As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My brother a week ago when informed that Charles Schumer of New York, the honorable Senator of the democratic party was Conservative, burst out in disbelief, and yet after posting this fact here before the public, most still did not believe the Lame Cherry.
Schumer sparks intraparty fury after Obamacare comments...
WIRE: Tensions flare between Senate Dems, White House...
Yet here we have Democrat Schumer bravely coming out and stating that Obamacare being passed was a mistake. Yet the liberals are now attacking and savaging honorable Schumer for stating a fact.....a fact that the Socio Conglomerates detest and do not want made public.
Yes Senator Schumer is upset that he lost his Chairmanship and leadership in the money train, which is behind this outburst, as a Senator in the minority is like being the ugly boy with the fast car and small dick in school. He looks like something impressive, but he is sort of a one dimensional ride.
You have to figure this out that Schumer is a practical Jew. He is in liberal New York and wants a job, and one of the tennants of that job is being anti gun. You remember Hillary Clinton was all Barry Goldwater, and when opportunity rose, she became Rose Law Firm in her adoration of another Conservative Democrat in Bill Clinton who had to back Hillarycare as the backers orderd him to.
So Chuck Schumer is a Conservative, more than Lindsey Graham, more than Chuck Hagel, more than most of the GOP you voted for.
Chuck Schumer was George W. Bush's best friend after 9 11. That says Chuck likes to do GOP Patrician things. He is one of the boys in the choir.
Granted outing Mr. Schumer will cause problems as it did for Keith Olberman, but when you are a blog which deals in Truth, the Truth wins out.
We fell sorry for Chuck Schumer as his life sucks. He will never be President, Vice President or anything above Sec. of Commerce, as he is just not in the groove for power like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, but the difference is Chuck Schumer is the smartest egg in the carton, which is the worst of this, but it is the way politics are.