Thursday, May 8, 2014

To Scuttle

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

I highly doubt any one of you will have the need for the following information, at least less than the information in how to kill someone in your own defense, move the corpse and dispose of it, but one never knows of such things, as what might seem out of the question today, might be of necessity in the invasion or upheaval of America.

The education today is one of how to scuttle or sink a ship, because except of Leonardo DiCapprio prancing around naked on the Asstanic, most people never give a thought to how to make a ship into an ocean floor ornament.

Ships are not boats for one thing and require a bit more knowledge than just knocking a hole in the side of a boat.......yes I know you would be knocking a hole in the bottom, but that would spray water up on you so you would not be able to see what to do, while the side of a boat is  the better method.

A ship has bulk heads or areas in them which can be sealed off so it will not sink. At least military vessels do and most commercial vessels do to a degree or some type of floatation in them to keep from sinking.

Unless you have a cannon or topedo, odds are your work will be on board the ship, and that probably should be left to some explosive device as I doubt you are going to be dumb enough to be trying to cut through a hull with a torch or hammer through an inch of steel, which is fine until the water starts blasting in like a hydrant.

What you aim for is an area below water line in the ship. Not the keel or bottom as that is thicker on ships and we do not want to make this work. You should prefer the engine room area as that would mean they could not start the engines to run pumps or other such things.
If you are feeling in the mood against your enemy, it might be nice if the vessel has a combustable fuel supply to open it, light a small container with a rag in it, and then run like a raped ape, before it ignites.
You should probably not have problem with heavy oil fuels blowing up right away, but the smoke might just make you a gonner before you reach the deck as smoke rises and you are going up too.

You want the doors open as closed doors or bulk heads, mean that your ship will not sink fast, and that might mean it would be saved. That is why the fire and water mixing as you want an oil fire with smoke and heat with the water to make things a problem to those who might like to keep that ship afloat.

Open doors allow water in, and your other antagonist out, which is air. Cargo also impedes water intake to a point, and some cargoes like wool or wood are buoyant so that adds to the slow sinking of your ship if it is a supply ship.
This is where a cannon comes in handy as you can blow a hole or two below water line, and a few holes on top for ventilation and then you will have right cracking smart fast ship sinking. Otherwise it is back to you setting a charge, opening bilge for water intake, setting a fire and then running like the sexually molested primate with fur.

Now so you comprehed this. When a ship sinks, it will not sink as you think. A ship sinks not what you think, but sinks or lists either sterm or bow or side to side, because if you put in more than one hole, one hole will displace air faster and intake water more rapidly than the other.
This will cause either the bow or stern to rise and will surprise you that it the ship will actually become verticle and not horizontal.

About this juncture you will start hearing the whistling as ships always whistle when they go down. I know you are puzzled by this, but ships whistle because the air is being forced out rapidly out of doors and port holes, so you have one big flute before you and the shrill scream of a ship does hit the high note.

If your water is deep enough, it will also probably explode once it goes under, due to the fact the air will expand and blow things out. That is the pity of sunken ships in they blast themselves apart due to that air explosion and never rest quite so pretty on the bottom unless done in a professional scuttling.

Now you with practice can be a professional enemy ship scuttler in knowing the method and what to expect. Granted on my employment forms, I do not seem to get a great deal of affirmation nor call backs in this line of work, but someone has to know these things and it being an artform, one might as well know something artistic as compared to one which is not.

That should about end this very educational study in how to sink a ship to make it whistle. You really do learn so very much here actually as La'me Cherry is an expert in so many diverse fields as one has to keep such arts flourishing on the small just in case someone needs a whale harpooned or building a spaceship for example.

Yes so very much necessary information.......

Oh you do not want to punch a hole in a ship amidship as that will make scuttling slower. Is best as I said in fore or aft as the distance from the ships center of gravity in flooding the hold is what creates the speed in how fast the old tub sinks.

That really sounds quite scientific, professorish and professional now does it not eh?

Probably calls for a wealthy person donating a big one, as thar she blows matey an she is a big un.
