Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Germany 1894 AD

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In 1894 AD in the year of our Lord, American General, Nelson Appleton Miles, was sent by the Government in the Jubilee Year of Queen Victoria's celebration to visit the war front at Turkey and Greece and tour the European Empires from Turkey to Russia.

I found this assessment of Germany a fitting educational point for the 1897 Gentleman's Agreement which arose to the Genocide of Germany. In this Nelson Miles has not one evil thing against Germany, but notes something telling for female emancipation.

"Germany is one vast military camp, where all the male population is required to be thoroughly drilled and disciplined. The German armament, equipment, and uniforms are most effective and attractive. Still the expense of maintaining such a strong military force is a heavy burden to the country. One evidence of this is seen in the fact that a large part of the labor of the country is performed by the women."

Miles, Nelson Appleton, 1839-1925. Serving the Republic

The same fascist policy of Franklin Roosevelt installed for World War II, was what already existed in Germany in the complete employment of women. General Miles noting it, of course considered women not working as a liberation of them.

If one notes the Kaiser's remarks concerning Germans, of the early 20th century, the monarchy had already  put into place a progressive worker's rights program. No one in this ever mentions that the Germany which Nelson Miles found was one vast military camp.
What happened to the returning military Veterans of World War I? They were put down by the federal government. What happened in World War II? The Veterans were bribed with the GI bill to not overthrow the government of 1945 AD in the year of our Lord.

I make this known in the German populace was liberated, trained and armed. This "militarism" was deemed an evil in the American sphere of right and left, and yet what is more secure and safe for the world than a domestic armed population?

Germany was armed and not dangerous. The only threat the fatherland was, was to empires who wanted global control without Germany, which Germany had every right to.

So in review, Germany's great evil was an armed and trained population like America. Germany's great evil was a liberated female population working like America. Germany's great evil was workers rights like America.

German was the role model for a peaceful and prosperous, secure nation.

These realities need to be known as what Germany is now is no more than a feudal confinement of America and the world.

"The present standing armies of Europe approximate in strength four million men, imposing a colossal burden upon the people. I could not but rejoice that our Republic is located between two great oceans, with no menacing and threatening neighbors, requiring the maintenance of a great standing army similar to those maintained by other countries."

-General Nelson Appleton Miles
1894 AD in the year of our Lord

nuff said
