Saturday, July 12, 2014
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So you reset your understanding of freedom.
The two world wars saw the rights of workers in Germany protected by the Kaiser, while America required unions to invoke rights against capitalists.
Woodrow Wilson took capitalism and transformed it into state managed production, while the Kaiser expanded production the state by unleashing organization to produce under Jew, Walter Rathenau.
In World War II, both Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt required blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice from their populations in an entire martialling of the populations, while Adolf Hilter fearful of another 1918 AD in the year of our Lord revolution in Germany, refused to call up the reserves, and by Albert Speer lessened the chains of totalitarianism on industry in Germany to meet production needs.
The aftermath of two world wars, therefore transformed Germany into a socialist welfare class, funded and protected by Americans, who were placed into a military industrial complex of managed expectations.
Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt enslaved Americans to war production for Europe, while Adolf Hitler liberated German workers more in expanded production for the state.
Dwight Eisenhower stated that America would be transformed to be like the Soviet Union, as this is what the cartel managed sociocapitalism is for control of states. SOCIOCAPITALISM is what this is, in it is womb to the tomb crippling of workers with more benefits "guaranteed" by the state in mandating industry to provide these benefits, which industry then cuts workers to the bone over in profits to pay for these benefits.
The European is provided long vacations, so industry does not have to pay the workers. Americans are instead reduced to part time jobs, so industry does not have nanny state provide for workers.
The American system was transplanted to Europe for their benefit, while the European system of totalitarian control was infused into America for their reduction to a mirror of the Soviet system of non productive workers, inferior product and payment if one produces or not in minorities.
These realities are lost on Americans, as a World War II generation was propagandized about how free, luxurious and beneficial their existences were under "capitalism" compared to communism, when in reality after that armed World War II generation was disarmed and dead in the 21st century, it became the greatest financially enslaved people who were soon enough under Birther Hussein Obama Chin Jinn the greatest genocided people in being replaced by invading Mexicans and Chinese slaves.
America is not a capitalistic enterprise. It is nationally socialized capitalism managed by the state for the benefit of the Socioconglomerates who manage the masses to exploit them.
There is something far worse than unbridled capitalism or pure communism, and that is sociocapitalism of the police state, or as it is initiated by the Obama regime, feudalism.
The reason all of you are so miserable is because you are MISERABLE. The reason you are so miserable is you have been lied to in thinking you are free, employed in pursuit of happiness and at liberty to keep your money. Americans are not free, you are slaves to a socioconglomerate system which manages you for the profit of the few exploiters, as you are conditioned by lewdness a debauchery as your bonus, while the IRS criminalizes you and impoverishes you in massive Obama looting.
In 1776 AD in the year of our Lord, an American got up, went to work without one regulation, and returned home with all their money. If taxes were charged, it was an import tax on rum and if you did not like paying taxes, you stopped drinking rum or distilled your own.
A 1776 AD in the year of our Lord wage earner, did not have money confiscated for bureacracy, if the neighbor's daughter got knocked up or they got divorced, there was not the wage earners money enabling that as people were made responsible for themselves.'
The modern system of welfare is bribes so the mob does not revolt. The modern system of welfare is to impoverish workers to death so they have no money to fund alternative political parties. The modern system of welfare is nothing but a money confiscation scheme of taking funds from the masses and the regime then redistributes it to the conglomerates hording it all with the financiers.
I dislike that this blog sounds like some leftist rag, but the leftists are now the feudal lords and the barons and tycoons are the slave managers, with you being the slave. You are lied to in being free, as you are not free. Freedom ended in America over one century ago.
If one person was exposing this as only this blog does, then I would not have to be doing this vocation, but none explain any of this. When Milton Friedman died, so did all economic understanding and reality.
Working and non working peoples of the world from China to Sweden to America, your lives suck, as they are not your lives, as you are managed and owned, for the feudal few who exploit you in sickness and in health, and in all your misery.
Soldiers in the military, your lives suck as you die for conglomerate profits. Local and State police, your lives suck as you are nothing but a thug swat force degrading yourselves to brutality of humans for the feudal few. Bureaucrats, your lives suck as all you do is manage misery on one giant slave plantation.
All of your lives suck, because you have been deliberately isolated and compartmentalized, as you have been criminalized for being you, while the cartel has been afforded license to criminally exploit you.
Why do you not hear slogans like "Workers of the world unite"? It is because the cartel has pulled down the free systems of self prosperity and established Obamanism globally to exploit you, and the propaganda is not going to allow you to rise up by alerting you to how miserable you are.
It is why Obama lies to you as all these puppet heads lie to you, in telling you that your misery is the best thing which ever happened to you.
This is a reality which should be emailed to every person and printed up and posted on every board incognito, so individuals will know they are miserable, they are being exploited and the criminals doing it are lying to them and have gotten away with it.
You have been conditioned to believe that misery is pleasurable. You need to start reading and thinking in a thought process again, which alerts you to the reality that you are miserable, your life sucks, and that when enough of you start understanding that, that is when each of you stops serving feudal masters, and the police state stops being exploited beating on people, the army stops protecting the regimes murdering the Soldiers, the bureaucracy stops reporting you as a criminal for being you.
It is the start when the cop stops pulling people over being a prick, because his supervisor is threatening him for not terrorizing the people enough, because the supervisor is being threatened for not roughing the people up enough to keep them scared from resisting the appointocrats managing all of you with promises to them of higher power.
You want to be free? Start with the reality that Germany in two world wars was freer than American and Britain, and after the war, the Germans had a better life than Americans and British who were worked to death for the socioconglomerates.
You want to be free?
Then think like it.