Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Those Voices

There is no anger like a building fury for being born and being intelligent enough to not be fooled by the world that anything in manipulations here will ever fill that emptiness.

This is about TJ Lane and will probably be located by him in the time to come as I know his secrets and his amusement at making the family of rats jump through his maze in an Ohio court in torturing those with a revenge for being born was an easy protocol for someone as intelligent as he is.
Not many practioners can imprison a court and make victims families jail themselves, all in handcuffs and under armed guard with only utilizing their mind.

Mr. Lane, turned loose in the Russian FSB or in Obama's inner circle could have made a brilliant career plucking the wings off of Muslim victims who trusted in Obama. Those Ulsterman Insider types and those who play in Ireland though are more born to it and become the slaves of the masters and never turn the tide on them as they cleverly butcher Phillip Marshall and his children on orders or make Andrew Breitbart go puffy pink, all for no pats on the head, but feeling that those orders make them powerful in life and death.

It is always interesting to view the adoration for Barack Hussein Obama from Mark Levin in spitting on his mic about how wonderful it is to kill bin Laden's corpse and to have babies crawling around in blood and then to hear the silent awe for a TJ Lane as he does exactly the same thing, not for political protection over birther issues, but he takes retribution on a country like Obama which betrayed him......the difference is Lane is an American and Obama is just an actor on a stage.
What matter is it when you are stepping on the bugs or dispatching the school children, because does not Bob Barker get cheers for ripping reproductive organs out of pets, in revenge over his not having children........and are we not  told by all those affirmative donations that a a bug is a bird is a bat is a boy.
Human life is cheap at 53 million aborted children and growing. Did not TJ Lane just do some post birth abortions of those he judged like Obama and his drones of those worthy to live and those worthy to die.

It is always the voices though that TJ Lane will hear. Charlie Manson hears them. Sharon Tate's ghost talks to him. It is what isolation does in working on the mind in those so intelligent now start hearing things and those voices never stop and get louder and louder.
Sometimes like Robert Leroy Anderson in deciding life and death, the voices are joined by the futility of  ruling from cell big enough to lie down in and take a dump in. Then the voices convince you to tie a sheet around your neck and strangle the life out of you that is being strangled out of you.

The mothers who want TJ Lane to feel things, will get their curse. Lane wants to feel things and be punished for all the suffering going on in him for the teenage years he was tortured by. He will feel them and face his Judgment after death in finally acheiving the fitting torment he successfully auditioned for and was employed.

You do not see in this, that TJ Lane wanted this, all of this. He has misery now in his company. He has control now for those moments when the voices do not dominate him. He finally had that lasting affiction to inflict on the people of this world to join him so he will not suffer alone.

His destroyer though will be there in things Mr. Lane never was wise enough to comprehend and will reject at first, but that whispering will be there and if remorse comes it will accuse him to end that existence he is in or it will find new ways to deepen that void in him as he gains letters from admirers and lovers who now want to reform the bad boy in love or become victims themselves.

The hunger is always there and the need. It keeps losing  though sensitivity and needs to be deepened in order to feel nothing in feeling everything again.

Jesus is the way out, but the cell that held Mr. Lane long before he chose his incarceration is a place he rejected Christ from as the din of the operations created another Joker and Hooker, a lone wolf, who needed no second shooter, so all of this stayed local and never went national.
In that Mr. Lane was confused in not receiving what he expected in attention, so he had to act out again to gain a national audience for a few moments, but TJ Lane never knew the others had minders and entire script to make them Sirhan Sirhan chanters to take the blame.
So much for a prodigy to not take into account when all that emotion was the narcotic clouding his thoughts and driving him to the actions he was the muse of.

TJ Lane is home finally. Yet the world is too ignorant to understand the rewards it has provided to him in joining him as he invited. He will fight, but languish, rise and fall, and try and struggle and fade, and fire, and fade to a day when this existence ends, and then all the safeguards he protected himself with will be gone and he will feel all the pain and not pleasure in it, and feel all the hopelessness of being cut off, and be in the hell the soul of him built, surrounded by all those he detests more empty and vacuous than him, awaiting a lake of fire in an eternal death.

Yes a big "fuck you all" from TJ Lane, as he just really wanted intimate contact and sex never bridged the gap as he built a fortress in his mind, instead of moving in the mysts of the soul to be set free from this vanishing world.

The dead always tell the families they are doing just fine and not to cry as they are fine where they are. Those of this world are never fine though and TJ Lane knows that intimately as that is the only intimacy he has ever had, as pain is that constant which became the only welcome friend.

Those thoughts are there, and will grow louder and not be in the head, but the heart and that is where it all breaks down to as it is not the body which betrays, but the mind.

Jesus is the One which you will have to face as you have proven yourself quite the dove in murdering yourself to a place out of this world where you think He can not reach. He will though reach and satan will reach there too as you have no choice in it will be one or the other that you give in to.
Most due to your effective work hope for you in hell in torture by an imprisoned devil. I have survived by Christ carrying me worse than you and do not have the burden of emotions so can inform you and others as you, the realities of all of this that you are unprepared for what is coming.

Your worst enemy is you and satan will inform you of that. You can either get on your hind legs and be a man or you can buckle to the spiritual storm.

It is still you TJ Lane, no company and all misery. You are going to have to face that Jesus loves you and that you can either hate yourself to hell or allow Jesus to allow you to have you join Him, as all the rest of the lost and found submitted to.

Your choice though, as that is they way it works. The choice no one has though is the voices. They will be louder now as you shed the world and are on a Spiritual and spiritual place in which you are not in charge of destroying you or saving you. That is what Jesus does and it is all now what this is about from this moment on.

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Laura Ingraham's Terrorist

Apparently Laura Ingraham is being held hostage by some import she purchased that has become a 2 year old terror, and she weekly whines about his crawling bed with her, laughing at her reasoning  and punching her in the face.

Now she wants to make little Ted Bundy sleep on the floor like a dog as a way of reasoning as others say the terrorist will grow out of it and let the child in the bed.

There is a reason men are husbands, and there is a reason that children need to be more scared of you than the boogerman in the closet, as it keeps things like pedophilia and incest happening as parentaltards like Laura Ingraham turn out these little terrorists who will be raping when they gain erections.

Ingraham could have solved this by hiring an associate to take the load off, as associating with an adult would provide guidance in swatting that little terrors ass and making him more terrified of you as a parent should be than your bosom buddy.
Parents love a child by discipline in consistency in teaching them the boundaries to respect every time.

I hope Ingraham collapses and is hauled away, so this terror is taken by the state and put with other terrors and has a record in the system as she will not swat this terror's ass.

Reasoning does not work with terrorists or brats. Threats and pain does.

U.S. system grows necrophilic psychopaths

 A terrible incident, which could be used as a script for a horror film, has recently occurred in the U.S. city of Joliet, Illinois. Four white teens - two girls and two boys - killed two young black men to give the "sophisticated" girls an opportunity to experience the joy of sex with dead bodies.

Yeah  Larua Ingraham can not control a "huge 3 year old boy".....what are the little girls and boys going to do when he is raping and murdering them in a few years?

Ingraham does not belong on the radio any longer, as she can not handle a child in her pissed up existence, so she does not have a place lecturing what Obama or anyone is pissing up in America.

Put a leash on Laura and practice bending over AS YOU GOT YOUR HUSBAND.......you got a 3 year old as your man of the house husband. What an absolute disaster Ingraham is as a woman, a mother and an American.

You are not sleep deprived Ms. Ingraham. You are simply depraved.

What bullshit all of this is.


Feinstein Fingergate



This blog refuses to be a part of Fat Fingger Feinstein Fingergate in allowing this woman to get away with lies, no matter if she was shot down in the United States Senate in the Obama diversion gun grab.

In review, we have Sen. Fat Finger Feinstein stating that she inserted her finger into a dead homosexual's bullet wound in California to check for a pulse.

We know for a fact that bullet was a 38 Special, meaning it was a 38 caliber wound, meaning it was in the 9 mm size of measure. In this measure, Dianne Feinstein was checking a tissue entrance wound, as an assailant in most likely circumstances shot the homosexual facing the victim, as there was not an exit wound which would be larger.
That means the wound was under one half inch in size. It is still puzzling with surface arteries why Feinstein would be attempting to insert her finger into a body cavity to search for an arterial path. In any event, this is her story, but it in reality does not fit the situation as interior arteries would be inches deep and one would have to have a trained medical knowledge of human anatomy and Ms. Feinstein is in the legal and political professions.

In noting the above, we are dealing with a 38 caliber round as a positive and conclude it was jacketed or lead., neither of which would appreciably deformed the bullet to a larger diameter.
In rudimentary measuring of Ms. Feinstein's digits, her knuckle appears to be in the 7/8ths to almost an inch in width. in the second joint and the first appears to be in the 3/4's diameter in width, and while her fingertip might be in he 1/2 inch 38 range, it quickly expands.

In human tissue, it is quite resilient, meaning skin just does not allow expansion nor does muscle tissue allow intrusion. Most have eaten enough chicken breast or steak to realize how difficult it would be with a small half inch hole to try and jam your finger being larger to penetrate though that meat, skin and membrane.

All of that points to the reality of FINGERGATE in Dianne Feinstein has been telling an Obama sized whopper to the public with absolutely no witnesses to back up her claim and conveniently to expose her as a liar.

This has been a direct attack on the established Government of these United States and the Rights of the Citizens in the Second Amendment in a coordinated criminal assault, and Dianne Feinstein's story is not plausible. This  blog calls for a Congressional investigation with the FBI, using coroner data of the absolute recorded wounds of this dead homosexual, and to ascertain their wound size, channel depth and if they were anywhere near an artery.

This blog demands and investigation into this entire fiction, as Dianne Feinstein has attempted an overthrow of the US Constitution, organized with the Obama regime using these events such as Sandy Hook whose stories have magic bullets in them too performing deeds no bullets could.

Does Dianne Feinstein have magic fingers which can inflate and deflate like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's magic breasts did for democrats in campaign commercials, as that appears to be the only possibility her digit ever entered a dead homosexual's body.

Honestly in forensic psychology, there is something wrong with Dianne Feinstein mentally. Perhaps it was the murder of her associate who reported seeing Obama voodoo chants at a democratic gathering and then laid dead to decomposition with no one checking on him.

Then again, Dianne was telling this ficiton before Kam went tits up, so even her excuses for stress disappear, as she created this apparently fictional event all for campaign donations.

It is a crime to lie, when one is producing legislation that is a direct assault on American Constitutional Rights. Dianne Feinstein is an unindicted criminal conspirator. She must be held accountable to a higher standard, because her vote overthrows nations.

What kind of person invents a story about a dual murder, in which she stars, and then years later creates a fiction where she is trying initiate medical treatment by poking her finger into bullet holes, which is ridiculous as even Hollywood has not found medical experts to portray that kind of fiction on the screen, as it would not do any good, and it literally would spread infection in bodies.
There is a rule in first aid that one compresses and once a bandage is in place, one never removes it in field as it causes more blood loss.

If Dianne Feinstein had stated she inserted a finger to stop hemorrhage, that would be believable, but her story was sticking her meaty fingers into little holes which do not expand to look for an arterial pulse on a dead man.

Senator Feinstein deserves her day in court and her day before a Congressional hearing investigating all of this as the evidence does not add up to her definition of OBAMA IS.

Her story is not plausible and she deserves the right to deny it before she is charged with lying before Congress, Justice investigators and the American people in perjury.

Johnny Cochran got OJ Simpson off the first time with "If it does not fit you must acquit" in rhyming to an unintelligent Afroid jury.

In this case of FINGERGATE it is a rhyme of, "If the finger does not fit, you must convict".

Without any expansion, Feinstein's fingers can not fit into a 38 bullet channel. With expansion it still would be difficult to perform this, and it is still impossible to explain why any sane person without medical training or with medical training was sticking their fingers into a bullet wound looking for a pulse.

nuff said



The Lame Cherry blog has embarked in AMAZING GRACE a way to end all aborticides. It fits the criteria of the abortionists in a "womans right" in talking points and of "the fetal tissue", as the solution is to simply instead of murdering a child, is to engage in a  fetal transplant of taking the living child from the womb of the woman who is seeking to disengage association with this human child, placing this child into a gestation womb, and then delivering the child to human parents who want this child.

In 2002 a researcher at Cornell took a couple of endometrial cells and grew them into an artificial uterus. After that, his team successfully created a few embryos via IVF, and the embryos implanted into the fake uterus and started growing normally. He cut off the experiment after a few days to avoid violating US IVF research laws, but there was nothing to indicate that the growth couldn't have continued until the fetus reached term.

Because of restrictive US laws, other research since that experiment has occurred outside of the United States. Still, there are researchers RIGHT NOW who are looking at ways to transplant fetuses into these artificial wombs to avoid miscarriages in women having reproductive problems. At the rate this research is progressing, I'd bet good money that we'll be hearing about our first "lab grown" baby sometime in the next 10-15 years.


The case for this is simple. It would involve all of the technology currently available, but has not been funded, because this is about aborting key segments of white and black populations in the west and female Asians in the east in the deliberate murder of children and replacing them with slave labor which can be expelled when used up in labor.

With miniaturization of all things medical now, a procedure for a fetal transplant would take the same amount of time as an abortion and it would literally be more safe for the  aborting woman.

In ultrasound camera the umbilical cord would be located of the child. A miniature tube would be inserted into the placental wall and enter the cord, thereby placing the child on life support.
At this juncture, the placental area surrounding the fetus would be removed and transplanted to a surrogate womb based upon a swine sow, as the porcine is already close in DNA to human and hog insulin has been used for human diabetics for years.
For those detractors stating that entire wombs would be require and placenta transplants, the reality is the fetal child attaches at one point in the wall and that the one point center is the umbilical cord.
It was thought impossible to do fetal surgeries until they were accomplished. Those who claim this is pie in the sky are the proponents protecting a billion dollar aborticide industry from being aborted.
This swine would be a genetically constructed mirror of human DNA. It would not be human, but remain an animal with human DNA in order to accept the human child. Sows being large sedate creatures, it is deemed reasonable that up to 6 infants could be gestated and built around a universal "TYPE O" genetics not requiring anti rejection drugs.

In current artificial womb abilities, any fetal child could remain viable for 24 hours in transplant when kept in this environment for transport.

It is reasonable that the projected artificial wombs in livestock and laboratory, that they are horizon events already for operation in the near future. Amazing Grace as a law prepares that way for a time within a year, in which life will be protected in all forms as issues of mother's health, rape and incest cease, as the woman has her rights and protections, and the child has their right and protection.
Unless of course, the real focus is on societal culling and genocide by the elite in murdering children is the focus, and not women's rights nor in protecting children.

In study, cryogenics can be employed in first trimester children to lengthen transplant  times. As ages advance to second trimester, the direct transplant to artificial womb for further development becomes more readily operational.

Once the fetal transplant industry replaces the billion dollar aborticide industry, profits will go to life and not death. The importation of Mexicans to America will cease as new Americans will be born and adopted, instead of being aborted and replaced with slave labor.
In cost analysis, fetal transplants will be less of a cost to the American economy as it replaces the slave labor welfare state.
Business instead of selling to the poor class, will have 40 million well educated, native and prosperous children to market their products to.

All things in FETAL TRANPLANT point to the salvation of all peoples in the western hemisphere from Russia to Europe to America as in projection that genus is not breeding enough stock to replenish their gene pools.
The massive Asian populations will implode without the technological genius of the west.

This is the salvation of humankind, and it is simply a matter of assembling already available technologies and placing them in the service of life in the AMAZING GRACE LAW.

During pregnancy, the fetal circulatory system works differently than after birth:
  • The fetus is connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta, the organ that develops and implants in the mother's uterus during pregnancy.
  • Through the blood vessels in the umbilical cord, the fetus receives all the necessary nutrition, oxygen and life support from the mother through the placenta.
  • Waste products and carbon dioxide from the fetus are sent back through the umbilical cord and placenta to the mother's circulation to be eliminated.
  • Blood from the mother enters the fetus through the vein in the umbilical cord. It goes to the liver and splits into three branches. The blood then reaches the inferior vena cava, a major vein connected to the heart.

So let us please stop this farce of women's rights and tissue in talking points. Fetal Transplant solves all of the talking points. Women want to get rid of a child in the womb as their "right", then they have that right, and instead of turning that child into medical experiments, that child should be gestated to term in an environment which is willing and then born to be adopted to join a family who will raise the child with full monetary and social benefits to replenish society.
Rape, incest, the health of the mother are not an issue, as another womb will provide an environment for the child to be born.

All life will be protected as it Constitutionally was, and all women who suffer impregnation of emotional harm, will be saved from that trauma.

As with all things Lame Cherry, this procedure will work and end the aborticide debate forever. There will no longer be any RU 486 humanicide toxins as life will be protected and when a woman does not want to carry a baby, that baby can be readily rescued in embryonic state to fill the void in another family.

Women can end all the pregnancies they want, but they will be transferred in a humane way.

Children are a nations only asset, and only survival. That is why they are there is to perpetuate the host society.

All rights are protected in this in the woman and the child. Amazing Grace is the solution in Fetal Transplants becoming the norm in this world.

End the heinous harm to women and societies by Fetal Transplants.

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Embryo transfer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a stimulated or a cycle where a "frozen" embryo is transferred, the recipient woman could be given first estrogen preparations (about 2 weeks), then a ..

Could a cow serve as a surrogate mother to a human embryo?

askville.amazon.com › HealthReproduction
5 answers - Apr 2, 2008
If they can take a human egg and human sperm and unite them .... interactions may lead a scientist to some day try gestating a human in a pig ... Ultimately, an artificial womb may be more practical than using an actual animal.

Artificial uterus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An artificial uterus (or womb) is a theoretical device that would allow for ... and disposers may be used, but when involving an animal's uterus the technique may rather ... There is also potential to grow a placenta using human endometrial cells. ... race of people gestated in large laboratory flasks that serve as artificial uteri.

Artificial Wombs: From Embryo Farms to Fetus Farms

Sep 14, 2005 – Using a variety of methods, they are developing animal and humans ... a fully functioning artificial womb capable of gestating a human foetus ...

Artificial wombs: triumph of modern science, or ultimate human folly

Artificial wombs: triumph of modern science, or ultimate human folly ... research could produce an animal womb by 2015-2020, and a human model by early 2030s. ... that a fully functioning artificial womb capable of gestating a human fetus will ... a biological womb, when this new science can produce a child with our exact ...

Amazing Grace

In the movie Amazing Grace, the protagonist who sought to end slavery, William Wilberforce, created a clever piece of legislation which basically taxed slave ships out of existence.

We have all experienced under B. Hussein Obama the clever thuggery to tax people into submission in not leaving the Citizen with money to fund alternative campaigns and his making certain that GE and Warren Buffett pay no taxes.

The point in this, is that legislation must be enacted on the Ronald Reagan mindset of thinking out of the box, as he did with Star Wars, when he looked around and said, "Waiting around for the world to die from nuclear bombs is crazy".

The extermination now of 53 million Americans in a profitable aborticide industry hiding in women's rights, while making billions of dollars off of this slaughter, while like carnivore capitalists replace those dead with living Mexican slaves reared in a foreign land, is a heinous re visitation of the slave issue in America and the world


Arkansas Senate Panel Approves Jason Rapert's Heartbeat ...

17 hours ago – Arkansas Senate Panel Approves Jason Rapert's Heartbeat Abortion ... Jason Rapert, R-Conway, the bill's chief sponsor, told reporters after ...

Congressman Jason Rapert, Republican from Conway Arkansas has crafted and passed a "heartbeat bill" in Arkansas which is built upon the very talking points of the pro aborticide industry on Supreme Court Law. The issue though in this is not sitting in laurels or waiting for the Obama regime to blackmail the Supreme Court again to throwing down state laws.
The issue is that Congressman Rapert, like all pro life Americans, can not be allowed to stand on merits in hopes that someone will do something good.

For example, South Dakota passed a pro life law, and baby butcher Stephanie Herseth Sandlin illegally joined with Planned Parenthood to put it on the ballot to overturn that law, as the people of this world want to break God's Laws of morality and cover up their f*cking with the murder of children.

What this blog states as the Lame Cherry Doctrine, addresses something which has been the hot spot in all of this in what to do with rape, incest and life of the mother children. This sticking point is what the baby butcher industry has stood upon and it must be solved and addressed.

Addressing it with a simple solution is the way to deal with it, and the Lame Cherry hereby christens this law as the Amazing Grace Law.

It is a simple bill dealing with all life, and it advocates a reality that aborticide is like the cigarette industry and requires a federal and state tax structure, not paid by the users in this case, but by the industry to fund women's healthcare and to expand to the new field of REMOVED FROM THE WOMB CHILDREN.

Lame Cherry hereby states that abortions should be replaced immediately by removal from the womb to an artificial womb. The technology exists in micro cameras to be able to successfully remove a fetus from the womb effectively.
If an artificial womb is not yet viable for the fetal tissue, then let us remember fully that fertilized eggs are constantly saved in cryogenics for later use with no ill effect. It should be law that the envelope should be pushed to the maximum to freeze this fetal tissue for the time when these babies can be placed in artificial wombs.

Artificial wombs are not that far fetched. The genetics are completely available now for various animals to produce organs for transplant. It is completely viable to create inside a swine which is close to human DNA, as hog insulin was used for years to save diabetics.

In comprehending all of this, that the technology exists in micro cams to save fetal tissue and later trimester children, and the technology exists already to be able to transplant these babies into womb hosts, and the ready families are there to adopt these children as has been proven by the looting of Russian babies from Russia, it behooves this world to stop aborting children and requiring nations and states to provide this viable alternative in Amazing Grace.

No one expects any woman to raise a child she does not want, nor might endanger her life, nor should a child face any realities if rape or incest have taken place, but the technology is in available that everyone of these children should be required by law to be fostered by the medical industry to replenish the depleted supply of people as trends have revealed are increasing at an alarming rate in western nations.

This is the reality of a human society. One does not end life that is alive, but instead transfers this life to a host, where in gestation this life is then made available to families who will adopt these children.

One can not penalize any child in "women's rights", whether from choice, crime or health issues. That is immoral. That immorality must end as slavery ended.

This is a plank of the Continentalist Party for life in all forms which shall not be penalized due to others administering their rights. The human female womb will not be a court room nor battlefield. If women do not want to be mothers, then there are hosts which can be created and are viable already along with the technology.
The aborticide industry generates billions of dollars in life.. The Amazing Grace industry will produce billions of dollars in life just as freeing the slaves created more wealth than enslaving mankind.
Making this law, will create all types of new medical advances and bring about a time when synthetic wombs will be an industry standard as synthetic insulin in now an industry standard for diabetics.

Amazing Grace will preclude all "morning after pills" as RU486 in making this humanicide poison no longer viable as these humans in the womb will be protected from poisoning as a better alternative of life is available to death.

Amazing Grace must be the focal point of all law to end this cannibalism upon the human child. All of these children are alive and a moral government of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness must do all in it's mandate to protect and promote those lives.

The Heartbeat Law is only a start. Amazing Grace is the completion of the Gospel of Life for all humanity.

Nuff said

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The Dots

Did you notice that Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi, after pushing the Birther issue, making a great deal of money off of it, simply ran from it like Sarah Palin fled politics after Gabrielle Giffords was offered up, and left the people who trusted in them exposed and in the open for slaughter?

I'm going to explain something my children here and it is important in understanding these things of news in order to work, must have "buzz", meaning something to capture the interest of the public.
In order for a story to stand, it must have legs, meaning it must either have more damning events taking place in it as was manufactured in the Watergate coup against President Richard Nixon, or it must have secondary events as in the Iran Contra coup perpetrated against President Ronald Reagan.

No matter the frauds, dupes and stooges on the left, the Birther issue was real, Obama had forged documents, he is a Peking girl plant of black liberation from the Kremlin and the Jesuits, and it all ties in to the realty of the fraud of Barack Hussein Obama Chin, and how this epic of fraud, is connected to other events.

For reasons of cowardice and Mockingbird, World Net Daily and all other sources have dropped the Birther issue, and yet the Birther issue is behind every major event which is engulfing Barack Hussein Obama Chin.

The murder of the Navy SEALS in the Afghanistan set up operation was covering up the staged events of the bin Laden corpse murder and became ANALGATE in the murder and rape of Ambassador Chris Stevens and other Americans in Benghazi.
ANALGATE would not have taken place if people simply would have listened to Pakistani Intelligence in what they were trying to alert the world to, as this  blog had noted, that Sheik bin Laden was already dead before that raid on that home in Pakistan.

For those who mock this blog for the feudalist regime of Barry Chin, the reality is that Andrew Breitbart was assassinated over the above labyrinth of information which he hacked into. The same is true in the Diaspora Dead he joined as this blog exposed in Aaron Swartz being suicided out.
All of these events connect, and that includes the worst of this in the mass murder of the Phillip Marshall family, which included his two children and family pet, as was outlined exclusively in this  blog in the events. All of these people file directly back to 9 11 and the cartel inspired attack on America to Afghanistan it out as was done to the Soviets, followed by the Barack Obama Super Depression created to finish off America in his Birther usurpation of the United States Presidency.

Each of the sanction groups have been different facets all protecting the same underlying Obama lies. We know this by the different protocols. The SEALS had leaked intelligence from the military minders. Breitbart was high tech in his puffy pink outing. Swartz was psychological assassination.

The Pakistani Intelligence knew that it was not Sheik bin Laden in that compound. They had been contracted with by the regime to guard a compound in which a stand in group of terrorists were to be protected as a "front" for bin Laden's presence, for a time when Obama would require this October Surprise.

The glitch was that Sheik bin Laden was still alive. The divergent stories are that the Sheik was murdered in Pakistan a decade previous by a member of Pak Intel and the body was kept. The other was the reality that the Sheik made his way to Xianxiang in China, where he was protected by Peking to keep al Qaeda from launching attacks in China as part of the Putin FSB restructuring of Dr. Zawahiri as an agent of Islamocommunism.
bin Laden received treatment for his malady, but in any scenario, the Sheik was dying or was murdered sometime in early Birth Abstract forgeries by Obama and a definite body was put on the auction block by China, which Obama negotiated for as he "dithered".
It was proven that intelligence showed the fake bin Laden was in Pakistan from August the previous year in DOD intelligence, but Obama never moved on it, as this was the straw dog bin Laden, and Obama was going to use that event for his 2012 October Surprise.

Events changed though as bin Laden expired, and that series of just a corpse having expired due to kidney failure would not look so good for chest thumper Obama, so a deal was worked out where Obama would hand over a stealth helicopter to China in exchange for bin Laden's corpse.
DNA along with the body was smuggled out, along with Chinese digital blackmail footage to keep Obama honest in the espionage transfer, and the entire raid was sprung and the stand in body's dumped in the ocean.
There was a time that bin Laden's body was inside America, but it was subsequently incinerated.

All of that information is what Pakistan Intelligence was fuming over as Obama flew into their country and blew up that home the Pakistani's were guarding and left the mess to clean up, along with the subsequent cover up of those "family members" who had to be gotten out of the way.
This blog challenges the doubters again, in the greatest story in modern history, the eye witness wives and children of the murder of bin Laden, were never pursued by western press in a complete information clamp down and these people just "disappeared".
Not one hint of a New York Eric Holder trial for these terror women and children.

Why is that? You know why as this was all a farce for Obama media relations in his staged events and the reality has only been exposed here, and when others have attempted to publish this information from other sources, those source files were set in motion in their groups to silence the lambs about to bleat about these things.

That was what was behind the source photo of the fake bin Laden corpse digital. It was of such poor quality, that the French journalists knowing damn well that bin Laden was dead from French CIA and that Obama had staged all of this, published that this picture was a photoshop creation.
PAK Intel was furious over Obama pissing on them, and giving them the fury of Muslim militants to deal with in their own nation, so the photo was produced to call attention to the fraud of bin Laden's death as he was already dead.

That was payback, and it was the platform for various nations to start a blackmail process on the Obama regime as all hell would have broken loose if this ever reached the public beyond fringe journalism.
This is what Andrew Breitbart had gained access to. It is that long lead that Phillip Marshall was being fed, as the reality is, there is sport in this as long as Obama is living, that clever intelligence people with gripes do not need to muddle up a Christopher Dorner event to tie it to Obama, they can just drag out Sheik bin Laden in the glaring evidence and make the proxies for Obama who are protecting this story on fronts from the opium trade, al Qaeda mule dope traffic, human traffic, weapons, Muslim Brohood nation transfer to oil sabotage and the founding of the New Asian Order, Neo Roman Empire and the Caliph.
Scratch this Birther story and the next thing you know is Sheik bin Laden's ghost comes up and everyone is on alert looking to protect their interests to keep all hell from breaking loose.

This global realignment by Obama is the problem as Obama has his fingers in every bit of it, including the Jesuits overthrowing Pope Ben and showing him the door and Obama assisting in sticking in a Pope who will glue the Neo Roman Empire together.

 The reality is more people are going to die from this Birther issue and Sheik bin Laden, because Obama has pissed off loads of people and as Obama is off grabbing guns, making Mexicans legal and trying to blow up the Middle East, it allows opportunities for competing factions to feed the Birther information to those who will start talking about it and make these dead bones work their way to the surface again.

The fraudulent dead bin Laden photograph was meant to be discovered for leverage with Obama. The same deal was in Egypt with Chris Stevens murder as the Egyptians knew these terrorists were imported by Barack Obama into Libya for his regional wars in training them and rewarding them. Egypt got piles of cash and equipment. It is the blackmail game and when any of these groups need something more, then a story will be planted hinting at things again and Obama will be digging in your wallet to pay them a bribe in billions.

Bad fakes have purpose like Obama's birth abstract having a smiling face on it and being pulled apart reveals it was a forgery constructed from other documents. That was the punchline in all of this that bin Laden's death photo was made exactly like Obama's birth abstract......meaning the intelligence people who did it, knew Obama's birth abstract in how it was created and did the same chop job to point out that Obama was fraud in both events in staging them.

See no one fessed up in Pakistan in who created this photo. The story was shut down. No one bothered to inform you whose head was on top of bin Laden's beard in this fake in that curly hair. That head was chosen for a purpose in a definite message to Barack Hussein Obama and those who knew whose head it was, how that person was murdered and by whom and on whose orders.
Exclusively I will inform you the orders came from 1600 Penn Avenue, and that person if their story was brought to the public's attention in why they were murdered and who he was connected to, would bring this all down just like any of these stories if fully understood from the Birthers to now Chris Dorner would bring down Barack Hussein Obama Chin.

There are more stories coming as the reason to keep these secrets secret are not as necessary. Payback is a bitch. It is all connect the dots and the fools who have been defending Obama are being exposed as fools.

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