Extorting money from Donald Trump is easier than Working for it
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If your state was being sued in a lawsuit, would it be right for the media to say that YOU were being sued for fraud if you were running for political office?
That is the reality in the latest insanity coming from the very racist Erick Erickson at Red State. Erickson is bellowing out that Trump is being sued for Fraud the problem in that little title is that Erick Erickson in this smear left out the word UNIVERSITY, as that is the headline.
Trump University lawsuit closer to trial
5-year-old case alleging “empty promises” continues amid Donald Trump’s run for president
Trump University lawsuit closer to trial
5-year-old case alleging “empty promises” continues amid Donald Trump’s run for president
- See more at: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/dec/17/trump-university-lawsuit-closer-to-trial/#sthash.A80avGr4.dpuf
Trump University lawsuit closer to trial
5-year-old case alleging “empty promises” continues amid Donald Trump’s run for president
- See more at: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/dec/17/trump-university-lawsuit-closer-to-trial/#sthash.A80avGr4.dpuf
Trump University lawsuit closer to trial
5-year-old case alleging “empty promises” continues amid Donald Trump’s run for president
- See more at: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/dec/17/trump-university-lawsuit-closer-to-trial/#sthash.A80avGr4.dpuf
Trump University lawsuit closer to trial
5-year-old case alleging “empty promises” continues amid Donald Trump’s run for president
- See more at: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/dec/17/trump-university-lawsuit-closer-to-trial/#sthash.A80avGr4.dpuf
Trump University lawsuit closer to trial
5-year-old case alleging “empty promises” continues amid Donald Trump’s run for president
- See more at: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/dec/17/trump-university-lawsuit-closer-to-trial/#sthash.A80avGr4.dpuf
SHHHHH pay no attention to the story header in this was filed THREE MONTHS AGO and that the little blonde writing it about a 5 year old story, which at the time was termed by Mr. Trump, an attempt by greedy lawyers to extort money from him.
The deal in this was simple. People paid 35,000 dollars to hear a lecture on Trump Real Estate Investments, meaning the lecturer taught the students how to find property, improve it and then flip it, as Donald Trump does often.
These students were expecting to meet Donald Trump, meaning they paid 35,000 not to learn anything, but to do as most fans do, in telling Donald Trump how he could be richer if he did things their way.
This is now being picked up by that racist Erick Erickson to smear Donald Trump. Mr. Trump lent his name, his insights to a 3 day lecture which is what these people got. It has nothing to do with the lecture, but fans who did not get to meet Donald Trump and now political hacks who are going to try and use this to elect Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump has been sued by everyone from the Department of Justice, state of New York to Bank of America. He is the epitome of why America needs torte reform as John Edwards attorneys lurk around rich people and are constantly filing lawsuits.
Once again this is being spun again by the GOP insiders who will do anything to elect Donald Trump now that Rubio and Cruz are toast.......or taco.
Erickson is a damned liar as he allowed the post that this lawsuit "interrupts" the Trump campaign. It did nothing of the sort. The Erickson trolls though exposed exactly what they were up to.
OK, they are a bunch of losers, just like Erick Erickson is a loser, just like Ted Cruz is a loser.
The reality is out of numbers of students, a hand full of failures went running to a lawyer for an easier way to make money, and that is to extort money from Donald Trump than to work for it.
We all can not be like Erick Erickson, Glenn Beck and Mark Levin, having Big Koch launder money to us out of the CIA Mockingbird accounts after all.
What the Lame Cherry desires Donald Trump to do, is to call for a GAO audit of exactly where the cash flow originated in all of these billionaires who fund punk media, in their regime contracts, so that we can find out exactly how this entire bunch is being paid for by the NSA, including Mark Zuckerberg.
Erick Erickson should watch his step, as he is about to bring down everything in exposing this propaganda system, and his benefactors will not be pleased.