Thursday, October 9, 2014

Coy Little Woman

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been pondering, Navroucta, or the Cheyenne squaw known as  Sallie Ann as named by Tom Custer, or as you may have heard of her as Monasetah, or the sweet grass of spring.

It was not that she was pretty for a Cheyenne princess who came to the title as a sort of........well as a sort of regicide princess in the 7th Cavalry in combat had killed the other chiefs, which made Monasetah's old man the big feather on the reservation, but it was how uppity she was, behind her soft dark eyes.

The thing that made the squaw interesting is that when a girl is a girl, everyone waits on her, but once the horse trading is done, and she becomes the wife, then the buck expects her to work herself to death in being a woman liberated from idleness to the work force of death.
Monasetah would have none of that, including her price of 12 ponies, could not get a lick of work out of her.

So after threats, and other things, the husband was being a husband, and Monasetah was being a modern wife, in she pulled out a pistol from under her robe and shot the SOB.
I do not know her aim or the extent of her virtue in aiming, but she winged him heap plenty good in the leg, and the buck who was a warrior and hunter, immediately became a gimp, limping about, and that pretty well ended things.

The divorce took place as the gimp demanded his 12 ponies back, and Monasetah had a pappoose out of the dreadlock of not so much bliss, but blunderbuss firepower, and that ended things.

The reason I bring this up, besides being a delightful story, and one which would save a great deal in America in divorce by pistol shot, as what could be better than a gimp male limping about to warn other stupid women not to marry a clod like that as there is not much hiding a bullet blasted leg, compared to divorce papers, is Libby Custer recorded all of this, as the lies were circulating that this pappoose was George Custers.

First George Custer was a white man who brushed his teeth. Indians did not brush their teeth, while Elizabeth Custer as his wife did brush her teeth.......and bathe.
There was not a great deal of time of George to be mounting any squaw with 700 men around in the troop on the trail or inside an Indian stockade.
Lastly, we have the problem that Libby was around the fort and then there was the gimpy husband limping about whose dick was not limp during pappoose implantation.

Just making the point in Elizabeth is not going to be writing about the "other woman" and a little bastard in a book, if that was the product of George.

I like though Monasetah in she shot her red devil husband, and would have as readily stuck a knife into George Custer, as squaws appreciated doing such things, if they could get away with it, and were right handy in battle with knives and guns.
Odd thing in that, in the media always came up with "innocent" women and children, and time and again from the Washita on, it was the squaws and children who were doing as much damage as the bucks.

I mean you have seen Libby Custer. When you got something on the parade ground like Lara Bush, you are not going to stringing your bow up for Michelle Obama, no matter how tight your quiver is.

I do enjoy making things sound wicked and I do hope that God does not judge me on these things, asa they are not idle words, but really are a vestment of Inspiration in God's talent in waggery through me.

With that I leave coy little Monasetah and baby pappoose  in divorce by pistol shot.

Oh and this is included too, in Monasetah had employment for her crippled up, old hag of a Mum, in she loaded her down like a pack mule with as much weight. I figure this is a good thing in strapping a couple hundred stone to your Mum's back, as families might as well work the old gals to death, instead of in Social Security bankruptcy wait for rationed death from Obamacare.

Who knew a Cheyenne squaw would have all the answers for the 21st feudal Obama century, in Muchelle Obama can have more than a penis under her epicanthic flap of the vulva in a pistol for her retirement and her Mum can be used as a pack mule, hauling about all Muchelle's plunder.

Is a great century for the heap big chief and the squaw of 1600 Penn  Avenue in learning from our Native American sistahs.
