Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Managing America's Decline

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

On June 24th, 2014, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, was exclaiming that Tea Party attacker, Charles Krauthammer, had professed the same message which Rush Limbaugh had scripted for him in previous years of "Obama is engaged in managing America's decline".

I have always warned it is easier to deceive people with the truth than with a lie, and that is why intelligence uses facts of 70 to 90 percent, with 10 to 30 percent lies to warp people's understanding of events.

I am going to require you to just forget things for a few moments about Limbaugh, Obama and whoever and whatever, even forget about the things I have told you, so that you can weigh and comprehend what you are about to read without any clutter.

Barack Hussein Obama and his image have a laid out agenda which they are successfully engaged in. He did not lie when he stated this was "change you can believe in". Obama did not say, destruction you could believe in or decline you could believe in, but change.

What kind of change though?

Ask yourself what kind of America would you want if you were a foreigner like Birther Obama or his shapeshifting image. Picture America not as your home and heritage, but like if you were in Canada driving along, and at the end of the road you found a mansion wide open with everything you dreamed, with a sign which read, "Royal Canadian Mounted Police hereby declare that all you do here is legal, and you may kill anyone who contends with you over this, and what you state here is law."

Barack Obama was installed to the White House, with the expressed purpose of stealing money from the US Treasure for Eurasian interests. He was installed to introduce a system called Obamacare in which to ration death to Americans while his regime imported Latins to replace white workers and black welfare recipients.

You have to understand this like the Norman invasion of England, in which William the Conqueror defeated the native population, and gave all English property and possession to the French, in terming the English the cloth of his land......no more than livestock to be managed for his purposes.

Think of America as big plantation after the Civil War, and a carpetbagger Ashkenaz arrived and took over everything, including the former slaves, and there Obama sits on his front porch lounging away, not as a native, but as a foreigner who has no care for this land, no more than the French, Dutch, English, Spanish, Russian had any care for the West Indies, Africa, Alaska, Latin America or the East Indies.
The land was meant to be gleaned for the ruling aristocracy of Europe like picking up a lost purse on the road and discarding all that was not of value.

Al Gore.

Al Gore has a key element in this, which I have alone mentioned. I informed you in Kansas City, when Al Gore was Vice President that he told shocked Future Farmers of America, to take up new occupations as America was going to import all of her food.

This is from Mr. Global Warming millionaire in the insider game in this of what is intended. America is going to be changed into something you can believe in.

Rush Limbaugh can revamp this in Obama is not just managing the decline of America, but the destruction of it. The reality is, if you are on a plantation like Obama on your occupied front porch, do you view the change of your plantation as decline or exactly the change you desire?

Do you want your London, Paris or Madrid to be second place to your plantation or do you want your place of feudal nativity to rule this region as you return to your roots and dictate terms?

This should be soaking in, as much as if any of you were installed as President of South Dakota. You would have nothing in common with those people, and look at that land to change it as you deemed right, to benefit you, your state and not care about those inhabitants.

Missouri River deluge.

Do you remember at the same time of the Gulf Gusher sabotage that turned off oil wells in the Gulf, that deliberately in snow fall creation and massive flooding of the Missouri River that Obama people were cheering this "return of the natural wild rivers?

See you have clues in this about the kind of change Obama believes in. The same type of scenarios which were the globalists plans laid out for America to be reverted back to a wilderness vacation spa for the aristocracy.

So you are realizing about now hopefully that Obama change to believe in, is about changing America from a contender to the Eurasians, to a vacation spa like Scotland was for the English.

The White Israelite population of America is being reduced like the Afroid population, and replaced by Latins. The Latins are introduced to be more productive than blacks and more servile than whites. It is genocide of Americans, but in this change Obama believes in, it is a matter of death to whites and blacks in a generation, so that the inheritors will have a Latin population which will not revolt, will not cost money like blacks, but simply exist on beans and peppers, until a robotic age they are replaced.

When you buy a new property, it is not seen by you as destruction when you tear out the trees, tear down the house, and design things the way you prefer. The neighbors react in horror, but you are getting exactly what you desire as all of your work drives up property taxes, and values, and pretty soon your old neighbors are kaput and you are surrounded with like minded people who believe in the kind of change you believe in.

It is not decline to doze homes in Detroit and replace them with grass fields, when you view grass fields as a better vista than having all those Afroids in row houses on your lawn. Birds and bunnies are much nicer cloth of the land, as Geithner is producing your money in e currency.

The cartel is getting exactly what they desire on all fronts of America. The rich who are being rewarded will not breed and degrade who are being bribed. The white warrior class will be vanquished. The inefficient black is being aborted out of existence. The Asian in intelligence is exploited to run the technology and the Beaner is the sweat of the brow to herd easily in the generational transition.

Consider the fact that these surplus Latins being dumped into America, are depopulating Latin nations in a perfect culling, leaving the more productive there who will not reproduce either.

The image of Obama is booting Americans off their lands, and as you see these foreclosed properties, you are experiencing the new squatters coming in, with a smiling image of Obama, happy with the new occupants.

Americans are in the way and it has nothing to do with decline, but the change which Obama believes in, like his kind, believe in culling themselves from the land to the laws of nature.

Once you understand that America is changing to a depopulated nation, where cities of populations lord over the land like African lodges over the parks there, then you will come to terms that you are no more welcome and a mandated criminal, in not being allowed to live in Tsavo or other parks.

If you are sitting on a front porch, enjoying your grandeur, as your kind rules it all from Eurasia, then this is the kind of change you can believe in, as you are living the life of a feudal lord.

Rush Limbaugh and his pied piper types will last for another generation, but after the reset of population, there will only be required herders of Mexicans, and the Vatican has excelled at this occupation for centuries, as much as cropping populations when necessary.

So just picture Obama and the girls, sitting on the front porch, with feet up, smiling at how lovely their park is working in Mexicans eating blacks and whites, as the profits in this phase flow to their delight to European bank accounts.

nuff said
