Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Operation Paper Patch

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Something happened today which can not have taken place in normal protocols, and yet it did take place. I post on this knowing very well the danger of making the information known to ending my life as in the plus minus it can only mean one of two possibilities.

This starts out with a fat man was on my doorstep today. I could not figure out what he was nattering about in wanting to do an environmental air sample of the house. I thought it had to do with the new furnace just installed, and then he mentioned a woman's name who he was doing the test for, and I informed him that woman did not live here.

He honestly did not believe me. He was dumbfounded. The reason being is the Star Trek reason which deals with Commander Spock moving Queen to Queen's level 3 and beating the Enterprise computer.
Spock had programmed the computer, so it was impossible for him to obtain anything but a draw in chess. He was testing the Enterprise computer though to see if someone had been inside of it altering the codex.

In that explanation, the fat man was certain of his location, as he had entered in another address and the GPS, or Global Positioning system took him right to where I lived. Those were his exact words.

For those dimwits who have not ascertained this yet in the ramifications, it means only one of two outcomes, as I saw the address he entered and it was not mine, but the other womans.

First outcome progresses that someone has been inside the GPS and specifically changed my address, for what is assumed to protect me from some operation aimed against me, which means something is in the pipeline and I am the target.

Second outcome progresses that someone has been inside the GPS and has been altering data for their own purposes, as in a deliberate malfunction against military and commerce as it relies on the electronic compass exclusively now, which includes airlines, and my address being changed was a fluke, an anomoly, which just appeared like Queen to Queen's level there.

As there have not been any reported incidents of airplanes missing locations, other than the South Asian problem aircraft, logic points to the focal point being the Lame Cherry.

This of course is most interesting, as only an administrator like Baby in the spiders in the wire or thee most dark operation government agencies both foreign and domestic, have this type of ability, as one just can not go in and change GPS locations without the system registering it.

It is a fact that GPS is "off" or it is off in not being accurate, so Peking can not use GPS to fly nuclear missiles into America on a bullseye. This though is something which is not part of the protocols in addresses have been altered in literal names and locations on e maps.
Someone did not desire those who use GPS targeting to be aiming at the brier patch and have my address only God know where or as stated, someone has so altered the system that my address is just a tip of an iceberg which intelligence has not registered as it is an unknown.

As I told TL when we met, I have no fear in this, as professionals and the pulse weapons are quite lethal in I would be dead before I hit the ground. My primary concern was some wise ass would off target me just to let me suffer out.

So there you have it, in a system which can not be altered has been altered. It is one of two possiblities in someone is either targeting the Lame Cherry or someone has targetted these United States and can use GPS to fly planes into the ground or satan only knows what the operation would involve as GPS controls all.

We call this Operation Paper Patch.
