Friday, May 30, 2014

As a Putin suggestion

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to have a number of posts only God knows when dealing with General Nelson Appleton Miles. I place here though a suggestion to Mr. Putin to reinstall the Czars policy of offering lands to development of settlers as he did German Israelites in the 1800's.

Stalin murdered the remnants of them, but if Mr. Putin would offer lands to Christian Americans to homestead, he would have a Caucasian population numbering in the millions, who would be peaceful, non political, productive and armed to profit Russia and to make her secure from Muslims and Chinese.

Gen. Miles in his final tour of Eurasia went through Siberia, and stated it was like mid America, but more forested and lush. The point being is Mr. Putin could offer millions of acres of lands to the children of the Pioneers who would be no problem at all, if simply left in peace.

ESCAPE FRANCE: Depardieu pays low tax rate in Russia...

More Americans turn in passports...

I state this as a way for American Christian Patriots to leave this Sodom behind with dust off their shoes and for Russia to acquire an educated, peaceful and productive population who could care less about who rules what and are just looking for Christ's return. 

On leaving Peking I passed over northern China, Manchuria, via the Trans-Siberian Road to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The journey in midwinter was one of the most interesting of my life, as it enabled me to compare that sparsely settled, vast area of country with our Western country. It is much greater in extent, better timbered, well watered, with an abundance of natural resources, very little mountainous country, and the zone passed over would compare favorably, as far as climate is concerned, with our own temperate or middle zone.

Miles, Nelson Appleton

I would go as it would be a shorter twinkling of an eye when Jesus comes.

nuff said
