Sunday, January 18, 2015

it was war

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is an established fact that Sitting Bull sent runners to agency Indians in the Dakotas and Minnesota to bring those terrorists to the Little Big Horn. John Finerty of the Chicago Times though adds another spy network into this, and more evidence of the incompetence of General George Crook in the summer of 76 Campaign.

"In the evening two rough-looking fellows came into camp and reported that they belonged to a party which was coming from the Black Hills to the Big Horn. The main body, they said, was a day's march behind us. It was their fires we saw the day before.

The men went away like Arabs, and only when they had gone did it strike our officers that they were "squaw men" from the Sioux camp, who visited us in the capacity of spies in behalf of their Indian people-in-law. It seemed stupid not to have detained the rascals as prisoners."

Finerty, John F. (John Frederick), 1846-1908

Yes, nothing like giving direct communication of the numbers of Soldiers, who else was operating in the field to the north, and where the United States army was moving to.

The Indian terrorists were being provided exact numbers, names and the make up of the Soldiers to what they were complaining about.

It was war and there were absolutely no precautions being undertaken to protect the operation. These traitors should not have been detained, these traitors should have been hanged.

nuff said
