Tuesday, November 25, 2014

all men not created equal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Americans enjoy spouting out the phrase "all men are created equal", but the same gentlemen who wrote that owned slaves. I in no way make that as a charge but a reality, in while the North had indentured servants who were 7 year slaves, America still has a greater nation of slaves in massive Obama debt and her police state of the 21st century.
Barking hounds have been traded for buzzing drones.

Thomas Stonewall Jackson poised the most Wise of arguments and it would have done Mr. Abraham Lincoln a great deal of benefit in the slaughter he and his abolitionist proxies of Europe unleashed if they could have in the better angels of their nature abided by Biblical Law.

"It was for her constitutional rights that the South resisted the North, and slavery was only comprehended among those rights.

He found the institution a re-sponsible and troublesome one, and I have heard him say that he would prefer to see the negroes free, but he believed that the Bible taught that slavery was sanctioned by the Creator himself, who maketh men to differ, and instituted laws for the bond and the free. He therefore accepted slavery, as it existed in the Southern States, not as a thing desirable in itself, but as allowed by Providence for ends which it was not his business to determine.

At the same time, the negroes had no truer friend, no greater benefactor. Those who were servants in his own house he treated with the greatest kindness, and never was more happy or more devoted to any work than that of teaching the colored children in his Sunday-school."

Jackson, Mary Anna, 1831-1915. Life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson

It was God who cursed the sons of Ham for their perversion against Noah, not the Confederacy, not Jefferson Davis, not America and not some white man from Europe.
America was founded on the Bible being Israelite peoples of the Lost 10 tribes.

In 1000 AD the Christian Welsh were still the slaves of the Anglo Saxons. One can make claims that America was different, but the ruling law in America by the immigrant Asians was it was legal to procure slaves, offer them up for sacrifice and eat them.
Actually the white Southerner was a great deal civilized in not offering dead Negroids to their God nor making BBQ of them.

For all the holier than thou abolitionists, they were going against institutions which were Biblical. It was a progressive fact that Thomas Jackson was implementing Biblical slavery in allowing people to free themselves and advancing them.
Biblical slavery was an event as I have written of which indeed was attractive and many slaves chose to remain slaves as it was a better life for them in food, shelter, societal position and education. That is what General Jackson was implementing for the salvation and benefit of blacks.

Did Abraham Lincoln have any right to challenge slavery? No he did not Constitutionally nor Bionically. It has nothing to do with  if one agrees or disagrees with slavery. It has to do with 1776 American Law and Biblical Law.

All men are not created equal by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. If people had rights to life, liberty and happiness, then murder would not take place, nor enslavement in any form and the world would not be in Obama sorrow.

I place this before all in a reality of Obama reparations to blacks and Indians. There should be a combined case brought by all Southern States a suit based upon "eminent domain" Constitutional Law, that the federal government can not seize property without just compensation. As the benefactors of this were the emancipated black which has cost trillions in Affirmative Action and Welfare, there should be imposed a levy on the American Afroid, to those families who were deprived of their property, and which cost them their plantations.
This may sound perverse, but it is just as perverse for black radicals to be demanding reparations, as they have no more right to them than a Mustang pony left here by the Spanish.

I stir the pot in this, as I desire to make people think, and not to accept might is right dictates, and just because Abraham Lincoln was shot, that all he did was kosher.

The Civil War proved that America was not a nation of laws nor a Biblical nation. The Civil War proved Americans in the north were thugs, pirates and murderers.

Where does it say in any emancipation where freemen are to become perpetual wards of people who earn income in Welfare entitlements? Is not a working person entitled to their own wages? Of course they are, but this again is another illegal infringement upon Americans, which have now been made perpetual slaves by the Obama massive debt.

Does one regime have the right to steal the Treasury and enslave an entire nation? Not in the least as that is not Biblical.

Do you notice a pattern in this, in all of America's problems began when she stopped following Biblical Law?

All men are  not created equal.

All men are though taxed only 10% of their income in the Bible.

nuff said
