Monday, June 2, 2014

John Burrough's Yellowstone Wildlife Management

President Theodore Roosevelt and John Burroughs

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I place here the recounting by John Borroughs in his trip to Yellowstone with President Theodore Roosevelt. All will wonder who John Borroughs was, and that is the shame of it, for John Borroughs was the premier naturalist and environmentalist in America.
He was Mr. Yosemite and the natural world revolved around him, so what he would have to say about how nature should be managed is a message to all to take as gospel.

I used to be a Corey Feldman fan but not any more.

John Burroughs on Yellowstone:

Some of our newspapers reported that the President intended to hunt in the Park. A woman in Vermont wrote me, to protest against the hunting, and hoped I would teach the President to love the animals as much as I did,—as if he did not love them much more, because his love is founded upon knowledge, and because they had been a part of his life. She did not know that I was then cherishing the secret hope that I might be allowed to shoot a cougar or bobcat; but this fun did not come to me. The President said, "I will not fire a gun in the Park; then I shall have no explanations to make." Yet once I did hear him say in the wilderness, "I feel as if I ought to keep the camp in meat. I always have." I regretted that he could not do so on this occasion.

I have never been disturbed by the President's hunting trips. It is to such men as he that the big game legitimately belongs,—men who regard it from the point of view of the naturalist as well as from that of the sportsman, who are interested in its preservation, and who share with the world the delight they experience in the chase. Such a hunter as Roosevelt is as far removed from the game-butcher as day is from night; and as for his killing of the "varmints,"—bears, cougars, and bobcats,—the fewer of these there are, the better for the useful and beautiful game.

The cougars, or mountain lions, in the Park certainly needed killing."

What is this?????

John Burroughs wanted to shoot things in Yellowstone? John Burroughs hope that Theodore Roosevelt would shoot things in the Park? John Burroughs thought it mandatory that all those goddamned predators should be shot in needed killing.

This is how insane the Interior policy is in these United States, in this Obama regime, in Mutard Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota in raising mountain lions to terrorize children in Chicago, as John Burroughs and Theodore Roosevelt, thee conservationists and environmentalists leading the world, knew that key animals should be shot in national parks for the good of the park and that predators should be wiped out, as they wipe out wildlife and endanger humans.

This is placed here as a necessary reset of wildlife policy as it was set down and intended in America when it began. What is hijacked policy now in terrorizing humans and destroying nature is not what was intended nor implemented.

It is not NUFF SAID, because American wildlife needs to be rescued from the modern environmentalist.

I was a fan of Grace Park until this........not any more.

 You know what happens to baby seals if not turned into fur? They die, because all things die. They grow up and kill baby fish and then nothing else has any fish to eat, and then the seals over populate and die from starvation or disease. That is nature and not some Disney movie in Hollywood utopia.

Harvest the predators in the seals, and the seals are healthy, the fish are populated, people who are not millionaires have money from fur to feed and clothe their children, and a renewable resource produces fur again next year, instead of boom and bust cycles in which predators die horrid deaths.

John Burroughs and Theodore Roosevelt were right.
