Friday, January 31, 2014

Entente of World War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

I am about to reveal to you something which is the toe tag in the morgue for most of the people reading this in showing you proof that the destruction of Germany in a World War was planned out decades before World War I even took place.
I am going to show you that these United States entered into an illegal treaty with European powers for the genocide of Germans.

If this sounds even in the Alex Jones age of sensationalism to be something which can not be possible in this type of heinous betrayal of Americans by their own Government, Americans who at the time were a majority in Germanic and Scandinavian immigration, the reality is, this took place and source of this will be named.

The orator of this information was the receptor of this genocide of Germany in Emperor Wilhelm II or the Kaiser as he was known. The Kaiser was of the blood. He was related to most of the principles on the world stage and in the betrayal he was subjected to in having his nation destroyed and his throne deposed, he embarked upon stating the absolute realities in how the cartel rules this world.

Think of it in America in 1890 was already under control of the cartel and it willingly entered into a secret treaty in which it was agreed that America would join in World War I to annihilate Germany.

The source of this is Professor Usher of Washington University of St. Louis, Missouri. His revelations of what America was involved with appeared in the book "The Problem of Japan" which appeared at The Hague in 1918 from an anonymous diplomat of the far east who was now out of government.

Professor Usher was one of the few experts on international relations which America turned to like John Bassett Moore of Columbia University New York. In his associations with the State Department of these United States, and Professor in 1913 in his own book, before World War I, made known that there was a secret treaty dating from the spring of 1897, in which America agreed to join with the British Empire and the French Republic in a war against Germany in the event a "Pan Germany" started to initiate in this world via Germany or Austria.

America agreed to declare at once in favor of England and France, and immediately employ all her resources in backing these powers, due to "colonial character" America had in alignment with these empires to destroy the start of a German Empire.
Germany of that era had Mozambique in Africa and a coaling station in China. Germany by the Kaiser's own assessment was a "new nation" as she was still factional in a north alliance, Bavaria and Prussia to name the fragments which were just becoming Germany.
Germany had an Amy, and at that point not even a Navy of consequence. Yet two decades before World War I, here was England and France maneuvering America into an illegal secret treaty to at best Balkanize Germany in horrendous war and at worst to commit holocaust against Germans in wiping them from the planet as a people.

This is so left brain unfathomable to Americans, in being shown this evidence go into denial as it is so heinous and against everything Americans had been in the Founders. Yet this ENTENTE or informal alliance in illegal treaty exposes exactly that America not only agreed to coming world war, but signed off to profit from it, all in destroying Germany.

The quote from "The Problem of Japan" is as follows:

"Professor Usher alleges to have been entered into as long ago as 1897, in which every phase of activity and participation in future events by England, France, and the United States is provided for, including the conquest of the Spanish dependencies, control over Mexico and Central America, the opening of China, and the annexation of coaling stations."

The Spanish American War was all plotted out as a bribe to the Americans, to get them to agree to World War profits in the genocide of Germany. It was Neville Chamberlain dividing up the world. It is Barack Obama is his schemes of rewards to terrorist Muslims in handing over various states like Egypt and Libya for their part in ushering in the new order of east and west. It is the reality that Spain was filleted of Cuba and the Philippines as a bribe to America for the assassination of Germany.

One can understand the Kaiser's bias in this as he righteously vents over the removal of his throne and the destruction of his people.

"A definite treaty of partition directed against Spain, Germany, etc., arranged even to minute details, was planned between Gauls and Anglo-Saxons, in a time of the profoundest peace, and concluded without the slightest twinge of conscience, in order to annihilate Germany and Austria and eliminate their competition from the world market! Seventeen years before the beginning of the World War this treaty was made by the united Anglo -Saxons and its goal was systematically envisaged throughout this entire period!"

Yes the entire world, including Germany was promoting peace, from Prince Bismark in thwarting Russian wars in Europe to Theodore Roosevelt later ending the Russo Japanese War in Asia, and yet behind all of this the cartel creating a war against Germany, and the ruse was to blame the Germans.

The Kaiser had no comprehsion in his memoirs published in the early 1920's that a round two was coming for the slaughter of Germany, the gang rape of every east German female by Soviet hordes and the partition of that nation.
It begs an assessment in the position Hitler was arisen to in order to protect Germany, and his leftist brutality, just how does one weigh Hitler as the beast of humanity, when the leaders in the shadows of England, France and America, instigated all of it against Germany and in mass were more heinous than what Hitler the socialist ever did.
How does that weigh in the sickening scales of balance? It is little wonder the PBS re creation of the FDR, Stalin, Churchill and DeGaulle meeting in which Churchill was aghast when Stalin speaks of slaughtering millions of Germans as a spoil of war and FDR laughed about what his friend Stalin was requesting as policy.

When King Edward VII of England announced his policy of "Encirclement" of Germany as a precursor like FDR's later embargo of Japan to kill her, it was received with full support as the cartel had been planning this for decades.

For 17 years the "gentleman's agreement" for the genocide of Germany was what guided the "civilized" world. Once Russia and Japan were brought into the agreement, for the purpose of completely encircling Germany, the war was waged based upon the powder keg blamed on Serbs in the murder of the Archduke at Sarajevo.

The Kaiser states plainly that President Woodrow Wilson had already been moved to war in 1915, and it was the pressure from the "powerful financial groups" IR, the cartel, and the heart string symphony of "poor France and poor England" in their suffering, which plunged America into this ruse which Americans wanted no part of.
It had nothing to do with the Uboats or the Lusitania. It had to do with an Entente of Holocaust engineered against the Christian German people.

The relevancy of all this is is the same illegal secret treaties for World War I are already set for the next world war as this global cartel moves it's agenda forward with willing dupes. When I told you that free elections ended in America, and that Barack Obama was installed, none would believe when I informed you Mitt Romney was a strawman to be taken down, as some of you sucked on Ulsterman's insiders.

More have believed, but still are wide eyed when I speak of shapeshifters and images of Obama. When evidence does finally come forward, you blink in astonishment, and tell yourself this is the end of the story as your minds can handle no more.

The American shadow powers agreed to the rape and genocide of Germany twice for their temporary domination. This same group of traitors agreed to Obama's illegal installation twice for the destruction of America. When your god is gold, it is easy for the lords and priests to get the barons and tycoons to destroy their own people, as their fathers and mothers ravaged Christian Germany twice.

The stage is set again, but this time the Berlin boys have been brought in on the prize. Obama bows before their monuments and the frau cuddles with the Pater Pope for re election.

The majority of the world's population according to Biblical sources is going to be slaughtered in what is coming. America agreed to ravage Germany twice, and now has been ravaged to her own destruction in Birther Hussein and his image. All of this is agreed to and is being enforced, with no Professor Usher speaking out of school as the Kaiser phrased it.

You have just been educated with a reality that America agreed to decades before World War I to do far worse than what Hitler accomplished. That same power elite in America is there and just as heinous as the Age of Obama has proven.
It now though rules over a non Christian, beastial people who allow blacks to be replaced by more productive Mexican slaves, as the entire nation awaits it's day of slaughter. I have warned you and said donate so many times and in so many ways that it is a din and you will not listen for you have chosen your corpse end and hell, instead of listening how to be saved out of this.

Entente of World War, usher it in.

nuff said
