terrorism of the South by mass mailings was joined by Pennsylvania and New York, in two future Presidents in Van Buren and Buchanan.

More history you are never informed of in this Ken Burns fictional drama of Emmy awards.

It would not be the slave issue even discussed in the admission during this period of Michigan and Arkansas into the Union, but what was the focus and opposition was these states would be Democrat voting margins which would give Democrats control over Congress. That was the mindset of American focus and it never was upon slavery after the Missouri Compromise.

Now you are aware of the reality of what scourge the Abolitionist was, and is in present forms in America, as this psychotic persona for hire as an agent of anarchy led to worse treatment of the Negroid not only then, but to the present, as the Abolitionists arrested the Afriod by welfare from their emancipation and the Birther Obama regime has initiated the final solution of the American Afroid in replacing them with Mexican slave labor.

nuff said
