Wednesday, May 7, 2014


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Be not deluded Americans and peoples of the west, for where you were blessed by God in Israelite promises of Jacob and Moses, your sins have not been passed away, but instead multiplied against you.

The heathen Assyrian German in the days of old, butchered you and were repaid with Chaldean butchery, but in the 20th century, you took the German Lutherans and did far worse than they ever did to you, twice.

You made the cut upon the Germans in two world wars, and sliced them to the bone. You Americans are liars, for you were not deliverers, but simply like Saul in holding the robes of those who stoned Righteous Stephen.
You slaughtered the Germans in war, divided their lands and their people, and in war raped them to a mongrel race as you starved their children to death in scraping through the offal piles for waste to eat.

Know this, as your genital hairs grey to the world unseen in your lewdness, that the Lord will make the timber of you as a woodchipper, and scatter your pulp to the ground, to the buzzing swarm of flies lighting upon the carrion of you.

"On June 16, 1919,  he again wrote: ... What a wretched mess it all is! If the rest of the world will let us alone, I think we had better stay on our own side of the water and keep alive the spark of civilization to relight the torch after it is extinguished over here. If I ever had any illusions, they are all dispelled. The child-nations that we are creating have fangs and claws in their very cradles and before they can walk are screaming for knives to cut the throats of those in the neighboring cradles.

General Bliss informed me that he was asked to sign a statement with other Americans that he "heartily and unreservedly" approved of all the "provisions of this important document." He said that his conscience would not permit him to sign, as he had written a letter to the President."

-Herbert Hoover

Your butchery is nigh a century old, and still you have not enough blood poured upon the lands. You took Christian Germany and made her weak as water. You took Christian Serbia and made a Muslim state of her. You took Muslim apostates and if that was not enough made the organized communities of Marxists  void of even calling upon the moon demon allah.

The season will come when you will be repaid double. The piles of currency you have will be as trash. They will come to your shores and rape you, slaughter you, pillage you, enslave you, and laugh at you.
They will say, "Are these the Americans who our fathers feared? They never were anything but dogs upon the leash and all we had to do was but kick them out of the path."

You will be carrion which will stink over the land. The will peck upon you. The maggot with dead animal bug will make your carcase move with an illusion of life, and the dog and coyote will crack your bones with glistening eye.

You are a sour earthen stench which I smell in that time. The air of you is heavy like dust in the wind. I see your bones scattered by beast and rain. In time sun dark children will tap a tune upon your ribs with the ulna of your arm as your cell phones shine with no one now to call.

Then will this be quoted and they will say, "Ah there was a Prophet among them and yet we never knew."

Will any bury your bones? Nay for only the grass will be your shroud in time, as they discuss surely this is swine, no this must be a sheep, no maybe a monkey escaped from the zoo, as in not being the bones of a man, they will not be burdened with burying you.

Tap, tap, tap upon the bones, but look, now the first sadness, in now your bones have dried and the ribs fall when struck. The instrument of you is no more to play, but why will the dog fetch sticks when so many bones are there for the children to throw, and they carry so well in the air and in a dog's mouth.

Tunic and bare feet, the short cropped dark haired child kicks the skull for a ball, but the game is a disappointment as your skull does not roll, and only bounds as your teeth once more chew into the grass.

If I tire of you, how much more has the Lord been wearied of you. Your regimes are treacherous enslavers of their own people, and the enslaved are too trusting witless folk.

You are commanded to end sinning, but you do not even know what sin is. Every man and woman is a god decreeing their perversion as legal as you are in congress with the law. Your pen is an erection piercing the vaginal paper with the rape of your land, to abort your bastards in and out of the womb.
The animal is now more civil in instinct, for your instincts are all beastly.

Smoke and fire, and fire and smoke. The land lays warm in the embers, cooking the feast of what was human.

Sentence has come, and the Judgment made, and the silly children steal one more thing as the skies fall down around them and the ground swallows them up.

agtG 416 YY