Wednesday, September 10, 2014

all the anti Christ's men and women

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is easy and it should not require posting in what Equalz has been up to the past month after the cartel arrested the development of the Obama regime's ISIS for a leveling of the field.

Inquiry points to, at least for the time being, an understanding has been worked out, which includes Vladimir Putin. No matter what the regime of Obama states is policy, the policy is one of the Europeans gaining control of the Mideast in Jerusalem, with Netanyahu managing and the American regime gathering up the scraps as the image of Obama fades to black.

Hillary Clinton is part of this, as she will inherit in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, the seeds which have been sowed into this prepared ground.
For those who do not understand the basis of this, the following 30 year scenario is what is now manifesting.

1. Zbigniew Brzezinski created militant Islam in the failed Jimmy Carter tenure in order to terrorize the Soviet Union terrorizing Afghanistan.

2. Militant Islam became a tool of Ronald Reagan as the Muhajadeen which threw the Soviets out of Afghanistan.

3. The Muhajadeen under George H. W. Bush gained a CIA asset in Sheik bin Laden as a leader of the faction of Wahabbists of the Bana Nazi or Muslim Brotherhood. During this period the Saudi's humiliated bin Laden when the Sheik offered to make war on Saddam Hussein in Kuwait. The Saudi intelligence chief laughed at the Sheik and prepared the stage for a KGB operation.

4. The KGB in Chechnya captured Egyptian Marxist, Dr. Zawahiri and turned him to become an asset of the KGB and FSB which was selling nuclear bombs to Iraq and Iran in retaliation over George H. W. Bush policy of creating new Russian states.

5. Bill Clinton for his Islamic Kosovo oil pipeline out of southwest Asia, brought the first mercenary fighters from what would transform the Muhajadeen to al Qaeda into Europe.

6. In a cartel payback for Allen Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve in collapsing the Dotcom bust to stick Europeans with the debt, an Al Gore / Jamie Gorelick, operation meant to humiliate George W. Bush was hijacked, and became the first wave of 9 11.

7. George W. Bush began dismantling militant Islam, in favor of attempting democracies in Gaza and Iraq, while dismantling Libyan and Syrian atomic weapon's capabilities, as well as removing Iraq from it's military threat status.

8. The cartel installed not Hillary Clinton, but their foreign asset, Barack Hussein Obama, by electronic election theft, based upon the 9 11 second wave of the 2008 economic collapse set off in waves in France.

9. The Obama regime, began in summer 2008 to set up a western cocaine pipeline out of Marxist Latin states into Africa using al Qaeda Boeing 707 jets as mules.
In exchange for 300 million dollars in fraud credit card donations, the regime using TARP money bailed  out US credit card companies, and the regime immediately began operations to neutralize the asset run Tea Party in the Hutatree event,  and utilizing the US military to assassinate all militant Muslims who would not agree to becoming dope lords in managing the thug operations for the cartel.

This then became the whirlpool of events in the Arab Spring or the paying off of terrorist with Muslim nations, as in Libya, with the terrorists moved about for 2012 election manipulation in the Benghazi event gone wrong, to which after the slaughter in Syria, Vladimir Putin made a stand, whereby the cartel and the Obama regime, beginning at Sochi attempted a coup and assassination of Vladimir Putin in taking back Ukraine which Obama had bribed Moscow with over the Obama regime gaining terror control over militant Islam.

What took place then was the rising of ISIS, or the British faction run terrorists which the Obama intelligence were training, arming and deploying in Iraq and Syria.

Vladimir Putin who survived his coup, then retaliated on the Obama regime, and a new set of understandings was worked out, in which the Ukraine was again handed over to the Russians. Syria would be an ally via Russia, and ISIS would be transformed into this stage theater of head choppings, in order to engage the US military again in this scam.
This is why the Equalz stated it wanted to not destroy ISIS, but community organize things, and gain control of ISIS and then manage these terrorists.

What follows then is ISIS being for the regime a tool for the 2014 midterm elections and for the once again of the carrot to the American regime in a "legacy" for Obama in reorganizing the Mideast, and getting his "peace treaty" which is nothing about peace at all, but a ruse to lull the idiot into distraction so the Neo Roman Empire will begin flexing it's power in the theater.

I warned everyone that when George W. Bush began developing bio fuels and oil drilling in America, that it was a signal the US was leaving the Mideast. The realities that the 'climate control' Obama regime has signed off on America becoming the largest carbon fuels producer in the world, is a fact of Obama fraud, and the fact that America and escorts are going to be divesting themselves from the Mideast, as someone else is going to gain command.

That is what is behind the Equalz Obama ISIS speech in short term and long term strategy of using this terror group for operations which evolved from Brzezinski using it to murder Soviets, Reagan using it for American and allied operations for their benefit, Clinton using it for cartel oil, George W. Bush killing it, and the Obama regime resusitating it to the form of ISIS to manage in a Caliph the contraband crossroads for terror profit of the new world order.

I suppose you could call this the Cherry Stone or the rune synopsis of the past 30 years, which are contained in the archives here, but as most people are lazy, they are not going to invest the time to read, so this is the short version and the projected focal point being assimiliated as another murderous policy of a hijacked US government.....which no longer exists.

These are the anti Christ's men and women. They do the bidding and come to heal when summoned, and bring with them the military and monetary assets of their collectives.

I hope they get this done in the clock ticking from hour 61320 as things do appear capable for an October surprise that most will not comprehend in what appears good news.

All I can do at this juncture is hope for the lines to be drawn to protect the Christian Slavs and to weaken the son of perdition for what should propagate out of this inception of the bastardization of the world politic.

It will not be nuff said, but nuff said.

agtG 216

The Aroma of Mail

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I always remember my Grandpa telling me stories of things. People really do not know what it was like in the remote areas of the world, when all seems Walmart instant now in piles of articles to purchase.
When my dad and beloved Uncle were boys, pants were not something which were available where they lived. It was that story my Grandpa told me often enough, in he decided to end the quandary by writing to Chicago in Sears and Roebuck or Montgomery Wards, and told them, that he could not find pants for his sons, and he would appreciate it, if they could send him two pair.

It was not that long and two pairs of pants arrived COD at the post office. I remember the stories as my dad would constantly relate how every night after supper, they would be lined up for inspection and if their pants were wet, they would have to go out and cut a switch to be spanked with, as orders were to not get those pants wet.
Spanking was an affair where the boys could run around in a circle to lessen the blows. I imagine it was like riding herd over a bunch of calves in you just sort of hope they stay in the pen long enough to not run off down the road.

It is in that, which I found a blurb from Libby Custer in 1869 AD in the year of our Lord, which is of note, and is something which is so odd now that, people should be informed of what the world was like in that era.


"Sometimes boots or shoes were ordered by mail and sent separately, on account of bulk or postage. Any one anxiously looking for his second shoe in two or three successive mails was told, in a teasing and foreboding way, that the other shoe would never come"

Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon

I remember ordering things as a child and it was pure torture, as it took a week for the mail to go out, and a week return, and then probably 3 days to process the order...........and then when you got the package, you never got what you thought it looked like in the catalogue and it rarely fit.
I remember two Sears pants I ordered on season. Being both the same waste size in order, one was about as small as one's spinal column and the other would have fit big ass Muchelle Obama.

That is why it must have been the worst of things in dealing with ordering shoes, and due to weight, things were packaged separately. Yes I have ordered things like that, but they come within a day. Imagine though 1869 and shoes separted in rail cars, and wagon loads, and you have one shoe arriving after two months to remote America, and all you can do is admire your shoe as you wear it out putting it on to look at for another month as the other shoe appears.
From what Mrs. Custer related, apparently often enough the other shoe never did get delivered.

People do not realize that a Conestoga wagon or army wagon was the weight which teams of horses pulled. The west was littered with furniture dumped off in order to save the starving horses and their sore feet.
One pound does make a difference, even in trains and steamboats, all with limited space for cargo.

From bloody rag covered feet at Valley Forge to Fort Hays Kansas waiting for a yard of cloth or another shoe to arrive, it must have been an ordeal of slowing down of life, and having to plan months or even years in advance if something had to come from London.

It was all something of life and I do share the misery of that era, as Libby Custer would buy things on sale to be greeted by George with "what are you doing with THAT", as in a large bowl, which they found later was more popular in being invited to parties than they were.
Mom used to frown at me with that same phrase and things by Inspiration proved to be right.....then again Mom always would be sent to buy things, but never come home to my chagrin with what I asked for. It being important as things I usually wanted were transformed into school clothes, work clothes or "presents" I had need of, but would be delayed until a birthday or Christmas.

Seeing someone with one shoe while waiting for the other to come, must have been great pleasure in a sadistic way for those around, as they too knew their one shoe time would come, and they would be sitting there trying on that one shining shoe until it was no longer shiny as the other would finally arrive.

I wonder how most had to be flat as pancakes packed under a ton of coal, or smell of mold as they got soaked on the way out.........or in the hold with a herd of horses.
Yes I once ordered a bread maker off of Ebay from arrived with the distinct aroma of skunk.


Death of Washington

It is always distressing to be distressed over the death of someone who died hundreds of years previous, but people should remember and know how George Washington died, as it was not fair, but then nothing ever was fair for this servant of America, yet George Washington whether General, President or the Planter dying in his bed, was the same Gentleman who neither complained nor flinched from that which was.

It all began on December 12th. The President as was his custom mounted his horse to make his rounds on the farm. He had written what would be his last letter to Alexander Hamilton in approving of his efforts in creating a national Army for America.

It began to snow at 1 o'clock pm, and then hail, and soon after a cold rain which he rode through for two hours.

He returned to Mount Vernon, and postmarked his letters, and sat down to dinner.

His assistant, Mr. Lear, noted the President's hair was damp, and asked if he was wet. The President replied that he was not as his heavy coat had kept him dry.

The morning of the 13th, he complained of a slight sore throat, and did not ride as it was still snowing. He went out in the afternoon to mark some trees which were to be cut down and his hoarseness increased by evening.
He sat down and read the newspapers and chatted with Mrs. Washington during the evening.

Mr. Lear asked him to take some cold medication, but the President would have none of it and stated that the cold could go as it had come.

During the night the President developed a severe chill followed by difficulty in breathing. Between to 2 am and 3 am he awoke Mrs. Washington, but would not allow her to leave the bed to bring the servants for fear of her getting a chill.

At dawn, Mr. Lear was summoned and sent for Dr. Craik, as the President was breathing with difficulty and having trouble speaking.
Mr. Washington was bled by one of the overseers ineffectually in the interim.

Between 8 and 9 am, Dr. Craik and two other physicians arrived, and administered medicines and bled the President again.

At a quarter past 4, the President called Mrs. Washington to his bedside and asked for two wills from the desk. He examined them, ordered on to be destroyed and the other was placed into Mrs. Washington's keeping.

He shortly thereafter told Mr. Lear to arrange his papers and gave other instructions, for the President thought he would soon die.

Mr. Lear replied that he hoped the event would not soon come, and George Washington smiled and replied, that he was certainly dying and it was a debt that all must pay.

What was affecting President Washington was an edima or Oedematous Laryngitis which is rare and fatal. It was simply that his throat was swelling shut due to tissue fluids and he was being strangled in this constriction.
In the 1850's a tracheotomy would be performed to treat this, as it only requires air to meet the lungs, and in three days the tissues usually abate, and the trachea tube is removed and the patient recovers.

With President Washington though in his extremely fit constitution like President Reagan, the end did not come easy nor fast. He was suffocating and Mr. Lear tried to help him sit up often to assist in breathing and the President was worried he was exhausting his assistance, and hoped that when Mr. Lear needed aid, that he too would be rewarded with human kindness.

The President told all the servants and doctors who were standing all day to sit down and added that he was dying hard.

When other physicians came in to help lift him up, the President thanked them, but asked that they trouble themselves any more about him, as he thought he would soon pass.

It would be hours and at 10 pm, he spoke to Lear and told him that he would soon be dead. He ordered Lear that his body would not be put into the vault less than three days after he died.
The President asked if Lear understood, and when Lear replied yes, George Washington spoke his last words in, "Tis well".

Lear would not that President Washington would last take his pulse and in counting the pulse, that the President's countenance changed and his hand dropped back.

President Washington had died the way he had lived, with dignity, quiet reserve and consideration of others.

George Washington was the most passionate of men, and the most reserved as he strove to control his emotions. He was just and fair to friend and enemy alike, patient and forebearing. He was every bit the attributes and quality ever person would mark to emulate a part of  their lives.

His death distresses me, as no fiery chariots came. He deserved that. Of all Presidents he had no equal, and few were they that could be listed in the same breath as following George Washington in greatness.

If you would assemble a President in goodness of Ronald Reagan, the vigor of Theodore Roosevelt, the military fire of Andrew Jackson, the clear sighted foreign and domestic vision of Richard Nixon and the quiet familiar suffering devotion of Abraham Lincoln, this would be the partial sum of the parts of this greatest America in George Washington.

I wonder in reflection of the mould of George Washington was broken and each who followed was but a greater and lesser shard of this Gentleman.


Darwin High

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......

I was thinking with the legality of overturning the saving of humanity from doping themselves to death in Boxer Rebellions casting off opium dens and the temperance movement in the west scolding against the use of narcotics, that it perhaps was time to add to the mixture something I could proprietorially sell to the Obama classes in A DARWIN HIGH.

In Asia, there is a palm tree, or better a genus of the pepper family, known as the Areca. This is a petite plam of barely five inch trunks which sway in hurricanes unharmed, but on top mass produce a nutmeg like looking nut in the number of 200 called the Betel.

The aboriginal just love these nuts to chew upon like smokeless tobacco. In fact, nasty Vietcong female torturers used to spit betel into the eyes of cherry GI's, all night long, while breaking their joints, before castrating them in the morning to bleed out.

Betel is the morning cup of American coffee.

In my beloved tick infested, leech sucking and mosquito swarming Ceylon, there is a recipe which they enjoyed with pleasure and which I call the DARWIN HIGH, as who but Darwin candidates or illegal choom huffers from Asia occupying the White House would pollute their minds with such stimulants destroying the Spiritual growth God intends.

OK, so I will provide the recipe for Darwin High, and the interesting part in this, is all of this is least I think it is legal.

First you need a pea size piece of Chunam Paste. Do not worry if you do not know what it is, as I will tell you the secret ingredients of that too.
Chunam paste is burnt coral lime which has been slaked. This is like quick lime being heated in water to change it's chemical composition.

So you put the pea size piece of Chunam on a Betel leaf. Then with your pruning or game shears (Things you cut turkey rib bones and things with.) you shear off three thin slices of Betel nut. Cut off a thin slice of  ginger, more if you like.
Then add a good swatch of tobacco leaf. Fold this up into a nice little pouch to fit into the side of your mouth, and you will have the humdingenest time since Obama blew choom into the Hawaiian skies for global warming.....several hours of chewing and spitting.

The Darwin High is not a dope, but a fricking meal!

It is a stimulant mostly and a mild narcotic due to the tobacco. Great part about this is, is the tobacco does not cause cancer, but the caustic quickline is thought the reason behind aboriginals getting cheek cancer.
Never mind about things being harmful as we no longer care about weed zombies driving over the kids and the pets as Obama has made America the choom huffer of the world.

The chew  produces a red spit, which of course you spit out. It stains your teeth too, but I would surmise it probably keeps cavities from forming, so you will not need to brush your teeth or go to the dentist.
Be a new fad in having bleached out burnt red teeth. No need for Vanna White smiles.

I suppose the Nig could make a cute silver cup for spitting into with screw on lid, that could be held in car cup holder or hung about the neck. Be real fad and we all know once the Nig gets it on, then all the white kids want it too, and then them Mexicans follow up, with Asians saying it was their thang from the start.
But the Asians just spit and have Chunam cases of silver with spoons, so that silver spitoon is a Lame Cherry exclusive.

I figure a nice Darwin High plant down in Mississippi would be able to turn out DH packets, which could be sold in little tins like Copenhagen and Skoal snuff. My Grandpa chewed and we got him a silver cover for his snuff which he was very proud of. I still have it, although the only thing I ever chewed was those mint leaves when I was having stomach problems........think I still have a tin in Mom's fridge from that.

You know as it was featured here, they had Niggerhead Oysters. I think that something like Obamahead Choom might be a good market name for this Lame Cherry delight, even if no marajuana is in this or anything else illegal.

I would think 30 packets for a month supply would be a good deal, for a 20 dollar tin. The dopers would actually not have to steal or go hungry as the Obama welfare would not even put a dent in their dollars at 20 dollars a month.....and as I said, this chew lasts most of the day.

I even would put a disclaimer on it in Celonese, Warning this product has been known to cause cancer in aboriginals. Use at your own risk.

With that disclaimer I am sure I would never be sued as long as I donated money back to democrats, and for that I am sure I could get the price covered in Obamacare as necessary alternative to harmful narcotics like cocaine.

I see great promise in this, in landowners on the worthless gulf could plant acres of these Betel Palms for a very good living.

Such wonderful ideas. I could be the next Bill Gates........I would bet that with a bit of research, I could take out the red dye, the stuff you spit out, and have something people could swallow like gum juice.....of course that would mean the Nig would not be able to have that silver cup to match their gold bling teeth, but they could still carry it around for show sake.

That is about enough of this, Obamahead Choom, the Brokeback Moutin' High.
