Saturday, December 13, 2014

citizen's responsibility

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Citizen is required to answer the following question in if this is the Government which is under them in the words of Lt. General Nelson Appleton Miles or if they exist under a regime.

"Nelson A. Miles, Lieutenant-General, Commanding.

To serve such a Republic as ours has been not only a sacred duty but also a most enjoyable life-work. Every patriot should be grateful to have an opportunity to contribute, even in a humble way, something toward the preservation of the government handed down to us by the fathers, and something toward the maintenance of its institutions.

To know that we are identified with and belong to the best, the purest, and the mightiest Republic of the world's history, to see it hold its place among the nations of the earth as immovable as a giant mountain defying the storms and tempests that beat upon it from without and the turmoil and convulsions from within, is a sublime inspiration.

It has been most gratifying to serve that government when it was fighting for its self-preservation, when it was maintaining law and order against violence and barbarism, when it was protecting the defenseless and aiding other races and peoples in their struggles for freedom and independence."

Answer the question and prove at least you are a Citizen to even put forth the effort.

"To wage relentless war against intrigues and hypocrisies of political dictators and demagogues and to destroy every combination of influence and power at variance with the theory of our Constitution or menacing the welfare of our people is the sovereign duty of all.

The responsibilities and duties of every citizen are of the highest importance and must continue until all the evils of the municipality, State, and nation shall have disappeared in order that our institutions may be preserved in all their munificence and purity."

Miles, Nelson Appleton, 1839-1925. Serving the Republic
