Monday, May 12, 2014

Sterling Anal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Clipper Sterling.......I apologize if I do not remember his name, but I probably would if he donated a million dollars to the blog, but in his interview with Backdoor Bob Anderson Cooper, I noted this poor old Polish Ashkenaz Jew has been driven insane.

One moment he is saying, he apologizes if he said anything about Magic Anal Johnson as he is a good person, but then immediately follows up with Magic Anal Johnson has not done all he could for minorities.

It reminded me a great deal of the cartoon Archer, in which the mad scientist in background chatter about tampons is heard saying, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh I'm sure I don't know what that is."

For Sterling's answer is the same tone in, saying Magic Anal Johnson, had not done all he could for the minorities in California with, "I don't think so."

Clipper Sterling in his assessment is correct in Magic Anal Johnson has not done all he could for minorities while living the Obama ivory tower life. The fact is that Magic Anal Johnson is a bad example for all children.

Irving Magic Johnson was one of the first HIV positive sex perverts in the 1980's. It was all hushed up, but he caught it either in sodomy or in being dope addict sharing a needle. That is how people caught aids in either it was feces oriented or blood oriented.
The grande Bush attempt to show they were kinder and gentler had that little blonde wife on whose husband was banging her butt after being a sodomite. It did no good for the GOP no more than Clipper Sterling's reasons are going to fly in talking to Anal Anderson, even if he is trying to sound nuts.

Sterling's sex offer was a White Negroid, like George Zimmerman is a White Latino. She dated Magic Anal Johnson and that is what the old geezer was upset about in Magic wanted the Clippers and the White Negroid was giving Magic Anal the inside track as that is what this was all about in the stealing of an NBA team from a rich Jew.
Personally, in quoting Rush Limbaugh, this White Negroid, apparently was providing sexual contacts with not only Magic Anal, but other sports people. Perhaps Clipper Sterling has not kept up with the medical information, but this woman would appear a walking cancer or sexual disease carrier. You might as well call her Magic Mary, as females blowing penis of numerous males carry cancer in the mouth as much as females being cum dump stations in their vaginas.
Personally again, not quoting Elton John's personal fan Rush Limbaugh, the idea of sticking my anything near this White Negroid who is dating Magic Anal Johnson, would have me talking to her like a bubble boy.

I honestly have never understood the absolutely ugly females, and this White Negroid is lacking in attractiveness, that show up with rich males. This is from Bill Clinton with the majority of his consensual contacts to Ellen DeGeneris.
I mean, you are a billionaire. All your liberal associates are whorish women who cry date rape or sexual attack for being looked at when it is someone they do not want attention from, but will become a Barbara Walters whore at the drop of a zipper. How difficult is it to hire some madam to procure these leftist whores, who have been trained by adulteress mums and probably were sexed by their one of a half dozen step fathers.
It would seem a simple task of gaining some advantage for education and job placement, where this 18 to 22 year old would service you, and then be handed off to some other liberal lesbian where she will continue to climb the social ladder, and keep your secret that her career started on her knees in front of you.

I mean with a schedule, penalties, and keeping this on a 1 year contract which was renewable, as young people are notorious for thinking two years is an eternity, this could keep your body from catching hepatitus, TB or one of 3000 sexual diseases or critters.

I do not know except for Rush Limbaugh commenting that Magic Anal has like 5000 children, without at least 2500 wives, what Magic Anal has for bastards or gerbils. I do know that Magic Anal belongs no where near what was the NBA for being a sexual deviant and for being part of an engineered criminal conspiracy to steal a business from an old Jew.
I am currenlty listening to the uber liberals on Rush Limbaugh's Kansas City blowtorch talking about this Missouri fag making out with his "partner" who just so happened to show up at the NFL draft, and their Dana and Parks comments were, "Well how long ago would this have been a black and white issue?", to give this sodomite  misbehavior a semblance that sodomites are some race of people.

For the record, a race of people has to REPRODUCE to be a race of people, and a sex act does not make anyone a race of people, no more than eating oranges makes you a tangerine race of people.

The reality is as this blog predicted during the Clinton era when Hillary and Janet Reno were behind adult rights for children, there will be adults sticking tongues down children's throats in celebration of their being awarded and Oscar or being drafted into the NBA soon enough, as that is what all of this is about, and when you have a  Conservative area like Kansas and Missouri overthrown in being conditioned by this leftist orbit saying they are supposedly "conservative", this is organized.

No one makes the reality clear in Equal Action Sodomy Drafting, that some normal player has just has their career ended by this drafting of this sodomite by the NFL. That is a criminal disenfranchisement of a citizen, and no one speaks about that any more than Clipper Sterling being a target of a criminal conspiracy.

I so much would that I had the finances to be away from all of this as it simply disgusts me. I do not think I would ever turn on any media ever again if I had the opportunity. I want to be cleansed of all of this and be out of Sodom with me never looking back.


Vladimir Putin US Advisor

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter.

I am fascinated by finding photos of people in history who look like replicas of people in this modern era. I have placed them here for your pondering, and in them, the above photo is of Colonel E. M. House, who was the most trusted, confidential and powerful adviser to President Woodrow Wilson as his war counsel.

The problem or reality in this, is Colonel House looks exactly like Vladimir Putin.

With that you ponder what this all would mean in like thoughts and personalities of signature appearing directing US policy at source at the crucial era which ushered in Obama in the 21st era promising to become more flexible with Mr. Putin after Obama stole the next election.

"I heard my husband's door open and the Colonel take his leave. I opened the door connecting our rooms. Woodrow was standing. The change in his appearance shocked me. He seemed to have aged ten years, and his jaw was set in that way it had when he was making superhuman effort to control himself. . . .

Mrs. Wilson asked: "What is the matter? What has happened?"

"House has given away everything I had won before we left Paris. He has compromised on every side, and so I have to start all over again and this time it will be harder."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

nuff said


Theodore Roosevelt on Welfare

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am featuring a real American President in President Theodore Roosevelt who faced exactly in the beginning of the 20th century the same problems of defense, welfare and immigration, which America has been plunged into.
Unlike the Obama regime though of foreign bias, President Roosevelt based all he advocated with Congressional bills and not executive orders, all in being pro American.

I add this, as a caveat against the mic head Mark Levin, whose cut and paste bookery and micery, quotes Burke and whatever else no one ever reads, and then goes on to attack President Richard Nixon and President Theodore Roosevelt.
Who needs Ed Schultz when you Mark Levin spreading propaganda of the cartel?
Yes the Mark Levin who ridiculed Birthers and kept Barry Obama in the White House in the most heinous Constitutional crook in American history only has problems with Richard Nixon.
On President Theodore Roosevelt, the Mark Levin charge is that TR was a socialist, which of course is another lie as explained in President Roosevelt's own words and policies.

Here is the Theodore Roosevelt quote on welfare:

"When all is said and done, the rule of brotherhood remains as the indispensable prerequisite to success in the kind of national life for which we strive.

Each man must work for himself, and unless he so works no outside help can avail him; but each man must remember also that he is indeed his brother's keeper, and that while no man who refuses to walk can be carried with advantage to himself or anyone else, yet that each at times stumbles or halts, that each at times needs to have the helping hand outstretched to him.

To be permanently effective, aid must always take the form of helping a man to help himself; and we can all best help ourselves by joining together in the work that is of common interest to all."

Theodore Roosevelt. Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents

What President Theodore Roosevelt promoted was something called Christian Charity, as the real Messiah, Jesus the Christ, thee only begotten Son of God taught.

The President advocated caring about each other on a national scale. Each person was to work to care for themselves as job creation in the private sector was Government policy. This produces self esteem in the person and the nation in people being independent and having self worth by accomplishment.
Those who have lost their jobs, become injured or other mishaps like a factory burning down, would have assistance with the purpose of gaining them immediate employment again.
The American policy was of having the person help themselves.

If you can find socialism in that or anything which is not Ronald Reagan America, your brain must be as half wit as Mark Levin's.

In simplicity we have now witnessed President Theodore Roosevelt dealing simply and effectively with welfare and immigration.

That is what Conservative American Presidents do in Christian Virtue.

nuff said


There was

It appears God in Germany went not for an eye for an eye, but a tongue for gold and a wrung neck for a sold soul.............

Of course in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

"Albertus, Bishop of Mentz, had a physician attending on his person who was a Protestant, and therefore the less in the Bishop’s favour; the same, being covetous and puffed up with ambition, recanted his religion and fell to Popery, uttering these words:

“I will, for awhile, set Christ behind the door, until I be grown rich, and then I will take him to me again.” 

Such and the like blasphemous words do deserve the highest punishments, as befell that wicked dissembling wretch, for the same night he was found in his bed in a most fearful manner, with his tongue torn out of his mouth, as black as a coal, and his neck wrung in twain. 

Myself, said Luther, at that time coming from Frankfort to Mentz, was an eye-witness of that just judgment of God."

Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk

I do believe that this Avenging Angel could find ample employment in tongue tearing and neck wringing in America, much to morticians fortunes, casket manufacturers wealth and grave diggers riches.

If this Avenging Angel is at a loss where to begin, I could suggest the litany of prayers filled with people I have named and of course the perusal of the ISP list of this blog would suffice for the first thousands. I lay me down to die, an Avenging Angel ripping out my tongue so I can not cry. If I should die for evil sake, the Avenging Angel will wring my neck and demons drag me to hell for them to take. Amen

That seems all proper now, what not eh?
