Friday, January 9, 2015

A Lame Cherry Note to the Faithful Few


My children, this is to you, so the brats can go be blessed to repent in some other post.

Jeff mentioned in a note about my not replying or being around and wondered if I was ok. I know I write a great deal here and things get lost in the maze, so I thought I would address this as I have a few moments before needing to get things done.

I bitch enough about things I believe, but sometimes I need to explain things again. I have not been on Face Book as that requires high speed internet which costs money, which the rich refuse to donate to their ticket to hell. No donating money to me is not going to save you, but it sure is one more hot coal on the forehead of those making things difficult for me.

Since we moved back to the brier patch, it has been non stop go, go, go, go, go......... We were both worn out from years of hindering and assaults, and the move on what we maneuvered to afford, simply wore out all we were. We literally had to move 4 times to save money in unloading and loading trucks.

We needed space for TL's things, and built a small tin shed which we got a great deal on. That took time to build. That was not enough for TL's car, so we started on that major project, which is not yet done. Winter came a month early and we have been out trying to finish it, but I am very proud that without a cement floor, this shed is going to come in under 1000 dollars, which is phenomenal as a garage is going to run 10 to 15 thousand now.

I am trying to run the blog in all of this, but it is nearly impossible. I have a reserve for a few weeks, but all I have is 1 hour a day to generate or have the Holy Ghost snap explain what the headlines are in posting something.
I do not have the time nor resources to go to the library to post. On the one day we do errands we are out of here before 10 AM and often not home till after 1 PM without any stopping.

Each day is about 7 AM in getting up in starting chores. It is like Will Penney said as Charleton Heston in "We are going to have hell seven ways past December before this winter is over." The Viking has a surgery coming up and the Beekeeper about cooked his foot off, so none of us are alone in the things God is dealing with for us, so I am not saying things to complain, but I hurt at times pretty bad and that Christmas attack was very bad in what was sent in the emotional upheaval and the bleeding that night. I will heal in the Lord, but it all takes it's toll.

Marie with the goatikins was a hassle as it hinged on getting the roof done in 0 degree blizzard weather on the shed just to move Mom's stuff out of the porch, so Marie could move in. If not, Marie would have had dead children and satan and that minion almost murdered them this morning in birth in a double breach. Thank God for the rescue.

I have mentioned the 2000 dollars for the replacement furnace as that is the big nightmare being faced down as Marie and the kids are safe. They have sucked twice, but her milk due to the cold has not come in today, so that will mean if the morning milking is not adequate in our making an emergency run to town for some cow's milk, again like 4 dollars a gallon.
Of course there is nothing easy in the stove. Some Faithful have made some good suggestions and we appreciate that, and in a future tense we will try them. Right now with this regime incursion, we were put on hold, and they did not get to us until next Monday in letting us know which end is up. Again, having a stove go off like a cherry bomb several  times and hour and during the night does not do well for sleeping. I was exhausted 10 years ago in my salad days and we are pressed even more now.

This includes the spiders in the wire making it hard to post on this blog. I click to publish and it puts up messages that it will not. I have to go back into archives in a new window, sort through things, find the blog page and then publish it, after I check out that it has not been grabbed by the NSA or whoever else is bothering me this moment.

I do not want to say things are all bad, but it is a burden. Mom is healing from something which we will write on when God completes it in Jesus Name. It is something like all of this from a source which has been resisting us to almost murder at times in ending us. I am blessed, but I still am not God in being able to juggle a dozen things at once in focusing on things. It requires great energy and concentration to do what I do, and I have a great number of things going on, like numbers of you do. I would that we had that 350,000 in the donation from the rich, and then I could do Wifi, get a place and invest the next year in work in getting things set up on a ranchette so it would run itself and I could then focus on this blog in revelations in having enough time for what should be done here. Right now I am just hanging by a thread as I did not plan for a buck goat breeding Marie in getting in her pen ,winter coming a month early and the furnace blowing up. I can handle the NSA and things, but the spiritual attacks and the physical attacks are just too much for my 486 to process as it should.

As I type this, Mom has one baby goat and TL has the other. I took a photo of this for the blog for you to see. This is new life which would have been dead if not for us here. Mom could not have handled this and Marie would have died too. Life is the greatest mystery in it is and it is not so very easily. This baby could just as easily have a glazed white eye and be laying stiff with no one ever knowing who he is, but by the Grace of God, the time was right at birthing for me to catch him, to pull him from the womb so he did not drown in his mum's own placenta.

So on a given day, I am a rancher, veterinarian, legal analysis, webmaster, author, computer guru, Biblical scholar, Prophetess, physician, carpenter, designer, draftsman and whatever else needs doing. Marie needed a stanchion to be milked, so the Holy Ghost designed that and we built that Wednesday. Yesterday I was designing a mason stove for home heating. Those are my playtime and I have no time for those projects and those are the things I would be rather doing in getting bloody cracked hands that only Norwegian hand lotion can cure when put on at night.

That shirt the goatikins is resting on is Mom's which Belle ate the cuff off of. We live with 4 animals in this home at the moment and none are dogs and cats. I do like the baby bovine and the goatikins. Marie cleaned (meaning her womb divested itself of the afterbirth) and she very much likes being with us. She though hears her babies and becomes vocal in talking to them.
Well Mom has one asleep and TL is talking to the other as he learns to walk on the sofa. I guess I will be off on a chair for awhile as the babies get the attention.

TL never had this experience before and it is one money can not buy. Baby Belle is mooing over the child fence in being jealous of the attention TL is giving to the kid. The kid's names are Augie and Happy, named after my Grandpa and his brother.

The power of evil will break and be broken in Jesus Christ. All there is, is life, and the Hope comes from Jesus. It will warm sometime next weekend and things will look a whole lot better. Then hopefully the shed and the milk shed will be finished and no more new attacks will be there to distract us. I am trying to manage this, but what I do is impossible except for God and currently it is burning the candle not at both ends but throwing it into the furnace.

It is simple things which treasure in TL and Mom, the animals, and my reward is going to be supper this evening and not listening to the wind roar outside........and who could want more than Mom finding a pile just now of baby goat poo on her shirt and in the email one of the hackers for the regime jacked some educational skirt's email to promise me some grand sum of money, just to torment me with their sense of demonic humor as what could be more fun than jerking the chain of a Prophet of Jesus the Christ.

Gotta jet as I type this from a side angle as Mom needs to get through and my lower back is screaming that it aches.

Thank you though for the Faithful and the genuine people who care. I will try in Jesus to sort this out to be around more. Right now the victory is not murdered creatures this day, us healing and one more day closer to Spring, thank God.
