Saturday, December 13, 2014


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is in the Prophet Isaiah's Holy Ghost Inspired Words a reality for America and the peoples of the west in the displaced Israelites of the Lost 10 Tribes in chapter 27 which is the sentence for America which will be carried out.

10 Yet the defenced city shall be desolate, and the habitation forsaken, and left like a wilderness: there shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down, and consume the branches thereof.
 11 When the boughs thereof are withered, they shall be broken off: the women come, and set them on fire: for it is a people of no understanding: therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them, and he that formed them will shew them no favour.
 12 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the stream of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel.
 13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem.

The Holy Ghost gives this  reading often enough as a warning to the western peoples. It is a chapter of God stating He will end the leviathan in it's being ingrained in the world, which is satan. It is a point though that God is revealing before the exile of the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah, that they would again be replanted in new locations, which the Bible ponits to as north and west of Jerusalem as these peoples were sifted and would lose their identities as was part of God's workings.
In that the above verses are pertinent and a revelation, for it states the grande defenses of military might will not save America. That the cities and fortresses of the west are going to be desolate and the habitation of calves and squatters.

The Amplified version is one which I enjoy in the part of "for it is a people of no understanding", for this is a people too stupid to know to keep livestock from destroying their trees, which then are barren, and the ignornant then come along and brake off branches, as they have no tools to saw them, and burn up their future in a fire.
The Amplified terms in God's definition that you are WITLESS FOLK. That is one of the most amusing and perfectly defining terms for the peoples of the west, as Europe is one big cartel bank of socialist pansies who could not fight a war and America is nothing but a bankrupt weaponized police state which in a protracted war will succumb to Asian numbers as it will require human pesticide to kill that horde, and that will not be possible as the Obama regime disarmed all of you.

The last verse is the verse of Jesus return, so it links this not as a Prophecy of the past, but one yet to be fulfilled in duality, meaning this is the Revelation of Jesus the Christ in the New Testament.

The world is full of untouchable peoples and fortresses. All are either piles of mounds now or are cities built upon the rubble. This is your destiny America as you have been undercut by this  image of Obama and the cartel, betrayed by your Mexican slave owning choir chamber and when Judgment comes, a visitation will come which will be Biblical and all of your stocks and mansions are not going to save nor deliver you, no more than it did in the flood of Noah.
That was the baptism of water to cleanse the world, and what will come is a baptism of fire.

So that is your money grubbing, affluent futures, whether it is your Americans cities, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Oslo or whatever. Your Godless leaders will lead you deeper into the Obama abyss where you will be incinerated, and that which is left will be the witless too know not come in out of the rain.

You remind me all of a project I had this morning. Dad had picked up on a farm sale a pitchfork, 4 tine straw fork, which the tines had fallen out of the handle, but the handle was wired to the tines. This fork has been sitting in the way, since my neighbor broke the tines and probably the handle off my other straw fork......which I welded and broke again.
So this morning, I pulled the tine after cutting the wire off. The Holy Ghost said to put in popscicle sticks to fill in the loose spaces, and the tines were 2 long in the center ones so were bent..........and in that I ground them off, straightened them, and pounded the tines back into the handle.
Entire operation took about half an hour with looking around for a better tine set which I could not find in the junk.......and now I have the handiest little fork again, which with care will last till Jesus comes back.

I wonder what kind of numbnuts wires a fork tine to a handle. Same type that will not fix a hammer head to a handle when loose....same type who keeps money in the stock market trusting in e currency and thinks all your position is going to save you from what is coming.
You are witless folk.

You need your bubble burst before it is burst for you by the satanic forces of the world. You should be preparing in trimming your wicks, but you are like the virgins being witless and being caught unawares. There is a reason Jesus stated the parable to warn all of you to be Faithful.

I speak as I am move by the I Am and pray it all comes to be sooner than later as the rich are doing no one any good, including themselves. They are greedy, heartless and seared across the board. There is no semblance of anything in them but sunshine patriot and license christian.

nuff said
