Friday, December 13, 2013

Weaponized Strep

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

I approach the following with reserve as this is something which touches an individual's life and when someone has been going through a great deal, it would not be my intention of piling on.

But as, Rush Limbaugh III has been featuring this person as a poster boy against Obamacare, and this Jim Huff or whatever the spelling of his name is from Gateway Pundit has gone public with his condition, I was puzzled by the story and was moved to inquire on it.

Gateway Pundit is a site which decided to join in the fun of "asking someone to translate the Lame Cherry site". For that, they were brought to task here as all are. What the Jim Huff story though is, is something of the exclusives here, as the printed story was the writer thought he had become sick with a summer cold in August, and after two days went to hospital where he had lost vision in one eye, and was diagnosed with a streptococcus which promptly ate a hole in his heart, whereby he needed emergency surgery to repair his heart in St. Louis and survived, but is now being booted off of his chosen insurance by Obamacare.

As of note, I have no insurance nor money and none of the major media care whether I exist or die, well probably hope I would die, and no information has come that multi millionaire Limbaugh has sallied forth to endow Jim Huff with the funds necessary as the Marines apparently got all the Limbaugh tax deduction, and Jim Huff would not be a Two if by Tea business expense deduction.

So onto the meat of this........

My brother in law quite some time ago, started feeling lethargic, and the reason was a bacteria ate a valve in his heart. He was told that it was from a bad tooth, which the bacteria originated from, but upon inquiry for this story, he was infected instead by a vaccine in a random testing of this bacteria in how it would incapacitate or kill victims it was designed for.

This streptobacillius which Jim  Huff contracted was a weaponized version actually produced in Arkansas nearby. Upon inquiry, Mr. Huff apparently did not please someone who has the connections to retaliate. The story which manifested was he was infected around two weeks prior at some electronics outlet. The individual was a female who used a hypodermic scratch in that store which he probably did not feel.

The couple that he infuriated could have killed him Andrew Brietbart fashion in puffy pinkness quickly, but instead wanted a revenge they could watch in him turning slowly on the spit in this torture.
Inquiry states it was someone in the socio conglomerates in intelligence, but it was not the Obamas nor the Clintons. As I do not know what a Jim Huff is or even how his name is spelled, I do not know the context nor content, only that he is part of that list of oddities like Hugo Chavez being terminated by a cancer weapon.

It was a rather malevolent killing two birds with one stone whereas the couple backed Obamacare and it is their retribution.

I do hope the best for Mr. Huff in he will survive this. At least he was not infected with the same material that Nelson Mandela and George H. W. Bush were dosed with.

I need to go clip my nails.
