Wednesday, June 25, 2014


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......

The reality of the homosexual movement has been one of radical penetration and perpetration upon the innocent body politic for the relation of perversion being legalized for a worse perversion of people.

Radical gays were not a chance happening, but a designed political movement and their greatest ejaculation was Barack Hussein Obama Chin. Like the aborticide movement with code terms of "fetus", they ushered in the thought police of using only the term "gay", created a non existent term of "homophobe" and by this went to work by raping the straight political community.

Since Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno ushered in the "emancipation of children to be adults" and the first step of conditioning in "it takes a village", so therefore the village as parental rights over your children and  grandchildren, in the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, this blog has been the lone voice exposing that the homosexual movement's real purpose was to usher in the rape of children legally.

It was Sec. of State John Kerry's daughter who stated at the democrat national convention of 2004, that it was a "child's right to choose", changing it from a woman's right to choose. When I made issue of this, there was absolute silence on the right and the left was nervous as the initiation of child rape had been discovered in front of a frothing liberal mob.

Ask yourself some questions based upon fact, in how the Clinton's were anti gay, and then suddenly this sprang up as a political movement under Birther Obama, and became the buzz word of Nancy Pelosi.

As example, visit the issue of the Afroid American slave emancipated by Republican Abraham Lincoln.

For literally, 100 years the Afroid was a Republican manifestation, but when the Marxist black liberation movement was infused by world communism into the American black community in the engineered spiritual overthrow of America in the counter culture revolution, suddenly Dr. Martin Luther King jr. who was meeting with communist agents, turned with the Kennedy's a right wing black group, into a left wing black group.
Review the history, in it was eastern patrician Kennedy's who hijacked the democratic party which was absolutely against any type of civil rights as a strategy for gaining power in America. The solid south went George Wallace democrat, but soon transformed into a GOP voting block of southern whites betrayed by a new toxic liberal democratic movement.

Civil Rights became an issue to purchase blacks legally to enslave them again, not for picking cotton, but for gaining majorities in Congress to rule America.
None of this was good intentions, but by design.

This "craze movement" or the creating of political leftism of new radicalism, began in a condition that one can not choose skin color in race, to one which pitted women against themselves in aborticide in making immoral choices legal, to the current trend of the abomination of sodomy legalized.

All of this is by design. As blacks were broken down in family structure by liberals, these fractured people were enslaved and as welfare slaves they became a perpetual voting block.
The black is now being changed out for the more productive Mexican slave, as this is never about human rights, but about political power and cartel profits in control over the nation states.

Just as the black is now expendable under the Obama regime, as all hell would have broken loose if Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney had attempted this political genocide of blacks, the homosexual will in time be cast aside for the end game perversion which this is all about to make legal in child rape.

One only has to observe the Huma Wiener and Hillary Clinton lesbian arrangement to understand the conditioned workings of this. As I have pointed out, what this is at base in the Keynesian economists were child molestors, is a revival of the Greek system.
In Greece, child exploitation and rape was an accepted practice. There were rules in a pedophile could not just rape a child and use them, but instead in "accepted practice" a patrician would entice or purchase a child of a lower caste to "come into their sphere".
Once in possession of the child, the conditioning and perpetual rape would take place. This was deemed acceptable by the state when the pedophile would assist the child in advancing in society.

Think of it this way..........

Say Governor Cuomo of New York wants to rape your child. He would probably still get into trouble now for doing it. Instead, the Obama regime breaks the system down so homosexuals are given right to marriage, bastardizing marriage into "marriage is any union now".

"Any union" is now a degradation of the mindset, to give precident to all other degradations which if one notices the NFL has become a conduit in Missouri in the ACLU now sweeping in for sueing for sodomite marriages, along with the "first black NFL player". None of that is by accident and was coordinated to attack Missouri and break the state, to make it an accepted majority whereby all other states will be forced to follow or be penalized.

So the next manifestation will be "loving" relationships in some popular pervert will come forward with their raped child, and the child like Mia Farrow's will spew things on command about how great it is to be an adult and be raped by an adult, and the Pelosi push will initiate, and built upon the homosexual movement, it will become the pedophile movement.

This is what I have warned this fagsexual group of, which has been money whores of the pedophile elite in being their storm troopers, in the pedophiles detest sodomites for the simple reason, the pedophiles do not want these perverts competing in raping children.
I am going to tell you a forensic psychological reality in this. There is a reason you have head of GAYDAR, it is because sodomites look, act and sound different from the norm. It is not because they are born that way, but transformed that way mentally in cross wiring the male female grey matter in the brain.

For the most part a pedophile does not send off warning signs, unless one knows what to look for, as a pedophile is "childlike" in approach to children, and seems passive to adults to get what they want. It is only when they are in control that the "suit stare" comes about like John Maynard Keynes.

So returning to a Governor Cuomo, say he wants one of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's children, it could be John Fogerty who hates George Bush or Paul Simon, any of the left artistic political dogma group. The Governor approaches the couple at a party, and expresses his interest in helping their child ascend to the real power caste.
The artist, ponders that and convinces themselves and the child, that this is all the correct thing to do, as they would then have a child in the sphere of influence of perhaps a Vice President in 2016 or President even, which would give the parents then influence and caste.

That is the way it was conducted in Greece and it is the way it will be conducted in western political circles once this is brought to pedophile associations and the homosexual goes the way of the dinosaur.

There is no convincing blacks or sodomites that they are expendable by these political orders. The examples are before them in Fang Jinn Obama announces that he would never allow his son to play football. The next weeks finds Muchelle Obama praising the Afroid Missouri football player for being gay and so brave to play in the NFL.
That evidence shows that the gay is as this blog has warned, is but a stepping stone to a greater political prize in legalize child rape, and the best Obama order, as AIDS was used to thin the population out, is to cull homosexuals by having them shot in the military or their brains beat in, in the NFL.

Sodomcide is the reality of the gay culture, and their paid heads as Judas Goats are leading this group to the modern bake ovens, as the pedophiles deem themselves a higher human order, and these fags are nothing but disgusting monkeys in the zoo smelling of feces.

I have informed the sodomite that God holds that act as an abomination, along with other heinous sins. Sex is a choice, and they must choose God Who is eternal, and not a sex act which is temporal. That is the moral position to take in trying to save people bent on trying to destroy themselves, instead of enabling them and building a pedophile political movement on their corpse pile.

Gays require being informed of these things, as their minders like Ellen DeGenneris sold out long ago, exactly as Doogie Howser did. Yes put a George Takei grin on it all, as sodomites grab for a definition of normal in their psychopathy, but will be left holding the bag once the pedophile elite turn upon them as competitors.

As stated, one can not convince blacks, latins, women, asians, sodomites of any of this, as they do not want to admit they were played as political whores, and are more terrified of admiting their selfish choices were wrong, than of group genocide. That is all part of the Tavistock Stanford psychological triggers. Gain access to groups of people in pain, paint them into their own terror cell, and you can leave the door open, and they will never leave that prison, as they are phobic about ever facing how wrong they are, as it would remove from them their entire fragmented validation structure which they define themselves as.

That is the reality of this, and another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, predicted decades ago, and now becoming clearer in the primates seeing the trees in the forest.

nuff said
