Saturday, January 17, 2015

In the year of our Lord

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My children, you are so easily diverted and the power of your world silenced, and, in ignorance you are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

You may have noticed that the Lame Cherry has been moved to use the phrase AD IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD on dates. This has been pressed out of service deliberately by those who hate Christ in religions of Marxism, Islam, Hindu, Jewry, Yoga and whatever other satanic deluded groups have gathered together to persecute Christians.

There is one Way, one Truth and on Life, and this is Jesus Christ our Lord.

I have in posting for the next anum had it Inspired to my mind the reason for all of this, and wondered if I should not reveal it in order to give the adversary knowledge of what the line in the sand is drawn here, but am moved now to compose it here.

What Lame Cherry is doing in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, is laying claim to 2014, not as some anti Christ BCE, but as the Year of our Lord, in stating Jesus has possession of 2014 AD in they year of our Lord, and every other date that appears.

My words have power by the Authority of Christ and Inspired by the Holy Ghost are absolute power which move mountains. In the silence of this din, the Voice of God through me is stating that Jesus is Lord over each year, each time and each moment. There can only be one Lord and this is Christ. I am taking possession of this Age and all ages for Christ, thee only Son of God.
I refuse to allow the cartel to leverage me from this with all this Christian persecution. Jesus is Lord and 2014 AD in they year of our Lord, is Jesus year.

There was a deliberate act of removing Christ and when Christ is not in time which you live, than satan comes in with it's minions, and you have given authority to that destruction. I never agreed to any of it, and instead of agreeing to it, or keeping quiet, I instead speak the Authority over this and every year. A man can not have two masters and two time periods can not serve two purposes. 2014 AD in the year of our Lord serves the Father's Will by His Christ.

I will not be subject to satan, to messiah Birther or any of the cartel. The void has been taken possession of by Truth, it is the Way and it brings Life. Jesus is Lord over this and my confession and profession confirms what is known and reverberates throughout this time.

So while you rich people count your money, by God's Grace, this is one thing which I have been moved to do which is priceless and I have been the only one doing it. All are urged to write it and say it, as it spreads and all the numb minds will program to think it just they way they were programmed to not think it.

2014 AD in the year of our Lord. It can not be taken back once spoken.

By the Will of God through me, time is taken possession of by the Lord Jesus Christ for our Heavenly Father. It is so!!!!!!!
