Sunday, February 2, 2014

Grampa Chin of the Obama Philippines

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........

Since we have all been entertained by the Soebarkah buzz which is recent news in taking the name apart, which taken apart hear years ago in the first analysis, we also had the entertainment of Jerome Corsi posting the photo of some Indonesian who looked like an Obama ancestor.

So we have this other Lame Cherry photo taken the Philippines during American governance before World War II.
You have to know the Philippines to comprehend the Tagalog were the Manila based power tribe which ruled the dozens of other tribes, including those crossed with Chinese, Japanese, Moors and the Negroes which were either merchants, occupiers or dumplings deposited on the island for extermination.

Few know that there is a Negrito group on the Philippines, along with those head hunters of the mountains to the lowland peoples.

So we have before you the yellow looking Obama guy from Indonesia post World War II, and we have the black looking Obama guy from the Philippines pre  World War II.

Interesting is it not that Obama has so many folks looking like him in Asia and no one resembles him in Africa or his own household eh?

I will call mine exclusively, Grampa Chin of the Obama Philippines.

It is nice the mic heads have swerved into the Asian roots of Obama finally in following the exclusives here. Someday perhaps we will have them start investigating the shapeshifter Obama in all that took place in that period of time.

For now though we have the photo and some more buzz. When you rich people donate what this blog is really worth, I will take you along on scout sometime in the future, as the past looks over the horizon from here.
