Wednesday, May 28, 2014

More Baby Buds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had been busy picking up sugar maple seeds in their little helicopter wings by the bag full and provide this million dollar information.

I wondered what to do with in planting them as some things are cantankerous, as I waited to arrive at the seed bed, when some throw away plants (yes I picked a planter out of the trash that someone threw away as I could not afford one) which I had placed outside which burned them off, as they must be some extreme indoor plants, had some of these maple seeds in them.

As I decided to keep them, I picked them up and pulled one out, which was a maple root starting. I pealed the outer membrane off the top for when the leaves burst forth, and stuck it into one of my Dairy Queen plastic container with a partial lid, and planted it root down, as apparently if a maple seed just barely touches the soil it will sprout with moisture, and that is where thing stand at this moment in the hopes i will have something bursting forth again in a baby sugar maple bud.

The plan is to get the garden tilled and put in a row or two of maples to pre sprout them and then pot up next spring before leafing out. I have enough for a maple forest, providing of course I could get a big donation for the land and then get God to get some landowner to part with some junk property.

At least though I have learned how to grow trees which mean something to me. I hope it helps you in your urban and rural wanderings to pick up seeds and see about giving them a sprouting and some shade to fruit in your yard. This works out I am going to be most pleased in knowing my trees from seeds.....more intimate this way like my tomatoes.
