Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lame Cherry Told You Obama Was Adopted

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

Did I not tell you in laying out the absurdity of Stan Ann's scenarios of hatching Obama in Hawaii, Canada and the Kenyan surf, that Barack Hussein Obama Chin was not America or African, but was a product of another Arab African dock worker and a Filipino anchor wife for Barack Sr.?

Yes I did, and the reality is the reality that Obama of course does not match his grandparents.

Shrimpton went on to say that the CIA performed a covert DNA testing on Obama during a fundraising dinner using a glass of water. Apparently, the CIA was able to grab a few glasses of water with both saliva and fingerprints to conduct their testing, and according to Shrimpton, the test came back that Barack Obama is not related to his alleged grandparents. Dreams of My Real Father, anyone?
 Shrimpton went on to say that the CIA performed a covert DNA testing on Obama during a fundraising dinner using a glass of water. Apparently, the CIA was able to grab a few glasses of water with both saliva and fingerprints to conduct their testing, and according to Shrimpton, the test came back that Barack Obama is not related to his alleged grandparents. Dreams of My Real Father, anyone?

Shrimpton went on to say that the CIA performed a covert DNA testing on Obama during a fundraising dinner using a glass of water. Apparently, the CIA was able to grab a few glasses of water with both saliva and fingerprints to conduct their testing, and according to Shrimpton, the test came back that Barack Obama is not related to his alleged grandparents. Dreams of My Real Father, anyone?
Shrimpton went on to say that the CIA performed a covert DNA testing on Obama during a fundraising dinner using a glass of water. Apparently, the CIA was able to grab a few glasses of water with both saliva and fingerprints to conduct their testing, and according to Shrimpton, the test came back that Barack Obama is not related to his alleged grandparents. Dreams of My Real Father, anyone?

So it all comes back to what this blog broke at Lederer's Bar, the communist haunt and prostitution center in Hawaii, where the semen and egg which made Obama were inseminated, before the little bastard was sold to the Dunhams.

Everyone knows from Guillani, Bush, Clinton, Biden to the entire CIA and media, that Obama is not Obama, but Chin, is a fag and they have been covering all of this up for years. The Birthers were right. Obama is a foreign bred agent and an asset of the global order, put into the White House to destroy America which he has completed.

Perhaps you people with money will get your donations made before this operation steals all of what you think you have. The information is now confirming in second tier what this blog has been exposing all along. For that to be taking place, means an end game shift.

As the Lame Cherry exclusive in this, Guiliani sat on this for money interests. Hillary sat on his for the Sec. of State post. It took the Designer Negro Obama to betray the liberal base in the guise of a "Nig" and not his Asian selfie in order to bring this all about.
When Hillary tried the Obamacare thing, she was destroyed. Romney tried it and was destroyed. It had to be an Asian in the guise of a Nig, to bring this off, as he was given that Russian Limbaugh "We'll we can't criticize Obama as he is the black guy in the room and  everyone knows a black needs help coloring inside the lines".

So now you know, and you had better know that Sarah Palin has known this as long as anyone and she sat on this for years for her 30 pieces of silver.

The people who knew the Truth of this were systematically assassinated by the cartel, and one of the biggest was Barack Hussein Obama Sr. as this blog exposed from the start. Most of the witnesses were murdered, but a few remained as in Obama's half Indonesian sister who Obama signed off on to silence her.

I have told you that every bit of the US regime is corrupt. For those who are hanging their dreams on Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, they know this adoption information in the overthrow of the United States and are doing nothing about it either.

nuff said
