Monday, March 4, 2013


I must admit that the only time I have heard of Peirs Morgan was on a radio program which played Ted Nugent kicking Piers Morgan's ass. If I had cable, I would never waste my time watching something that looks like fat old greasy lounge lizard tour of pastey white guys from boy bands.

Piers Morgan: 'I've had death threats every day'...

I did see that this Brit in America, that no one that Russian agent Phil Donahue teamed up with and no one watched.........I did see or do see by his Drudge photo why people would issue death threats against him. Piers Morgan just looks like a pedophile who marries your divorced ex wife in Vegas with intentions of molesting your dog, cat, children and has special affections for Tuna the guppy in the tank.

People like Piers Morgan just invoke wishes of death from people, like stars invoke wishes of hope on their twinkling beauty.

It is like when you see a service station toilet. You do not have to open the door to know there is snot of the floor or something sticky, the urinal is full of overflowing pee, the toilet has turds in it as it is stopped up and the air freshener has an expiration date of 1995. That is Piers Morgan in you know you do not want to eat off that floor so some people just know they want to kill Piers Morgan.

Personally I have not given any thought to this, as I do not watch things that look like they are coated in KY Jelly. I could understand though......well like Piers as we stated looks like a pedophile. I could see men in prison writing Piers Morgan letters about wanting to kill him as he reminds them of the fag next door who touched the naughty place.

Coupled with this in having read a few words this mind produced, I can see why people concerned in the Eugenics crowd of Margaret Sanger concered about him breeding:

“Then, I was having dinner in an Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills, when Kiefer Sutherland came over, tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘Thank you.
"What you’re doing is one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen on television.’
“This coming from Jack Bauer in 24 – the single bravest character in the history of television.

Mr. Morgan's entire argument is based upon a fictional character's  bravery telling him how Piers talking is one of the bravest things he ever seen on television.
I suspect that Keifer Sutherland's other bravery were Fonzie in the shark pool on Happy Days and the fictional birth of 8 children on Eight is Enough.

My oilyness........apparently Piers is not naturally oily, but has a bottle blonde assistant named Clamydia Douche who he uses to oil himself with in not having a pistol to lubricate fully.
I do see why as more of Obama's colonial kindred is exposed why people want to kill this guy.

I wonder in forensic sciences just what people are saying to Piers about killing him. I mean is it "I hope you die" or is it in more detail, as Piers does not go into details. That makes me wonder if the people are not going into a great deal of detail as Piers does not....well inspire killers to any great passion in planning out cobra venom or something.
Most people would not mention death threats unless they were interesting, like the regime blasting my head with radar waves to explode my eye veins. Now that is cool.....leaves a red eye for conversation and people can always use new blood to replace old blood........

So what is it like Piers is........well someone lights his grease on fire and he turns into this power plant that heats New York as he is so greasy?
Or is it something like....well they give him a spoon and he eats himself to death?

Piers just is not like John Kennedy in inspiring a good triangulation.

In that, I bring up Richard Harris, a fine Brit, who in Unforgiven spoke of how easy it was to shoot American Presidents......Obama is safe as he is a foreigner.....I digress.

But Harris said in script, this was not real Keifer Sutherland, but it was brave I suppose like your being brave in defusing a non existing nuclear bomb.......I digress

So anyway Harris said when one tried to shoot a royal, well the magisty of the royal would make one's hand shake and stop one from the act.

You get the idea that no one would ever shoot Richard Harris either as he was so grande and all. He just had an air about him, but with Piers Morgan there is nothing but grease, so apparently people are inclined to want to threaten him and kill him.

There is good news in this though and it is shocking.........I got this quote:

When Piers, 47, interviewed the aptly-named Larry Pratt, head of the Gun Owners of America lobbying group, he labelled him “an unbelievably stupid man”.

If you noticed the shocking detail in this quote in Morgan is 47. I about fell over when I saw that, as the dude looks like he is 65. Hell dead Walter Cronkite looks better than Piers. I figure this guy is going to blow an artery or be eaten by cancer in the next few years as something is wrong with dude.
He looks like the dead fish on the bottom of a fish tank that ain't been cleaned in a year.

That only makes me feel really sad for Piers Morgan, because unlike Andrew Breitbart who attracted quality assassins, Mr. Morgan is .......well his assassins apparently vote for Obama and use the phrases, "That kills me. That is a killer dress........"

Maybe though a few Larry Pratt people did tune into Piers program, but Piers not speaking English misunderstood people who said, "Piers you look like warmed over death. I hope you get checked out as you look like your going to die".

That would probably be read by someone who carries on bravery comparisons with Keifer Sutherland about how brave it is to work for the cartel that protects Obama and you, with the entire American security and military......yes that is brave compared to a Christian doing a blog and ending up on Homeland terror lists for being an American.......not the products of British cum.

I fear in this though that a bust vessel will not get Piers, as I have noticed he has a wedding ring of sorts on. I'm stunned by that, and now think of that poor wife, tortured daily in having this pedophile looking male constantly coming home after one hopes he would not return when he left.
Maybe Mrs. Piers will be the one, putting some rat poison in the bangers and mash, reading the Page Three Girls, as Piers bleeds out from warfine.
Could any court blame such a woman. Of course not, as just the image of Piers' face sweating over you as you were being sexed would have all juries acquit this poor wife.

I think we need something killer .........


Oh but Rupert Murdoch is ending the page three girls too. Shame what will large breasted English girls do as they have such limited employ.
Yes Obama ruins Murdoch and blackmails Rupert all because Britisher Obama is terrified of blonde like Britisher Morgan is terrified of large pistols one carries in one's pants.

Bloody shame all. I mean the unemployed large breasted women in England, not Piers Morgan being dead.

Oh I see Murdoch's blonde is named Katia......sounds Slavic to me, so I guess that job market is dead too.

Pity abut Piers Morgan being dead......

I'm filling space here as am waiting for Katia's picture to load as after some posts today, I have been a popular girl with the regime again, bringing you all the stuff Piers Morgan never heard of in talking points.

Morgan......some damn by the water pirate name. Not ever proper fucking English in Anglo Saxon like my heritage. Anglos has pretty names like Hawkesworth and the like. Morgan....sounds like one is crapping a turd for your dog.

I do hope Piers Morgan has a nice funeral. Some necromancers romancing him the morgan or morgue.... whichever you like in the typo. Still waiting for that ugly blonde to load.......might just as well put up a picture or Piers..

Oh bullshit with this lag......I will not waste this obituary of Piers Morgan fantasy he has death threats be wasted as I found out some pressing information.

Jessica Alba is French and Mexican.

She apparently posted some cell phone photos of her in poses that were leaked like........well like Piers had death threats.
Any way, I figure Jessica is not Beaner, but white Spanish stuff mixed with that French stuff they exported.

This is real news and she looks ragged out after birthing and things, which is how women should look.............her sperm producer though reminds me of a young Piers Morgan.
I only know these things as TL and I were viewing Dark Angel.

Odd how if you cross Spanish and French you get someone who looks Asian. Cross Obama up and he still looks fag like Piers Morgan.

Any way, I'm sorry that Piers Morgan is dead, poisoned by the tortured wife, who failed to report him to the constabulary for years, and moved down to Ecuador where Basil has been tending to her fantasies.

Look I wasted space on this my children and when Piers Morgan dies from rat poisoning by the wife, I do not want to have to address this again, as I doubt Jessica Alba is going to leak photos of herself onto the internet again to fill in space for large breasted English gals who are being replaced by large breasted Russian gals, all because Obama is terrified of blonde women on this side of the Danube.

Jessica Alba was very brave ......more brave than Jack Bauer. She was a cat. She had a dog man for a friend named Big Fella. She rode a motorcycle. She lived with a lesbian......that is all more than Jack Bauer ever did.........she even had to put up with Michael Weatherly who plays the same dead pan in ever series he is in.

I wonder if women want to kill Piers Morgan or men........

I did notice no women tell him how brave he is.

Wonder why that is?

Did you know "fuck" is an English word?

Think they invented DUMB, STUPID and WORTHLESS too, all to attach to "fuck" as they knew Piers Morgan was going to be dropped on the planet.

Benny Hill dead would get bigger audiences than Morgan basted in grease.

 So this is not all a about one name for Obama, Piers, Matthews, Maddow.......DOUCHETARD.

Really is like fuck in being timeless, Douchetards the new progressive fags.

I like that.

Douchetard.  I wonder if Jessica Alba has fantasies of killing Piers Morgan.

Do you think that Obama and Boehner in a first debt cliff sequester thing agreeing they could send out a predator to kill Peris.....that is better than both Boehner and Obama watch FOX?

I wonder if large breasted unemployed English girls from Page 3 have fantasies of killing Piers Morgan?

I wonder if Piers Morgan has fantasies about killing Piers Morgan eh?

Eh ?


Know the Signs

And the chosen people were given to the wicked leader, together with the continual burnt offering because of the transgression of God's people. Their abounding irreverence, ungodliness, and lack of piety. And Righteousness and Truth were cast down to the ground, and the wicked leader accomplished this by divine permission and prospered.
Daniel 8:12

Out of littleness and small beginnings one of them came forth, Antiochos Epiphanes, a horn whose impious presumption and pride grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east and toward the ornament, the precious, blessed land of Israel.
Daniel 8:9

 History is in the process of repeating itself for the End Times events. The anti Christ will mirror his forefather image. He is European and is alive.
According to Scripture, the false prophet will arise, give assistance and rise to the son of perdition.

As the Vatican now controls huge swaths of Judah, in exchange for the Rothchild  backing in gaining access to invest the Vatican's trillions, look for the European realignment being engineered by Obama in dumping US trillions into Europe to build it in bankrupting America, in the 10 toes of the image in Daniel, which are 10 nations in Europe to unite in the Neo Roman Empire.
Know the two legs and two feet on which the empire stands in the beast. There is strength and weakness. It fused by common Catholic faith uniting the peoples. It is the holy Roman Empire in ecclesiastical and secular.

All things point to this is the time as events converge. As of this moment only the Father knows the day and hour. As I have exclusively stated, when the "war in the Middle East comes" and the anti Christ creates the 7 year false peace treaty, THAT is when I will know the year, and the month, for those are certain then, and it all is about Yom Kippur then at Armageddon and the Feast of Trumpets in the gathering by Christ of His children.

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oh police state plague

 When will these folks take off their masks and just show Americans they are Ahmadinejad, Putin and Kim.


Farrakhan: White People Fear Becoming Minority...

You betcha Louis, that white people are terrified of minorites becoming the majority as look what one Chinoid did at 1600 Penn Avenue as Chief Felon and all your types cheered it all in the murder and rape of the American Virgin.

As minorities, you have destroyed America. What the hell are you going to do as a majority? Same thing as Africa and Mexico, cursed 3rd world states that audition for hell on earth.

Yes oh look, the Coke Brothers, first we had Snort 43 and now here comes Blow 45. All Rovian predicted here first and last. The Obama not on steroids bushwhackers. They just steal your money slower and spend it as fast, so it is not so traumatic.
Alex Jones told you it is Rand Paul as VP already, and after Rubio went Aspen Institute, now it is Cruiser Cruz on the low rider.

I posted here long ago that Barry Seals of Iran Contra pilot fame, murdered because he would not shut up about all he knew in the Bush41 coup against Ronald Reagan, said he flew a plane into Florida and two boys appeared for the family's "cut" in the coke shipment.

It was George W. and Jeb Bush.

Barry Seal : Biography

John Simkin
by John Simkin - in 63 Google+ circles -
According to Pete Brewton (The Mafia, CIA & George Bush), as soon as Seal .... Bush's two sons, George and Jeb, picking up kilos of cocaine at a Florida airport.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

The show has not yet started my children. You are still in the preparatory stages. You see the signs, but are blind. You hear the warnings, but are deaf.

Oh happy day
Oh happy day
When Jeb washed
Oh when Jeb washed
All my Republican sins as away
Oh Farrakhan day
Oh Farrakhan day
When Barry washed
When Barry washed
All of America away
Oh KCCO day
Oh KCCO day..........


I'll Never Tell

When conducted in plain sight things too horrific for the civilized mind to comprehend occurring in the here and now will readily turn to a pacificatory lie for comfort. evil stalks the Righteous in the shadows while the cowardly children whistle past the graveyard.

This is the tale of a bright star burned out too quickly to be some run-of-the-mill meteoric trail blazing out in a shower of glory. There is nothing glorious about cold blooded murder nor any subsequent coverup.

True talent is often passed over in Ashkenaz required exchange of self sales in bartering for parts, particularly in the rape and prostitution culture of Hollywood "success" for bent over backroom deals. Few charismatic talents make it in such a shark tank, particularly those with morals attempting to live in God's Way, Truth and Life. When they do not play ball, they are Mel Gibson smeared in ruined reputations, careers and lives, or they are Randy Quaided out of town on a rail of trumped up charges... or they are Breitbarted for daring to stand up when the "justice system" fails the lesser cogs in the machine. Such was the fate of Brittany Murphy. Whatever she stumbled upon or knew died with her and her husband six months later.
Shadow figures do not enjoy being thwarted, however temporarily, and they will wait their chance to settle the score.

The puppy press is silent upon the cover up of horrendous murder committed upon those they should have protected. Mockingbird disinformation of "shady, manipulative and paranoid Jew" husband and "house mold" as the culprit in a 13 yr old house that would have been inspected for those things when bought two years prior to their death... and cause of death being severe anemia due to "second period in a month" to a supposedly under-weight woman who should not have had ANY periods if that was the case along with respiratory problems in pneumonia and "adverse reactions" to over the counter medication. Husband being controlling while isolating her from everyone more propaganda as her mother lived with them and he would not consent to that if smears about his character were true. Allegations of drug abuse in smearing her character and reputation posthumously in media mud-dragging necrophilia and causing the public to not demand the authorities look closely at why this bright light was snuffed so abruptly.

Justice will be served soon or late for Her murder as God does not forget those who dare to touch His Children... and everyone who keeps silent is culpable as well.


45 min blackouts are so common in rich suburban areas
DHS: Lurk much? Wiretaps are SO last year.
In Plain Sight

Justice, Eyes Wide Lust

America is a place where there is no justice. There is only ruthless intimidation like Hutatree in which a Judge denounces the criminal estate of the regime when the damage is done, and then Justice John Roberts in blackmail legalizes illegal Obamacare, as more damage is done to the American corpse.

There was an insider trader case back in the 2008 Obama Super Depression start involving Lehman Brothers which was simply bizarre and everything just went away.
You remember Martha Stewart being tossed in the slammer for insider stuff, well in another celebrity of Maria Checa of Playboy, apparently that kind of thing gets others on probation, but no records show up the courts ever did anything with her.

Checa was the play toy of a rich trader boyfriend, who used her as the "bird" or "golden goose" to get information being passed around on deals being made, so insiders could make fortunes.
Checa was part of a group, and she had her own trading companies in two, which made millions of dollars off this information.

Checa is called a defendant as of December 2008, but then everything vanishes.

The ring leaders in Nina and Matthew Devlin......well Matthew became a stooge spying on his friends for the FBI in recording them in gathering evidence, and got probation as of March 2012, but Maria Checa just seems to have disappeared, even with commenters asking what was going on with Checa.

One quote was condemning:

Day trader Jamil Bouchareb, 27, steered some of those tips to… Checa, that she used to score an untold amount of profits using two accounts, Checa International and Playmate Capital, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“We need the goose to pop its head out and show us the biz,” Bouchareb wrote in one e-mail when the tips ran dry. “Where has my goose gone? Come back little goose.”

So the reality is, there was damning evidence that Maria Checa, a centerfold, was a knowing conduit of insider trading, being used as an information asset, and the government seems to have just not shown any interest at all in...........well Ms. Checa, and Nina Devlin, who was the originator of this information.

Checa is termed "hapless" as an apparent story planted that she was ignorant of what was taking place. Ignorance of the law is never an excuse we are told, and the prison are filled with people who "did not know" and that did not stop prosecution.

You know what all of this looks like, in the mess of the Obama 2008 meltdown to get him installed, that we have two very attractive women involved in this, and neither one faced any courts, with Checa even named in documents.

Nina Devlin is an attractive woman, yet she is pleading with a judge, and succeeds so her husband does not end up in prison?

High-powered p.r. exec Nina Devlin pleading with judge to keep ...
Mar 10, 2012 – A high-powered p.r. exec whose husband stole her employer's secrets for an insider-trading scheme is pleading with a judge to keep him out of ...
What happened with Rod Blagojevich when his attractive wife Patty tried to keep him out of prison? He got jail.

So what is it that Checa and Devlin were offering that Patty Blagojevich did not offer?

It looks like justice in this case at top worked at a very agreeable deal with these two women, and as Martha Stewart could not get a deal, it goes back to the reality no one seems to be asking in, "Did the criminal justice system in the Devlin and Checa case do a quid pro quo for sex in exchange for these women to not be prosecuted nor their family members?

A husband becoming a stooge for the feds does not get  Checa off the hook, and yet she was, and Devlin had the audacity to hound a judge for leniency in this case.

Maybe at some venture, some one who is actually interested in the law, might like to revisit all of this and just discover what went on in these cases, as the idea that women can be trading sex or whatever was traded in this to get people off, no pun intended, has Obama looks of running like a duck.

Just what took place in the Maria Checa case in no explanations came forth and none still have.

We can not have an America where women are being "sexually exonerated" to charges in being leveraged to put out like some woman being raped to get out of a traffic ticket.


Obama sold the Southeastern USA to Russia

When this blog informed you of the Obama deals in the new more profitable feudal order in marketing dope, terrorism, humans and whatever in the Neo Roman, New Asian and Caliph empires for the cartels, no one believed it.
Few cared when Obama sold the Slavic peoples to Vladamir Putin's Russian interests either, but now a new Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive reveals something that Americans might be interested in.

When it was reported here that Fidel Castro was set aside as Cuba was not profitable enough in just running dope into America, and brother Raul replaced him, new machinations were in order, as Raul started implementing capitalist reforms to increase money output for the cartel, and into this stepped Vladamir Putin in the American sphere.

What was Putin up to? Putin on the heals of Medvedev agreements with Cuba, forgave 30 billion dollars in loans that the latin island owed Moscow.
This was not in the least about being charitable, but it was a further deal of Obama sold out eastern Europe and with his blowing up Putin's money sources in the Middle East, a new agreement in Obama flexibilty had to be worked out.
The new sale was for Putin to take American oil on the "Cuban shelf" which Obama has closed down after his deliberate sabotage of the Gulf Gusher.

Yes Russian oil is now drilling all around Cuba in this new agreement in which for 30  billion in quid pro quo which Russia never would be repaid, Russia is now drilling for oil and other mineral reserves there.
The  deal is for Americans to buy that oil from Cuba, which in reality should be American companies drilling that oil, and pumping it cheaply for America.

Literally, America is going to be funding because of Barack Obama, the butchers of Cuba turned capitalists by the cartel. The very murderous mob which has sown upheaval all through South America and into Africa. The very liberation dogma out of Moscow that Jeremiah Wright was spewing to a willing Obama and wife in Chicago.

If you want the reality of it all......Obama took Libya from the Russians for the Caliph in the Muslim Brotherhood. In exchange for giving Russian Libyan assets to terrorists, Obama to appease Putin gave Cuba oil, which for the 90% part is THE AMERICAN SHELF, to Russia to sell, back to America.

You will notice in this a reality that Matt Drudge and no one on the right or left bothered to inform you of this. Obama just gave away the acre in Cuba in which Russian drillers will plunge pipe into the continent of American oil.

No Americans can not drill for oil in America, but Russia can drill American oil from Cuba into the same reserve.

This is beyond criminal in what Obama has done, it is a foreign agent dividing up America and selling her to Russia, so Obama can build the cartel's empires of influence in Eurasia.

Once again..........a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

I'm really pissed off at the majority of you. I get lectured at by God in having to do this thankless job in being a slave in warning you, because if I do not warn you, then I will be subject for your sins. That I will not do, so I'm stuck doing this chained here and I hate and detest it.
Good people are rare, and I pray God saves you out of what is coming, but I hope and pray this all comes quickly as I will appreciate lawlessness and the absolute reality of watching all at the same level of destitution. The we will see how green the pasture grows in a drought of the Lord's Word.

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