Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Obamacide of Veterans
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I wonder at the ineptitude of Rush Limbaugh, but appreciate his script writers have not informed him to tease the audience, of why the Obamacide of Veterans in America being Death Listed matters in the driving force behind the spin.
I have informed you previously, so will make this short. After World War I, Veterans rose up and were put down by the government as the Veterans wanted jobs.
After World War II, the Veterans were given the GI Bill, to keep them from overthrowing the FDR regime of terror and socialism.
The Obama regime has done nothing but slaughter Soldiers and suicide dope up Veterans to kill them. The Veterans issue is not about dead Veterans in why Obama and the puppy press are worried. It is the same reason Janet Reno and Eric Holder were putting all Veterans on terror watch lists. It is because this regime is worried the living Veterans in finding out their comrades have been left to rot in worse confinement than Gitmo to die of psychological and physical conditions, and that the remaining left alive are going to receive the same bin Laden treatment via a VA Death List managed by this regime.
What does a sick person who is going to die have to lose? You will remember that shooter of Christians in Kansas City, was another sickly old democrat FBI minder, who shot up Jewish centers as it was thought he had nothing left to lose.
What might happen if 1000 of these sick Veterans, instead of being activated in MK ULTRA to shoot Citizens for distractions of gun control, instead turned loose without one comment on phone or internet to track them, their abilities in firearms, explosives, pointing things or SEAL things of chemicals and biologicals, started to balance the elimination scales of Veterans for Politicians.
None of this is spoken of in public, but it is why the regimes put Veterans on terror watch lists, as the regimes expect Veterans abused to retaliate.
What if Veterans were smart in using silent methods and not loud bangs? What if the American public soon enough realized past propaganda that numbers of these feudal assassins dropping dead from things like intimate bias as combat Soldiers are taught, that these Veterans had a right to balance the books?
What if 1000 of them reacted, do you think the police state could handle that kind of number?
Do you think this 1000 might then be the primer setting off 100 million Americans now being economically assaulted and politically terrorized?
That is why the image of Obama in outrage is being broadcast. This regime and it's image is concerned that one of these Vets, as much as after the mass SEAL murder, is going to turn loose not as Obamachurian for political means of exploitation, but retaliating on the feudal structure which is murdering Veterans.
MIC, as much as Big Frac, to Rush Limbaugh in that hiddeous glass house he exists in at a Palm Beach address, surrounded by ghetto dwellings, in same angst as the image of Obama, do not want any of these Veterans acting out and starting a Revolution, because sooner or later, there is going to be an Edward Snowden II, who will produce the funding documents, the secret agreements and the understandings of how Limbaugh is funded, and how Big Frac is allowed to over price oil.
I have informed you that the Revolution just does not stop with the first wave of offing the heads of the current leaders, but evolves to Robespierre doing a second house cleaning of the Limbaugh and Matthews types, and a third wave eating Robespierre and new enemies of the state.
This is why the regime is concerned, as these are trained killers they have been Death Listing, and if people with nothing left to lose, desire to retaliate, they have the training to do it effectively.
The power elite want you to focus on Phoenix as threats about not shredding papers takes place at the VA there, as the VA is busy shredding papers at all points elsewhere, trying to schmooze the Veterans to silence with new promises of care and sympathetic understanding, in the hope this will unplug this from sparks in the TNT pile.
The numbers project that there is a 7 in 10 chance a Vet will act out. An 8 in 10 this would spark a revolution. A 9 in 10 chance a Veteran will act. 7 in 10 the target would be VA. 2 in 10 the target would be regime.
What is not going to be reported is, it makes no difference on what is reported, as there are only so many resources available to Veterans, and those mandates from the Executive are in place, so the Veterans on the lists are going to die, just like before, as the "investigation" takes place.
There is not going to be an immediate expansion to civilian hospitals which would be the fix for this, as it would cost a fortune.
So you know and understand this, these Veterans are going to die. Nothing is going to change, as that is policy from the regime and the Pentagon.
nuff said.