Saturday, January 11, 2014

Adventures in the Friends of Lame

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

Sometimes time stands at a moment quite still and is stilled by the moment. For instance, the Maestro noticed a certain pattern in the thought processes here in linear assembly of the verse here. There are things in this world which are the Thought of God and depths so great that it would require Inspiration from God to note it as child's play. There are things locked in all of this which reveal things like why is it that poetry trends toward four lines, or music beats at a four based pattern and that molecules always search for the sacred number.
It does all mean things, as the patterns are revelations of God. Some things could make a mind go mad if they were focused on too much in it would feed into that thing which is the Mind of God which is not capable of comprehending, but only associating with.
If God was all numbers, then the revelation of Euclid or a Davidic Psalm would pinpoint lottery numbers. The human by instinct recognizes what is pleasing to the eye, ear, mind, touch or scent. God though is an emotion which is always in motion, so in the chaos there always forms an order. The Love of God with the Law of God.
Those who have noted things receive a reality that they have recognized something few others have and are more advanced in touching those geometric patterns which thought is. We can see a pentagon, but it is a three dimensional form in reality in the Tree of Life and is in motion. You see the sound of the words upon the page in mathematical patterns and in a strand which is life long.
Sometimes feeling the words reveals the greater message than reading them.

There has been a note of blood moons and John Hagee in that World Net Daily marketing. A blood moon in reality is the moon or hunter's moon after the harvest moon. You gather your grain and then you gather your meat as in the cold weather it will keep better.
Mr. Hagee, and I have not read his work, speaks of 4 lunar eclipses in a two year succession which are close to the Hebrew high days, one at Easter and one at the Babylonian new year which the Jews in exile brought with them back to Jerusalem.
There are signs and wonders in heaven to foretell events, but this is not the moon turning into blood or looking red to verify the Joel and Jesus Prophecies. There are not 4 red moons nor four darkened suns. There is the pair due to what appears atmospheric dirt and then the Great Tribulation ends.

You have to understand this as Jesus lays out the time line. The Great Tribulation starts when satan is sacrificed to in the new Temple Mount. When the Great Tribulation ends as it says in Matthew 24:29, then the sign of the dark sun and red moon appear, and immediately after that, Jesus is seen coming back.

Jesus does not come back 4 times nor does this sign appear four times over two years. As Mr. Hagee's writings points to this year and next year, it does not coincide with the last 7 year cycle as it would mean Jesus returns in 2015. You can not compress 7 years into 2 years.
Jesus is not going to come back in 2015 as Scripture has specific time line in the last cycle noted in the Prophet Daniel, and in the Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John.

One of our friends told me not to feel guilty about her not donating a huge sum. She also asked a few things concerning if the doors are closed, would revelations she would be given, be of no purpose. Each revelation from God is with purpose. The Two Witnesses are not here to save people, but to provide testimony against a sinful world.
That is what this blog is about in it bares witness against the world for rejecting it, attacking it, and it shows the righteous Judgment to come, that the wealthy hung onto their millions, instead of making an offering here which they could more than afford in those hundreds of thousands.
Each Christian is a Testimony against those around them and it is by that witness which those people will be given their own choice of condemnation. Each revelation from God should be spoken and if it is simply shared with those around you or as God moves in a posting, even if it is rejected by one person, that is all that is necessary as it is for that person.
I do not appear before a hundred thousand to jeer at me, but appear before the elite, the NSA, the clap trap and whatever else is bound for hell. It is one of my purposes and it has to be done at risk and the reward will be with Christ in His appointment to the effort put forward. I only hope that I have risked my life enough here to merit that understanding from Christ that I will not lose it.

I do not believe that anyone will touch on the things I have nor will they. The  Two Witnesses have different venue and I have yet to become aware of anyone who is touching on the things God intends as here.
I do not focus  on those things as I have things to accomplish in posting here and that is enough for me, as I do not have strength nor time to wonder over how much better Sally down the way is being worked through with God. I only bless her as I have enough to deal with.

In touching on these things, if you are here and Christian, your Spiritual DNA is different. That manifestation of Birther Hussein Obama was the greatest weeding out of a nation for the reality is the masses that went into euphoria over Obama and did not reject that halo messiah blasphemy in revulsion, are of a light contrary to God.
You already know who you are in God by the sign, that you have not been deceived nor are as warped as those who still muddle in the mire of minds so dull they have chosen deception.
Do not sit upon this gift from God in deliverance. Remember the son of perdition is out there in the anti Christ who will one day appear with the greatest deception ever and if it were possible he will deceive the very elect. You have been delivered, be in Christ and stay with Him.

So one must always stay with Christ, even when ropes appear and taunts are heaped at us and it requires even more effort to bind them in Christ to put them to an end.
I do believe the flock has been marked and the situation is the immovable object is being moved. When we feel things one day, it is not particularly based in that day, but is based in the coming period. There are going to be many good people, many who are in Church and many you would think are certainly under God's care, who are going to be in with the lot of the evil.
The reality is not all the evil people are going to perish as Job teaches in that examination and some will continue on until the end.
When you feel things or are shown things, try them in Spirit by Jesus, and God will reveal all to you in time as is necessary. People should not think they are going to have to take action physically, as the physical world will be enough at motion to consume itself. You are shown things and are a living Testimony as a child of God through Jesus the Christ. Let that be enough for the Two Witnesses are the lamps who will star. I have always been pleased I was not them and other should too, as no one should want the Great Tribulation for all it will bring, it is each of us has our appointed time and work for God to do through us.

It reminds me of the hymn I sang as a child in if you can not be Moses, you can be the one who holds up Moses arm. Each of us has a purpose no greater than the other. Sometimes it is our grandchild or sometimes it is furnishing the foal for Jesus to ride on.

I close this with another of the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter and anti matter. There is a grid sweep of electronics which is affecting the minds of people. Drudge carries notifications of this in his postings of people using knives to attack each other.
In forensic psychology, people use firearms for power. The use of knives is unique to this effect upon the brain. The suppression of resistance in these waves is creating that zombie class, but in some of the rats in the maze their brains are reacting in a symptom, and one of those symptoms is using a knife to attack and cut people.

People who use cutting instruments are being cut inside, so it is a natural reaction they are not even aware of as they are being suppressed inside, restrained, and this frustration builds to anger in all that fear in not knowing what is going on inside, and the reaction due to this manifestation of this type of mind control is the use of a knife.
It comes on in a wave of out of control rage to act out, and it is of note that the reaction focuses upon a knife blade to sever what is perceived as the threat.

You will notice this involves food in a pattern. That is fascinating as there are several triggers at work apparently in an almost psychadelic experience where the person does not seem to comprehend the things being triggered in them.

I hope that has touched deeply enough upon the subjects. The drawing near to God in prayer and tuning yourself to His Peace, Joy and Love, in requesting His Wisdom and Understanding is the method of dealing with what is coming as this is a spiritual battle of darkness.
You children of the Light were born for this period and are unique. You shine and are noticed for your not being of the darkness and it does make you a target of satan and it's minions. Continue on and rejoice, be of Good Cheer as Christ your master has the victory for you.

God bless and keep the Good in Christ Amen and Amen

Thank you for your prayers.


Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling - YouTube
Sep 15, 2012 - Uploaded by William Storm
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