Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Turning Nudie Blue

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I detest weather fags. I detest frick heads who do not know the correct way to state temperatures is 25 BELOW ZERO and not some other weather channel idiocy of the cartel. I loathed morons who look at windchills in order to spike "temperatures" as if standing in the wind is an actual temperature outside.

Look, if you are so inbred Obama that you stand out in the wind, and not inside, then you deserve frostbite and I hope and pray you freeze to death, as you do not belong in the gene pool.

With that stated, I am waiting in sub zero temperatures to do chores. Mother Marie is my weather channel as if she lays in the blanket in the porch and does not desire to be put outside, it means it is cold. Today she stayed inside and is opening the door to the kitchen demanding to be intestines hurt though from food poison and cold.....but I got to do it soon as this posts.

This is about weather. The same weather I wrote of last week and I have no idea what will post tomorrow as I already scooped 3 stories this week that all flat ass missed......and no I have not forgotten Viking surprises, it is just been so cold here that it was not prudent to make side trips.

So I have been the only one noting that I watch summer wind clouds in winter, below zero weather. That is impossible unless the atmosphere is being heated. HAARP is heating things, and steering moisture to the northeast as this year will be hot and a problem. Keep the Soylent reservoirs full and then  those bleating idiots on the east coast can spend their money on electricity instead of donate here.

TL and Mom were able to observe the rarest of rarities the other morning in a complete rainbow halo around the sun, the morning sun, with the typical northern climate 3 suns refracting the light as has been featured here twice.

For the reality, this cold is nothing. It is not Siberian Express as that cold comes from Siberia. If Siberia is only 20 below, then I am for Siberia. Siberian cold is 60 to 80 below zero. That means the lower 48 would expect 40 below in  the eastern Montana region and Chicago could make zero. When the weather gurus have to put on windchills, it is not that cold......and only pussies talk of windchill.

The only real story here is the silent yellow dwarf in the sky. That sun is quiet for too long, which means in yellow dwarfism, when she awakes, she is going to spurt a fry spot into space that will scorch earth if we are in the path, and if not, it is going to reach out and give some real global warming for awhile.

I am frankly more fascinated by all that natural gas being burned up for HAARP in making pretty dark wind clouds in below zero degree skies. I am frankly more pleased that those who cursed this on us, are not bright enough to figure out that when I suffer..........all of you idiots get the cold worse, as I am used to the cold. Sure you cost me 150 bucks for a door latch........we are now taking care of baby goats infested with ringworm in the living room........and another 500 dollars for feed for the animals.........but that is nothing of the cost this is going to generate as I have a secret about HAARP.
HAARP can not cool the atmosphere off.......ah when that atmosphere heats up, it is going to cook hot and that is the major problem coming in time.

Oh shit, you never thought of that did you now. HAARP cooks, but HAARP does not cool.

Any way, I have to ...........go milk Mother Marie and finish chores. Thank you to those who cared and to the Texans for the donation. The furnace is like a blow torch and it scorched a goatikins one day in the fur and me in the long hair one day too, as some critters do not know enough to keep away from the flame.

Gotta jet..tonight is rice, adobo and.......cole slaw I suspect......and cheesecake. I will post that recipe for March at least is scheduled to go then as it is very good and fast to make.
Am thinking here.........nothing else on this weather as 90% of my time is now figuring out how to kill predators........I see traps are gone through the roof in will cost like over 200 bucks for dozen of them for the work...yeah and the combined budgets of the regime predator growing programs is in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Nothing like regime welfare for groups of college boys and girls who do not know shit from shinola in weather or predator control.

Oh enjoy the cold bratty richtards as hell is coming.....hell is coming and the demons are coming to drag your screaming souls to that heat.
Makes you richtards just want to throw open the windows, trim down to your nudie skins and turn purple blue to enjoy it all now does it not eh?

nuff said
