Tuesday, February 18, 2014

keneau bebop

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

TL has opened my world beyond Johnny Quest to the other cartoon genres from the adult Archer to a Japanese western about bounty hunters in space named Cowboy Bebop.

Cowboy means bounty hunter and Bebop is the name of the main ship they hunt criminals from.

We saw that Keneau Reeves was cast to play the lead in Spike. Spike's character.......oh you have to understand to for some reason, all the Japanese  are white people in this, and the one television personality looks black, but talks like a Mexican...so just saying, all the extras in the Japanese mafia and such are Oriental, but everyone else looks white.

Spike was part of this assassin squad of this syndicate with his anti Spike type in Vicious. Spike looks like an early version of Clinton Eastwood back when he played Rowdy Yates, I think it was on Rawhide.
In knowing that, you can see that even 47 Ronan Keneau Reeves is miscast as his one role worth anything was Bill in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
The guy just does better when he does not talk and has excellent actors around him to prop him up.....maybe he is half breed Japanese I do not know, but I do know that Endo from Heroes is a better cast as he is Japanese and not Keneau.

So TL and I were thinking about casting and we came up with some suggestions.

Spike might be played by Jensen Ackles, as it requires a sprite character with more of a smooth style with life in his aura.

Jet is an ex police type. Big rugged and good hearted mean. The cartoon character is not that great I think, but we agree that the latin actor who is in Machete would be a great cast as you need someone mean, tough, likeable and memorable and Danny Trejo is the man.

Faye Valentine, is a woman who was froze to sleep and awaken, after some Space Shuttle accident thing. She is a good crook and a bounty hunter. Her poses are the eye candy of enticement like Lana Turner in tight white shorts while being a kick ass woman. Amy Aker might be able to play her.

There is this kid on the Bebop. Name is Ed or Edward. I do not know what the creators were after as Ed is a girl who looks like a boy sometimes, and in some rather disturbing maybe lesbian crap Faye kissed this kid. I don't know but do not want this odd crap in the movie.
Ed is a genius child, but a hair brain extraordinaire. The character is perfect as it adds a great deal to what is going on in flow. It would be a tough cast for the role as it has to be over the top.
It is too bizarro, but I like Hiro on Heroes and if his thirty something guy could play a 10 year old air head little girl, with orange hair, it would be worth throwing into that strange mix of character.

EIN is a dog, some Yorkie thing I think. It is about like Norm McDonald's wiener dog, so I guess a dog would be cast like Lassie in short legged form and no suggestions need to be involved in that.

Julia is Spike's love interest. The Japanese kill her off, maybe Spike too, but I do not like not happy endings, so Julia just passed out from exhaustion as no blood was seen, and Spike had no mortal wounds in his fight scene, and no poison sword had no poison on it when he fought Vicious.
We like Jessica Alba in this, with sort of strawberry blonde hair.

Vicious is another hard cast as you need a blonde Clint Eastwood type who is a cold blooded killer. Has some raven on his shoulder too which is a bit much and I always worry in Hollywood really fricks it up in like Land of the Lost and Batman in ruining things.
I have not discussed this with TL, but honestly I think for big budget that Johnny Depp should play Spike and Robert Downey jr. should be cast to play Vicious. Make Downey blonde too as it would be the type of insane odd that Downey could pull off.

There is also this alter ego rich blonde guy Spike who is dumb as a post who went from Cowboy Bebop to Samari Bebop and right now I want to cast that Jackie Chan fellow actor from Wedding Crashers, as he could pull off the idiot of this character.

I do not know what the Bebop story would be, but would make it a story board of a not too fantastic Character like the Batman boogies are just too Heath Ledger odd.  The bounty hunting should be the perhaps twice missed due to the Samari idiot diversion, with the darker syndicate storyline of Julia rescued and Vicious destroyed.

It is an absolute mistake to put Keneau Reeves in this role as he has no octang for it. The reality is this movie should hire TL for input as TL is a fan expert in Bebop.

That should be about it for this, but I just know that unlike 47 Ronan, which is a pretty good movie, that Hollywood is going to ruin another epic cartoon. Spaceships are all the glitz this needs. Focus on the characters and it will be a global sensation.
Seriously dust off Clint Eastwood for directing as he knows these Spaghetti western genre in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, as that is what Bebop is really in action, humor the sex is in women's clothes.

nuff said
