As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the advent of a "story" decades old from the days of the Bill and Hillary Clinton regime's oil pipeline war for Kosovo as a Saudi paid for base for a Muslim state in Christian Europe, that now Maddy Albright's "dirty Serbs" are being hauled off to jails again for war crimes, people need to remember that all the propaganda of those 6 million dead Jews in Europe has been refuted as much as the same Ashkenaz cartel propaganda about all those dead "Muslims" in the Balkans, who later were proven to show up and vote in elections.
APNewsBreak: 15 arrests in Balkan war massacre
What the Lame Cherry requires of all is to not accept any headlines as fact, as someone is manufacturing those headlines to lead you deeper into the abyss.
We can find a headline like this one which is the proof in this in why Christians Serbs are still being filleted as Europe is the invasion point for what is coming in militant Obama Islam.
The UAE like all these other miniature Islamist money laundering fronts have been at the heart of the funding of the next generation of terrorists as in Qatar, the buying up of property in Europe and America from Lebanon in what was covered here in the Axel America's project, and now there is the UAE buying up waterfront property in Christian Belgrade for "tourism".
Ask yourself if you think the Balkans are the tourist destination of the world population? Of course it is not, and yet here we have massive amounts of this cartel financed overthrow of the world dumping Muslim funding into that area, directly on the Russian Front.
Do not overlook what was covered exclusively at the Lame Cherry in Chechnya suddenly erupted in terrorism on the very day President Putin was giving his state of Russia address.
I do not buy for a moment that any of this is coincidence and the insightful work of journalist Ioannis Michaletos has been busy in tracking the terror infusion into the Balkans of this Kosovo Clinton Albright land grab for Islamic militants.
By Ioannis Michaletos/The extremism of Islamist nature in Bosnia – Herzegovina that facilitated the recruitment of a significant number of Balkan muslims into the ranks of ISIS and other terrorist groups in the MENA region, does not come as a… The built up of Islamic extremism in Bosnia
By Ioannis Michaletos/The current snapshot of the Islamization process in the Balkans is of interesting nature nowadays, by taking into account the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the vicious war ignited by the “ISIS-Islamic State” in the Middle East.… Islamization trends in the Balkans
These "arrests" of Serbian Warlords, I demand you to equate with another series of events which only this blog covered when Barack Hussein Obama Chin was installed into the American Presidency by the European cartel, and Birther Obama immediately started using the US military drone program to murder Islamic Warlords who would not become drug dealers in the coke and opium trade into Europe.
Once the Obama regime, assassinated all the terrorists who were Muslim Warlords and replaced them with Isalmocommunist Warlords, then the Arab Spring erupted to turn Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc... over to these community organized terrorists being run out of 1600 Penn Avenue.
When the Balkan Warlords are being rounded up, as Predator Drone Strikes would be called murder in Europe, and placed on show trials to terrorize the Slavic populations into submission, it means that these Warlords told the cartel to go "pound sand" as they were nationalist Slavs. The response then was to round these Slavs up and put them into concentration camps and put all sorts of propaganda out there to damn them in the public's mind, before any trial.
Lame Cherry logic is informing all of you, that just like President Mubarak of Egypt, Col, Khadaffi of Libya and President Assad of Syria, that these Slavic Warlords are only being rounded up for slaughter, because new Islamocommunist terrorists are going to take over the trade routes which are in these leader's territories.
Every story features a cut and paste tear weeper about Fikret Memovic. This entire propaganda is Mockingbird nestling and clone from one source and the cartel media is producing an absolute smear campaign to hide exactly from the public what is really taking place here.
This has to do with communist Muslims, dope trade, human traffik, weapons and the Caliph of Europe being set up again and has nothing to do with Serbian Warlords, as if these Serbs were Muslim Marxists and petitioning to shoot Putin, they would be heralded as the great freedom fighters of Europe.
I place this propaganda AP quote for you to examine:
The killers shared the loot — cash, gold chains, bracelets, wedding rings, Memovic's gilded Seiko watch. The victims' clothes and luggage were burned in a bonfire that lit up the evening sky.
Before you get sucked in by the dead bodies, ask yourself how was it that Muslims in this poor wretch of Yugoslavia destitution, just happened to have gilded watches, piles of cash, gold etc..., when the Christians were all living in the cold?
See that is what is missing in the stories my children, in what Muslim enterprise was operating here dumping huge amounts of cash that these people were shot over in what appears a mafia turf war, in which the Christians were slaughtered and now arrested, for fighting back for their lands which were being stolen from them by Clinton and Saudi policy.
You will only get this Truth and analysis in questioning things like this here my children and my brats. Once again you got sucked deeper into the abyss and never blinked an eyelid, but now you are wondering what more there could be to this story as the evidence questioning it piles up.
So that is why the rich should be clicking the donate button as by God's Grace I can analyze one story you are being conditioned by and set you free at last..........put in the big donation rich folks for your own sakes.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.