Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Darwin High
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......
I was thinking with the legality of overturning the saving of humanity from doping themselves to death in Boxer Rebellions casting off opium dens and the temperance movement in the west scolding against the use of narcotics, that it perhaps was time to add to the mixture something I could proprietorially sell to the Obama classes in A DARWIN HIGH.
In Asia, there is a palm tree, or better a genus of the pepper family, known as the Areca. This is a petite plam of barely five inch trunks which sway in hurricanes unharmed, but on top mass produce a nutmeg like looking nut in the number of 200 called the Betel.
The aboriginal just love these nuts to chew upon like smokeless tobacco. In fact, nasty Vietcong female torturers used to spit betel into the eyes of cherry GI's, all night long, while breaking their joints, before castrating them in the morning to bleed out.
Betel is the morning cup of American coffee.
In my beloved tick infested, leech sucking and mosquito swarming Ceylon, there is a recipe which they enjoyed with pleasure and which I call the DARWIN HIGH, as who but Darwin candidates or illegal choom huffers from Asia occupying the White House would pollute their minds with such stimulants destroying the Spiritual growth God intends.
OK, so I will provide the recipe for Darwin High, and the interesting part in this, is all of this is least I think it is legal.
First you need a pea size piece of Chunam Paste. Do not worry if you do not know what it is, as I will tell you the secret ingredients of that too.
Chunam paste is burnt coral lime which has been slaked. This is like quick lime being heated in water to change it's chemical composition.
So you put the pea size piece of Chunam on a Betel leaf. Then with your pruning or game shears (Things you cut turkey rib bones and things with.) you shear off three thin slices of Betel nut. Cut off a thin slice of ginger, more if you like.
Then add a good swatch of tobacco leaf. Fold this up into a nice little pouch to fit into the side of your mouth, and you will have the humdingenest time since Obama blew choom into the Hawaiian skies for global warming.....several hours of chewing and spitting.
The Darwin High is not a dope, but a fricking meal!
It is a stimulant mostly and a mild narcotic due to the tobacco. Great part about this is, is the tobacco does not cause cancer, but the caustic quickline is thought the reason behind aboriginals getting cheek cancer.
Never mind about things being harmful as we no longer care about weed zombies driving over the kids and the pets as Obama has made America the choom huffer of the world.
The chew produces a red spit, which of course you spit out. It stains your teeth too, but I would surmise it probably keeps cavities from forming, so you will not need to brush your teeth or go to the dentist.
Be a new fad in having bleached out burnt red teeth. No need for Vanna White smiles.
I suppose the Nig could make a cute silver cup for spitting into with screw on lid, that could be held in car cup holder or hung about the neck. Be real fad and we all know once the Nig gets it on, then all the white kids want it too, and then them Mexicans follow up, with Asians saying it was their thang from the start.
But the Asians just spit and have Chunam cases of silver with spoons, so that silver spitoon is a Lame Cherry exclusive.
I figure a nice Darwin High plant down in Mississippi would be able to turn out DH packets, which could be sold in little tins like Copenhagen and Skoal snuff. My Grandpa chewed and we got him a silver cover for his snuff which he was very proud of. I still have it, although the only thing I ever chewed was those mint leaves when I was having stomach problems........think I still have a tin in Mom's fridge from that.
You know as it was featured here, they had Niggerhead Oysters. I think that something like Obamahead Choom might be a good market name for this Lame Cherry delight, even if no marajuana is in this or anything else illegal.
I would think 30 packets for a month supply would be a good deal, for a 20 dollar tin. The dopers would actually not have to steal or go hungry as the Obama welfare would not even put a dent in their dollars at 20 dollars a month.....and as I said, this chew lasts most of the day.
I even would put a disclaimer on it in Celonese, Warning this product has been known to cause cancer in aboriginals. Use at your own risk.
With that disclaimer I am sure I would never be sued as long as I donated money back to democrats, and for that I am sure I could get the price covered in Obamacare as necessary alternative to harmful narcotics like cocaine.
I see great promise in this, in landowners on the worthless gulf could plant acres of these Betel Palms for a very good living.
Such wonderful ideas. I could be the next Bill Gates........I would bet that with a bit of research, I could take out the red dye, the stuff you spit out, and have something people could swallow like gum juice.....of course that would mean the Nig would not be able to have that silver cup to match their gold bling teeth, but they could still carry it around for show sake.
That is about enough of this, Obamahead Choom, the Brokeback Moutin' High.