Sunday, August 23, 2015

Jimmy Carter's Terror Legacy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So no one ever forgets.........

The largest, murderous, criminal, terrorist areas in the world which threaten Americans today are all the work of Jimmy Carter.

Afghanistan, Iran, Nicaragua, Rhodesia, are all products of Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Carter Brzezsinki created the terrorists of Afghanistan to supposedly give the Soviet's a Vietnam. What it did instead was bankrupt American farmers with his grain embargo and ruined American Olympic participation in another Carter protest.

Iran: Carter removed American Ally, the Shah of Iran and installed the murderous communist thug, Khomeni, now a nuclear threat.

Rhodesia: Carter removed the white Government of Rhodesia, drove out white Rhodesians and turned the nation over to murderous communist thug, Robert Mugabe.

Nicaragua: Carter ousted US Ally, Anastasio Samoza, and installed terror communist Daniel Ortega.

This is the legacy of Jimmy Carter. It has cost Americans trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.

Lest the educated forget, and lest the ignorant ever think Jimmy Carter was a good man.
